
My monster boyfriend

Life is not easy but is it possible for an arrogant and stubborn teenage guy to fall in love with a poor and ambitious frog? Despite avoiding and fighting their feelings, Maricar P. Belmonte and John Paolo C. Araneta will not be able to stop their love despite their annoyance and hate for each other. But with the arrival of the boy next door Steven Sarrosa and John Paolo's ex-girlfriend, Mary Adrianne Pascual will Maricar and John Paolo still be able to continue their relationship?

LEA_VIDA_Del_MORO · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs


A few minutes later we arrived at our campus as well. McArthur Prestige High is a classy and high-quality school but there are also a lot of rich students who have bad habits, especially Nadine Reyes, whose silky complexion, face, and body make her beautiful but she got a bad attitude, she is contemptuous, always likes to compare other people and she got a huge crush on John Paolo but he doesn't pay attention to anything she does. Nadine's friends always made fun of me because they thought I was attracted to John Paolo and I had the illusion of being his girlfriend.

Nadine is just one of my classmates who makes my life miserable every day I enter campus.

After we got off the school bus, my friends and I got together and I was separated from John Paolo who also had other friends. I avoided talking to him all day because my cursed classmates will be waiting for me again and I don't want to ruin my whole day just because of John Paolo.

The afternoon came, our last subject was over and I didn't exactly catch up with my friends, I was walking in the lobby when suddenly my cellphone rang. When I opened the messenger, Steven Sarrosa's message was immediately exposed to my eyes.

"Miss Beautiful, I got a surprise for you. I have a package delivered to the home address you provided; I hope you like it."

My eyes almost widen and I really can't believe what I read. I read his message three times, blinked, and slapped my cheek several times to make sure I wasn't mimicking. When I was sure of his message that I couldn't stop shouting and my cheeks were almost red, a few students were shocked by my reaction but I didn't care about them, the important thing was that I was very happy today.

"You seem to be possessed by an evil spirit. Don't be noisy and disturb other students." I heard the monster's voice again from behind me. I turned to see John Paolo but I ignored him, I continued my thrilling moments as I thought about what kind of surprise awaited me in the mansion.

"Hey! Icay, why are you screaming?" John Paolo's voice was a bit harsh again.

"Oh, it's none of your business, I'll go ahead." I put my cellphone in the shoulder bag I was carrying and I was getting ready to leave.

"Wait a minute, let's go home together." John Paolo's voice calmed down a bit but even though he was a bit gentle during those times I didn't pay much attention to him because I was busy thinking about what Steven surprised me.

"No, I'll be the first to go home. Oh, I have to go, bye!" I was in a hurry to leave but John Paolo still spoke.

"What's wrong with you and you're in a hurry to go home? Didn't I tell you we'll go home together? Don't tell me you're talking to the man pretending to be Steven again? Didn't I tell you to stop because you're just wasting time with him? "

There I turned to John Paolo.

"And when have you been concerned to me? One more thing, I have diarrhea so I need to go home." I frowned at him and raised an eyebrow.

"The comfort room here on campus is so big, why don't you poop here?" he asked.

I'm starting to get annoyed with him, I don't think he has any intention of letting me go home alone.

"In the comfort room of the mansion, I want to poop because I'm comfortable there so you can stay here and I'll go home. Goodbye," I walked out and I didn't look at him anymore, I walked straight away from him but I could hear his voice and he muttering to himself.

"You think you are beautiful? and you trust a man you haven't seen in person."

I ignored him even though I knew he would bother me again if I accompanied him home. I don't have time to argue with him anymore because I have more important things to do than spend my time arguing with him again.

I commuted home, I took a jeepney but John Paolo still wouldn't stop me, he kept calling me on my cellphone so I just turned it off before I put it back in the bag. Annoying, why is it that when I'm not in the mood to pay attention to him then he notices me? Or maybe he's just jealous of Steven Sarrosa because Boy next door is more handsome than him.

My flirtatious thoughts flew again with that idea, I would look like a fool again to assume that John Paolo had feelings for me so I erased that from my mind until I got to the mansion.

When I entered the door Sofia immediately opened up to me, she greeted me with a kiss on the cheek at the same time Mrs. Aurea and Martina also greeted me and it look like they have something they want to tell me.

"Ehem, Icay, you have a package brought by the delivery rider." Mrs. Aurea's voice is a bit formal again and she even glared at me, she was very strict and she was also one of the villains here in the mansion, she felt that no man would be interested in me anymore especially when she sees John Paolo and I often fight.

Mrs. Aurea is a snob, killjoy, and strict and I suspect she did not enjoy her youth then so she restricted me too much.

"Oh, Icay looks like the contents of the package are clothes because the box is so big. Do you have a secret admirer? You're so lucky, I'm happy for you." Martina was very happy and we were thrilled and squeaked together but we also quickly fell silent when Mrs. Aurea reproach us.

"Maricar, tell us the truth, do you already have a boyfriend? You're too young to have a boyfriend and you should prioritize your education so that you can help your family. Stop flirting with guys." Mrs. Aurea raised her voice.

"No, I don't have a boyfriend. Only my friend sent the package." I answered her in a low voice.


"The package is already in your room so go to your room now," Mrs. Aurea's voice hardened a bit and she raised an eyebrow at me even more.

I told Martina to take care of Sofia first and I hurried into my room. There I found the huge box and I was a bit excited because only now have I received such a huge package in my whole life. I didn't flake any more, I opened the package and almost rolled my eyes agape, exposing in front of me the beautiful classic blue Cinderella gown made up of imported Polyester with attached pair of Leg Avenue gloves for a fairytale-ready look at choker. I was amazed and at the same time shocked when I realize that the theme of Steven's birthday party looks like a fancy costume party but what made my hair stand on end all over my body was the little card made of fragrant and expensive specialty paper, I unfolded in the content of the paper I saw the birthday invitation for Steven Sarrosa's upcoming birthday and I was not mistaken, costume party was the theme of his birthday and the worst of what I discovered was that there was a letter attached on the back of the invitation.

"On the night of my birthday, I will be Prince Henry and you will be my Cinderella. I'll wait for you, my princess."

It was as if I wanted to faint and fall into bed at that time, I felt a little dizzy and still not sinking in all the information in my brain after I received his gift to me, so many explosions brought by the surprise coming from Steven, I didn't expect that what could happen to me because of my friendship with him.