
I'm insane

after my sister passed away, it took me a while to get used to having people in the house. the girls were pure angels at first. helping me with the shopping and cooking and keeping the house clean. but after awhile it wasn't so pleasant. the oldest girl was a raging ball of horomones and she bullied her younger sisters if they didn't follow suit. she was almost 18 and she had gotten a scholarship to Ocean City State. a full ride. everything paid for. I couldn't wait but her sisters were sad to see her go. I understood but at the rate she was going I wanted to put her up in an apartment until she graduated. which was two weeks away. I literally slept with one eye open because she was crazy, but so was I. one day I got up early to get them up for school. the two younger ones were already up and ready to go. but the oldest one was still in bed or so I thought. I went to open the door but it was locked . I banged on the door and yelled ,'Open the damn door!!" I heard rustling around and she finally opened the door. I looked around the room. I sniffed the air and it smelled like there was straight up sex happening. I pushed past her and opened the closet and there was a half naked boy in there. I looked from him to her and back to him again. I was so angry I just walked out and took the two younger ones to school. I stopped for a coffee at Seaside coffee shop and I sat there inhaling the aroma of the coffee and I calmed down instantly. I left a few minutes later and headed home to see if she had left or packed her bags. she didn't. " shit!!" I cursed to myself. I cleaned up and laid down for a few hours until it was time to go pick the girls up from school. when we got home I ordered a pizza and we watched movies because it was Friday. around seven she came bursting through the door looking enraged. "I fucking hate you!!" she yelled. I just looked at her and continued eating my pizza. she came and stood in front of me and slapped the pizza out of my hand. I jumped up and grabbed her by her throat and looked her dead in her eyes and said" Get the fuck out of my house now." "your bags are packed and you can go to the college early, but you will not continue to disrespect me or your sisters ever again" and I walked off. the Uber arrived and took her away.