

Days pass by and Black's presence in my life has been full of happiness and joy. Those weird forest dreams took a turn and my sleep has been perfect. Just as am checking on a patient, my phone vibrates and I excuse myself and head out the ward, I look at the screen and Black's picture appears.

"Yes Black. What is it this time."

"What would you like for dinner? Something simple or fancy."

"Black, it's afternoon. Why are you asking all this?"

"It's never too early to start preparing dinner, now what will you have?"

"Why don't you choose?"

"But sister, when will you choose something?"

"Fine let's have the fancy."

"My thoughts exactly. See you at dinner."

He hangs up before I can reply and I look at the black screen in my hand. I place it in my pocket and head back into the ward.

"Am sorry for the distraction earlier..."

I finish up on the last patient and head with Luna to the cafeteria.

"So, how's your new house?"

"It's great not to mention the breath taking view."

"Let's hold a party at your new house," she says and my eye brows shoot up in surprise.

"Party? And who'll clean up afterwards?"

"Oh come on let loose Nine, it's just a welcome party."

"Did I hear you say party?" Abryl asks placing our orders on the counter.


"Yes at Nine's new apartment Friday night."

"Friday? That's tomorrow."

"Count me in," Abryl says and Luna smiles.

"That's three down."

"Three? Who else is coming?"

"Abryl and I plus King."

"King... you had to invite your crush didn't you."

Luna's cheeks heat up with embarrassment and she quickly covers her face with her hands.

"You really do have a crush on him right?"

"W- what? That's absurd I just have a lot of respect for him is all nothing intimate," she says and I sip from my cup nodding my head.

"Of course respect."

Luna swats my shoulder playfully at my teasing tone a pout on her lips. I raise my hands in mock surrender and Abryl laughs beside us.

"Well, see you two tomorrow night," he says and disappears to work.

Luna and I head out chatting and laughing as we went. At dusk, I make my way home and upon opening the door, a delicious aroma fills my lungs and my stomach growls.

"Hello sister. Welcome home."

Black's head pops out from the kitchen and I walk towards him taking a seat by the table.

"Just a minute, I'll have your food in a few."

I nod and watch him mix some food and seconds later, he places the plate in front of me. I inhale the aroma and slowly lift the spoon to my mouth.

"Hope it tastes as good as it smells."

I take the food in my mouth and my eyes widen.

"This... is so good."

Black beams at my comment and takes a seat himself.

"Glad you like it."

We eat out food in silence and just as am about to get up, Black stops me with a raise of his hand.


"You made dessert?"

"Of course, what's a fancy dinner without one?"

He stands and seconds later appears with a cake in hand. He serves me a piece and I poke the slimy smudge with the fork.

"Is this edible?"

"Come on try it."

"Can I pass, its appearance is..."

"You won't know you like it unless you try it. Trust me."

My eyes trail from the slimy cake to Black's hopeful eyes. Closing my eyes shut, I bring the fork to my mouth and slowly chew. When I open my eyes, Black is looking at me curiosity written all over his facial features.


"It melts into a mixture of cool and refreshing. How did you manage to make this?"

He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly as a mischievous smirk plays on his lips.

"It's my little secret."

We finish the meal and Black picks the dirty utensils.

"You should rest. I'll take care of everything."

"You sure you don't need my help?"

"Yes. I know you've had a long day, you should rest. Goodnight."


I open my eyes and look around the eerily familiar environment.

"Oh come on, why do I keep appearing here?"

I walk past the trees and come to a sudden halt when a shadowy figure hovers in front of me.


The shadow grows larger as they talk steps towards me and I swallow hard walking backwards.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?"


I freeze in my steps at the mention of my name and a low snarl echoes through our surroundings.

"How do you know my name? Who are you?"

As suddenly as the figure appeared, it slowly disappears into the fog and I run after the figure.


The wind in my ears, I dash after the unknown figure but come to a stop by a tall mahogany tree.

"Sister! Wake up!"

"That sounds like..."

I open my eyes with a start to find myself dangling over the rail in the balcony. I look up and see Black's worried eyes hovering above me.

"Black? What happened?"

"I got you sister. Don't worry."

He hoists me and slowly sets me on the tiled floor and my feet wobble under me causing me to fall to my knees. Black rushes to my side in an instant his arms on my shoulders.

"It's okay sister. What happened?"

"I- I don't know but I was chasing someone and next thing I know, you saved me from plunging to my death," I reply jokingly.

Black eyes me and I draw a shaky breath into my lungs before slowly getting to my feet with his help.

"Sorry that wasn't a nice joke."

"You should try and get some sleep. I'll watch over you."

"No it's okay. You don't have to watch over me, I'll be fine."

Despite my protests, Black ends up standing guard in my room watching over me like a hawk.