
My Marvel Random Power System

Follow the journey of Alexander(Alex) Knight, as he tries to settle in the marvel world, but what if his reincarnation created problems for higher beings right from the start!!!!!!!

The_Dusk_Ninja · Anime et bandes dessinées
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The Spider's and Black Cat!

"... and I helped this old lady and she bought me a churro." Peter said to the other three spider's while eating his churro.

"You're eating here on purpose, aren't you!" Miles said glaring at him with the other three.

"Yup". Peter said enjoying their reactions.

It's been a week since they have started patrolling. The first three days everyone was just confused to see them swing, and also the varying costumes and thought there were just a male and female spider. But they realized they were wrong, seeing the four work together to stop a bank heist. They had told their names to people they had saved from occasional robbery.

Other cases of forcing people in alley's have gown down a lot after Enigma showed up, so it's mainly robberies. Oracle showed me JJJ face when he found there are four spider vigilantes, and he really looked like he was gonna have a heart-attack. Now they returned to the base to see me sitting there, and knew why I was here as well. I gave them a week to find answer.

"So what have you guys found out?" I asked.

Gwen took a lead and said," I did some research and asked my dad. Enigma has only killed people who had a liking to see people suffer and there was not much proof for it. As for Captain America, he killed Nazi's because they thought they were superior and also had a habit of enjoying torturing those who thought were below them."

"He had also killed the likes of serial killers, the one who enjoy killing for fun." Miles added. Both of their father's were in police, so they had the most knowledge.

" Tell me, you have been out there for a week, how many types of criminals do you think there are?" I asked, and they had confused faces on hearing it.

"There are types?" asked Peter.

"Yes, think about it". I said.

After a few minutes, MJ said "There are 2 types- One who do this out of necessity, and one who do it as a profession or for fun?"

" Good answer. I personally classify them in four categories-

1. Those who do it out of necessity. These are the ones who commit crimes because they lack money to live or for their loved ones.

2. Those who are forced to do it. These are the one's who are controlled by someone else to do the dirty work. Either blackmailing or with their family.

3. These are the one's who do it as a profession. Most gangs and robbers belong to this category. They deserve to go to jail for their crimes.

4. These are the one's who commit it for their own pleasure. From the thrill of robbery to psycho's who find pleasure in other's pain or killing. These guys, in my opinion, should rot in hell." I explained to them.

They were astonished by the classification, but the more they thought, the more it made sense. The world is not black and white. There are many grey areas one has to transverse through, and they had to learn as well.

"Even if that's the case, what the 1st and 2nd do is wrong... isn't it?". Peter said after a long silence, unsure of what he was saying, himself.

"That's the point Pete, you can't save everyone". He sighed in dejection hearing that.

"You know the two guy's who attacked your uncle? One belongs to the 1st while other belongs to 3rd." I said and his eyes went wide in shock.

"What?" He said.

"Yeah, one guy dragged his friend into stealing because the other didn't have any money to treat his daughter who is in a hospital.". Peter looked dejected hearing it. He hated them for attacking his uncle, but also knew the pain of losing a family.

"Is there really no way we can help them."

"Experience. You have to meet them and experience it. Those in the first and second category carry a guilty conscience reflected in their behavior. It's your call after that, what you want to do. Let them go if they need money without handing to the police, or help them out by rescuing their families, if held hostage, if that's the case. The third needs no explanation. The forth however is debatable." I told them. They understood most of it until the last line.

"What do you mean debatable?" MJ asked, you could sense anger in her voice.

"Exactly what I said. The get punishment for any proof the police can find. If there is no proof, then they are free to go. And they will continue again. The law is blind. It only works on proof. or if they break out of jail. Take the fight of Enigma last month as an example. The loudmouth guy in it was a former drug-lord he had caught. And then he lured him for revenge by kidnapping a girl. If the girl had been killed, Enigma would indirectly be responsible as well. It's the reason he kills people who are mostly psychotic." I explained.

After a long silence, Peter spoke up. "I understand what you are trying to say, I really do, but I can't go killing people I think did wrong. That's... not like me. if a situation comes where I have to kill because there is no other choice, I will. But not anytime else."

I was surprised by his decision. TBH, I would be more worried if he started doing it, but that's not my intension. I wanted them to have some knowledge of how the world works and not act like a bi*ch in an emergency. The other's agreed with him as well. That's the Spiderman's charm, I guess.

I smiled at their resolution and said " I didn't want you to do it either. I want you to understand what needs to be done when the time comes, and not act like pompous telling everyone killing is wrong or what-not.". We all chuckled at that. I left the base and went back home after that. I had already set the stage for them. With Kingpin's power decreased in New York, others will rise. I will still keep an eye out though.

*One week later*

The most intriguing thing that happened last week was the conference by the Head of NYPD himself. He announced about all the corrupt cops they had caught, especially in hell's kitchen. This was the biggest sweep inside the department itself till now. They condemned me on blowing the whole building, and killing too many people in name of Vigilante justice, but decided to ignore it considering the information I had provided. They had modified the kill list from around 70's to 20's. I smell something fishy. A possible pirate snooping around?

So they held me back to square one, and didn't comment on the New York Spider's, as they call my spider-themed friends. Norman had already made the relation, but didn't do anything till now. My clone was still in his shadow. Shield tried keeping tabs on them but their Spider sense caught any drone they sent. They really would make the most effective spies alright. Fisk tried bringing weapons to the city from other places, but some information provided to FBI by Oracle did the job. I also found out she had been using the name 'Queen' for her online work. Shield had also added her name in my file as supposed associates. They even had an assumption of me having an intelligence organization behind me, which is as powerful as Shield.

Well, I do have an organization, and considering the amount of battle-ships on Galvan Prime, I could easily handle them if I want to. But what was funny was that they refused to believe anyone above them. At least Fury does.

He got a hearing from the WSC(World Security Council) for involving Shield in gang wars, and not finding anything about Enigma in two years, to which he said if they found it out, they can take his seat, and the council turned silent and said nothing... he does realize that they could lie, right?

Anyway, Bokuto has decided to come to New York, and so has another sinner I have been trying to find, Killgrave. You think a literal purple man would be easy to find, but no. He apparently got a few Shield agents under his control as well, who hid him well. He came out because of the Defenders, or should I say, Jessica Jones. Defenders just got established, with Matt Murdock aka Daredevil, Luke Cage aka Power man, Danny Rand aka Iron Fist, Jessica Jones who doesn't have a codename now, and surprisingly, Colleen Wing. I had decreased Kingpin's power a lot in New York, leading for the Hand to come, followed by Iron Fist. Daredevil joined in seeing them fight. Luke cage joined in as well dragging Jessica, who was a regular at his bar.

I didn't expect Bokuto to come considering I killed Gao, but he did. And Oracle had tracked the magic frequency of the ring I took from Gao, which she used to control the puppets. Since they have decided to come, it's time I say hello to Defenders. Maybe drag the Spider's as well. They should get first-'hand' experience, literally. The ring's frequency was traced by oracle through the various Magi-tech satellites I had left in the Earth's orbit, hidden of course, and found out they are all in USA. Alexandra, whose name is way too similar to mine, and I don't like that, is in Washington, while Murakami and Sowande are in Westchester?

Okay that's it. They are going down. Time to greet the Spiders.

* At night, on top of the Empire State building*

"Man, I'm beat", Miles said finishing his hot-dog.

"Seriously Miles, already? Should I tell Laura you are tired in just two hours". MJ said teasingly.

"Nooo, please don't. I don't want to do it again". Miles started wailing with the other three laughing at his reaction.

"Personal advise, do not say the name of your close one's carelessly when you are out dressed like that." A voice came from the shadows alerting the four. They were even more scared because they didn't sense anyone. They turned in unison to see Enigma sitting on the edge facing them.

Seeing him made their mind's blank. They were a fan of him for a while, especially Peter. he loved both, him and Iron man. So he snapped out first and yelled. "OMG! You're Enigma, I'm a big fan of yours, uh , where is it, yes, could you please sigh this for me.". Peter stated taking out a pen and paper, while the other three slapped their foreheads in unison. I was startled as well, then sighed silently. Of course this would happen. I should have known.

"Uh, please ignore him, ah, I'm Arachnid by the way, and this is Ghost Spider, Silk and that's fanboy." Miles said introducing them.

"Yes sir, I'm Fanb-WAIT NO! My name is Spiderman, damn it Arachnid, don't do that" Peter started yelling at Miles.

I coughed loudly to stop them and said" Nice to meet you too, I'm Enigma... but you already knew that. I came to see the new hero's in town, and you four are pretty good. JJJ has a habit of ranting, so ignore him. It was a good talk, I have added my number to the interface you're wearing, they're pretty good, by the way. So contact me if you need help, and I'll contact you in some cases as well, take care." I said, while taking the Paper from Peter's hand and signing it. After that I leaned backwards to fall off and teleported away.

They rushed to see me and looked down, but found no one. "So COOL", Peter yelled getting a tired sigh from other three looking at him.

Leaving them, I decided to go the scenic route to Hell's Kitchen. The night's still young and the world doesn't lack of idiots. So just my usual daily work. And here Oracle informs me of an silent alarm trip in a jewelry shop. See, no lack of idiots. I just sighed and headed towards the store.

*Sometime later*

I take my words back about idiots. Why? Well because I can see the thief running across roof-tops. And boy did she looked gorgeous. It was the Black Cat herself. Her platinum-blonde hair flowed in the air while her black-skintight suit her curves perfectly, and she was wearing a domino mask illuminating her jade-green eyes. I just stared at her from a distance in daze before snapping out of it. Damn teenage hormones!

I leapt into action to tease a lost kitten. As I said, the Night is still young.

*3rd POV*

Felecia just had a successful heist and was proud at her accomplishment. She couldn't wait to add the diamonds to her collection. She was just thinking about it when she felt something whoosh behind her and stopped.

She checked for her bag and found it missing! Suddenly a voice came from behind, "So this lost kitten loves shining things Eh?". She turned around swiftly, but turned pale to find who she just heard. It was Enigma. She had heard to keep the streets clean, he often breaks his opponents limbs according to their crimes and doesn't differentiate based on gender either.

She hadn't committed any serious crime so decided to play her cards right. Though he was more stealth based, he still took down four enhanced humans easily, so she had no chance defeating him. "So you're The Enigma huh? Talk of the town. Though scared, the girls you saved did say you look hot, but in person you look something else." Felecia purred in the end.

"Why thank you, I dress to please, and I'm glad to hear it from a beautiful lady. Now mind telling why you are doing this Miss Hardy. You aren't the type who steals for neither money nor for your own enjoyment.". hearing Enigma call her by her real name made her completely white and what he said after left her astonished. Information aside, how did he know she didn't steal for money?

"You're probably wondering how do I know what kind of person you are? It's simple. Experience. I have been at this for about 2 years and I can tell the nature of a person just by looking at them. Now we can either talk here, or the station isn't far away either." he said trying to get her talk.

"Wait! Here is fine. I'll talk. I'll talk." She said scared. Enigma nodded her to continue. She took a deep breath to calm herself, and said" I stole from him because of his crimes. My mother is a lawyer and she gets cases all the time. But people like him get away scot-free, either because of lack of evidence, or underhanded deals. I try to steal from them to make them at least lose something."

Enigma stared at her for a few seconds making her extremely nervous, then suddenly threw the bag back to her. She frantically caught it and looked at him confusedly. He saw her confusion and replied.

"What? I follow my own code of right and wrong all the time ignoring the laws, so I sure as hell am not going to preach about right or wrong. The only difference between us is that you steal from bad guys, while I break a bone or two." He explained.

'You preached the four spiders though' Oracle said in his mind.

'Shut up O! This and that are different.'

' Yes, of course. This time there is a cute girl without any love rivals. Simp!'

Enigma decided to ignore her and said, "Though I recommend you wear a wig and contacts. Yours are unique and people may easily find you through your mother." he said and jumped away, leaving her in a daze.

*3rd POV end*

*Stay tuned for more...*

* Please drop a review if possible. I want to see what you think of the story so far...*