
Your friendly neighbor is back!

Recent reports and videos of civilians show a large crowd of villains who are dispersing throughout Time Square, the NYPD has begun to take appropriate action and has set a perimeter of 3 kilometers around, civilians in the area are advised to seek shelter and do not leave until it is safe ... we will continue to try to contact our team in the area.

I couldn't believe it, live images of Time Square showed a beautiful party being torn apart by villains, inflatables, Christmas decorations, everything became a trail of destruction in the blink of an eye.


Wanda pulled on my sleeve and motioned for me to talk privately with Pietro. We slowly withdrew so that we could talk without MJ or Aunt May being able to hear.

-Peter this is serious, we must do something, we must contact the Avengers tower or someone from the academy. –

Wanda had taken her phone and showed that she had been trying, calling non-stop since we saw the news.

-We tried everything we could, Wanda and I didn't succeed, no one responds, they don't even take the call... those damned...!

There were two possibilities, either they ignored us for safety, couldn't take the time to answer the calls of any crazy person who spoke, or they were busy trying to fix the matter.

-This is serious... What can we do Peter? Can you think of something? –

In my mind, there were 2 options, but both were extremely risky, either I could try to contact Mr. Stark, but he was out and probably wouldn't even respond, or the second... NO! I couldn't do something so reckless, at least not anymore... but... would I be a hero if I didn't?


- Wait... MJ! ...-

MJ was leaving? Why?

- MJ! Don't tell me that...

-I'm sorry Peter, but I can't miss this opportunity! I would win a lot of points if I can get the scoop, record, and tell the events firsthand! –

MJ ran down the stairs at full speed, I ran anyway, I jumped over the railing and ran along the wall to catch her, just before she came out, I grabbed her arm and made my last attempt to stop her.

-Please MJ...don't go...please...-

-I'm sorry Peter...- MJ got loose and walked out the door, before running she stopped...she turned her eyes with a soft expression, and with the smile, she had loved so much she said goodbye. -Don't worry, I'll be careful! –

It was the last thing he said before running into danger...

I went back to the house again, my face was shadowed, I couldn't look them in the eye knowing that I allowed MJ to do that madness.


-She's gone...you know I can never stop her... -

Aunt May was worried, once again she was messing things up, once again she was feeling bad.

-Peter... What do we do? –

I could only think of one contact within A.S.A. who could help us...and the only one who can understand the situation we are in...

-I have an idea, but it all depends on your mood now...and whether you believe us or not...-

-Don't tell me that... -You think that hardhead can help us?! –

-I have no one else left...

Flash Thompson, Peter Parker

A.S.A; December 24, 20XX, 22:05 pm

Today I was bored, there was nothing to do in this school, the activities had been suspended because of this Christmas garbage, but at least the gym was still open.

At least Parker's trash was gone, one less nuisance...


Or so I thought... the stupid pink-haired blonde and bucket head in the class was in front of my room waiting to say that stupid thing, but don't even think I'll give them any of my attention...

- SIDE OUT! I don't care about your damn party of friends! I have better things to do! –

- Oh, come on, everyone is going to be there, except for Peter, Wanda, and Pietro, they seem to have escaped somewhere else. –


-Wow...what a bad temper...-

Right after those fools interrupted me my phone started vibrating.

- A call from the nerd? ... -

- DE PETER?! Do you have his number? –

These bastards... I didn't think about answering the call of the fool, but I was sure I would only do such a stupid thing if I didn't have another one.

- Come on, answer him! I think this is something important for the plot of this story!

- What are you talking about, Gwen? –

- You'll know...but I don't think it will be anything bad anyway...-

He was annoying...but I had no choice but to answer him, hoping that it would be just a stupid thing to do to break his face tomorrow for bothering me when I'm busy...


I answered annoyed, but not two seconds passed when the extras interrupted...

- Hi Peter! It's Gwen! ... What ... –

The silly blonde took the phone away from me, but her expression changed completely when she heard Parker.

-Take Flash...I think...I think you should take this. –

She gave me back the phone...but her face said something wasn't right...

- Parker! What the hell is going on! –

- Flash! Listen to me carefully, I know you don't like to be ordered around, but go immediately and look for a TV. –

-But what ... WHAT YOU HAVE BELIEVED TO ... -

- Just do it! MJ's life depends on it! –

If Parker went so far as to say that...then something bad was happening...

- You! Bucket-head! You're having a party, aren't you? –

-If... "did you call me a bucket head?" there's one in the room where we're about to have the party... -


Parker asked me to check the news channel, the fools led me into the room, everyone was gathered celebrating...it made me nauseous just to see them.

-Wow, I didn't think they could bring in the dressing room. –


-Calm down Flash, and in theory, panthers are felines but very different from cats... come on, have some punch, today is a good night for the whole class to socialize. –

Is this a school? It looks like a port party (author's note: if that's what the Flash is, poor you)

-I didn't come here to play, turn on the TV on the news channel. –

- Come on Flash...relax a little, honey...-

Laura Kinney...this damn stalking cat has been bothering me since we entered the training program, I don't know how to get rid of her, I will never have time for her much less now.

-Now I don't have time for your bullshit... Turn on the TV! NOW! –

-You better calm down... -from the back of the room, the voice of the most annoying guy had to appear... -Here everybody is trying to have a good time...so I hope...you didn't come alone to do your usual damn show...Flash...


-Come on, Robbie... Don't make things worse.-

Robbie Reyes...the unhappy son of a bitch I hate the most...stood in front of me and started shooting fire from his arm as a threat, I really wanted to break that damn smug face he always carries, but now I had no time.

-I only came because I have to check something in the news...-

-Okay Flash, why didn't you say so before. –

The green nerd turned on the TV...and what we saw...

There are still reports of more villains appearing spontaneously in every corner of Time Square, the officers can barely contain them and there is no sign of heroes nearby...

- Flash?... What exactly did Peter tell you? –

Queens; December 24, 20XX, 22:020 pm

Flash hung up on me suddenly, but I know the moment he sees what's going on he'll act right...he's a hero after all...but now what am I supposed to do? The situation was about to collapse and Mr. Stark...the avengers...no one was aware?

I went back down to the room, but plans were already in place...

- Wanda? Pietro? Where are you going? –

Both had their things ready to go, I didn't understand why, it wasn't safe to leave.

- What are they doing? –

- A.S.A. sent a statement...-

Wanda showed me her phone Shield was already aware of the situation, she asked all the members of the academy who were in New York to meet at the Avengers Tower, we all had to return immediately.

But I couldn't leave yet, MJ was still out there, and I wouldn't leave my aunt alone...

-We have to go Peter...-

I thought about it for a moment, but in the end, I preferred much more to assume the consequences of not having gone, than to find out that something happened to my aunt afterward...

-I'm sorry...I... I can't...-

-We knew you would say that...so...take good care of Aunt May. –


-Don't worry Parker, we'll help you explain the situation later...-

-Thank you, Pietro...-

They both packed up their things, said goodbye, and thanked Aunt May for everything, and left. Aunt May and I returned to the living room. I sat down in the dining room, leaning over my hands...defeated... What could I do?

- Is that all?!...-

- Huh? What do you mean, Aunt May? –

- Your friends are gone...MJ is out there risking her life...the world is ending, and you are sitting at the table as if nothing is happening...-

And what could I do? Mr. Stark had warned me, as much as I would like to, I can't do anything, if I expose myself...everyone will want me in jail.

-I know, Auntie, but... -What else can I do? If I expose myself my problems will get bigger...and I don't want to keep causing problems...-

- Wow...I guess I'm sorry to say it but you're right...- Aunt May turned around and went to the bookcase cabinets, grabbed something, and came back. - So? ...-

- so, what aunt may?! what else can I do?!

... What else can I do?

-You're right...Peter Parker can't keep causing trouble...but nobody said Spider-Man can't...-

Aunt May placed a box in front of me, a red box wrapped in a big blue ribbon, she left it in front of me, took off the lid and inside there was...

-I was...thinking of giving it to you when you started your activities but... I know it's not like Mr. Stark's! ...I still thought that... -

-Aunt May... -It's perfect! –

Time Square, December 24, 20XX, 10:45pm

Here the NY1 reporting live from the air over the area invaded by the recent group of villains who decided to invade the Christmas celebration in the famous Time Square, there is much chaos, and it expands rapidly in all the streets, the villains have taken hostages who were left behind in the buildings, some policemen were captured, among them is Captain George Stacy of the NYPD.

It is difficult to witness this scene, among the groups of villains can be distinguished the... The demolition brigades?! They had been arrested several months ago by the number one hero with the help of the vigilante Spiderman...and right now the people of New York are even begging for his... Presence? Wait a minute! IN THE BUILDINGS! POINT THERE!

- That's it? ...-


The demolition brigade had formed groups of people, had them ready to carry out a public execution one by one, and the first on their list... was the captain.

- Quick Captain! You will have the honor of being the first to be part of the show -

Devastator had taken Captain Stacy by the arm, and as if it were nothing more than paper, he threw it into the center of the square. The captain got up on his knees, he was a person who did not bow to anyone, and as a symbol of authority...he was also as strong as a hero...

-You...will never take this city -

The captain was spitting blood with the few words he could pronounce. As Bulldozer approached from behind.

-Maybe we didn't... - he hit the captain from behind, leaving him on the ground breathless and barely conscious. -But the boss did...

Do you know the only flaw of heroes? In my opinion, it is the most shocking factor, but also the most annoying one in the end...

We all believe it's the end...hope becomes the last thing you lose...do you know why?

Before Bulldozer could finish off the Captain, he was taken by a white thread and lifted into the air while another picked up the Captain and was caught in the air by a blue and red figure that was lost in the night sky.

-You...you are... -

-I'm sorry it took me so long, Captain Stacy...-

White threads began to rain from the sky, trapping each of the brigade members, Bulldozer was severely beaten on the ground, Martinet was crushed with a nearby car and thrown far away against the wall of a building, Demolador was thrown backward crashing into another wall and was hit with a kind of white cloth.

While thunder ball was quickly tied with his ball and thrown hard against a truck.

The civilians looked in front of them while a male figure posed in front of them...

Hope is the only thing that is lost ... because of a second before it is gone ...

- Sorry, I'm late New York! But it's all right now! Courtesy of your friendly neighbor... –

A hero...always appears...

- Spider...Man? -




I apologize for being absent but I had many commitments at my school so I had to suspend the chapters but here is the new chapter of My MarvelAcademy

Loyal_1Acreators' thoughts