
With a big power ...



- Uncle Ben, I need to go to the library this afternoon, could you take me? -

- Sure, Peter, I just have to pick up your aunt, then we'll go where you need to-

The days went by quickly, a month in detention was enough to get used to my new powers, maybe not as I wished, but enough to detach myself from things when I want to.

Adapting to a new environment was not easy for me, I have always lived trapped, fitting into society in a small way, but just now I had the opportunity to prove that it didn't matter if I wasn't born with the gifts that anyone has had, I could now prove that I too could wield power.

When Uncle Ben returned, we headed for the library, of course hiding the fact that he was going somewhere else.

When I arrived, I said goodbye to him indicating that he could return home, I would take a transport back, he ignored what I said, he stopped my arm to make a curious request

- Peter, wait! I'd like to talk to you for a moment. -

I didn't know what he wanted at the time, but my rush to not be late for the event caused me to quickly remove his hand from my arm, I slipped out of the car by hastily closing the door, even though I only heard one sentence from him through the window.

- Peter I know it's been hard for you, since you were little you've had to go through things that no child should have gone through...

Just now you wanted to talk about it? I was wondering what that was about now, it was just a conversation that could be saved for another time, however, his last comment made me get out of place and for some reason...made me a little angry...

- Peter... do you still want to pursue your dream of becoming one of those heroes? -

I ignored the last thing he said, my head went a mile a minute when he asked that question, so all I did was walk away, without another word...


It was time, I finally showed up at the fighting arena, I snuck out through another entrance to the library, I assumed Uncle Ben would still be outside, the stadium was packed with people, I was a little terrified of being in front of a huge crowd.



The main challenger, the ad said that if he was defeated he would win $300, the guy seems to have a knack for increasing as well, usually most professional fighters have gifts that boost their strength or make them skilled in combat.

I went to the registration area, registration took time, but apparently for the main event...the line was clear

- Fill out this application and sign this... aren't you too young to fight?

Oh! I forgot to mention a little detail, the powers weren't the only thing that had changed in me, my muscle mass and height increased considerably, this made it seem like my physique was that of an 18 year old boy...enough to fool the record.

- Well...the VVA is not responsible for any critical medical situation that arises as a result of the fight, and it assigns all legal rights and no procedure of the same type can be carried out against the association -

This scared me a little bit, it was a high risk with this, it would be completely my fault in case something happened, I just had to not end up like an omelet against that guy.

- Well friend, what name are you going to register under, you can't use your real name in a fight, you must use an envelope name, nickname or whatever it is that doesn't identify you in reality -

- Well this will be my name -

- ...dear God...

~Good evening ladies and gentlemen, tonight...we have our main event against the terrible BONE...S.W.!~

The crowd went crazy just because of that name, the fact that this guy is so acclaimed makes you think that he has earned his fame for something... and not something specifically good for the others who are facing him...

~And now... tonight's challenger, completely out of nowhere, must endure three hellish minutes in the sand against our bone-breaker...

- Hey, buddy, what's your wrestling name?

- The human spider -

- What?

- The human spider, I want to introduce myself like this... -

-There's no joke about it -

-Our challenger... meet... the terrifying, the bloodthirsty, the incredible... Spider-Man! -

Spider-Man? That... really did sound better than the human spider...

When I entered, the only thing I could hear was people booing, this BONE's companions were just playing with words to intimidate me, I just ignored them, actually in my head there was no room for anything but worrying about surviving.

-The fighters are ready... -STOP THE CAGE! -

A cage was the last thing I needed, now yes... my emergency escape was ruined.

Quickly a steel cage surrounded us, I was a bit shocked, but as soon as I reacted I tried to reply that this was not previously warned.

- Hey, sissy... right now, I got three great minutes to have fun with you. –

BONE ROARED, his eyes turned white as veins bulged all over his body, his muscles swelled to double or triple their size. When he finished increasing, he lunged at me.

A buzzing sound invaded my head, the danger was imminent, and this new sixth sense warned me as soon as I was close.

I quickly dodged it by jumping and holding onto the roof of the cage, the guy was confused, but thanks to the crowd he discovered my hiding place.


- I walk away from you, what's not obvious, maybe your whole brain went into those muscles of yours. –

That only made him angrier, he jumped up to catch me, grabbed me by the leg and carried me hard to the ground, to end up with a hammer blow...

That last blow left me practically without air, I felt that I had broken several ribs, for something they called it the "bone breaker", I spat a little blood, that was already a bad sign, but...here is where I made another decision and a direction of my life... "I must always get up...no matter what"

I stood up without him noticing, shot two of my webs at his sides, sticking them on the fences of the fence, as soon as he noticed I was backing up to get a boost as a kind of slingshot.

-Hey... -What do you think you're doing?!

- What's not obvious, I thought a fighter would know this... MOVEMENT! -

I shot myself in his direction, dealing a strong blow to his stomach, throwing him against the fences, on impact he flattened them and was completely unconscious, his eyes went blank, he had a silly expression on his face, even his saliva came out of his mouth and his muscles returned to normal.

-Ladies and gentlemen, we have the winner and a new champion! The incredible Spider-Man! -

The presenter raised my hand as a sign that I had won, the crowd was cheering my name, I even saw an improvised poster with the name the presenter gave me...

-Have a kid, take it and get out. –

-that's it? –

When I met with the boss of the place I didn't get what I expected, instead of the $300, he had only given me $100, he excused himself in that the deal was: $300 for 3 minutes, and when I beat him in 2 he changed everything completely...

I was furious, I risked a lot coming here tonight with nothing but my company, and winning less for what I think I did more, I was really disappointed ...

-This is not what I expected... -but at least I can invite Uncle Ben over to apologize...

I left the sand quickly, I went to the library, but I did not count on Uncle Ben waiting for me yet, I could not believe it, it had been about 3 or 4 hours, I felt like the worst nephew in the world ... and it was ...

My phone rang, it was him, I thought he had discovered me so I ignored him and slipped away on the other hand, I arrived at a small square, sat on a bench and sank into my thoughts, only I was interrupted by a certain person...

- Peter? Is that you? –

- MJ? –

Mary Jane Watson, the girl next door, she was doing some shopping with her friends, and I happened to find the square where they were.

- What are you doing here? I haven't seen you for a month, not even at your uncles' house -

- Oh well... you know I got expelled for a month... I've been busy and doing things...

MJ didn't understand anything, I just couldn't connect any ideas because of the nerves and the only thing that came out of my mouth was babbling, she decided to stay, said goodbye to her friends and sat down with me to talk for a while.

-Hey, are you okay? You have some bruises on your face...

-I'm fine, I just... -I hit myself that's all...

MJ was not happy with the answer... he bought a bottle of cold water and put it on my face... to tell you the truth I needed it...

-You scared the hell out of me that day, no one figured you'd throw Flash's friend in the locker room... -

We started to talk about nonsense and then she brought up the fight at school...

- You think? I just got lucky... that's all...

She was good at digging, not for nothing she aimed to be a renowned journalist one day...

-I was really scared when I saw it... -and when I knew you'd be expelled. –

- Really? –

- Of course! You're my best friend, plus I couldn't bear for you to go away and leave me alone...

I really appreciate that MJ is with me, but I can't risk it someday, I know what it means to have these powers on loan, if at some point I have an enmity that gets the better of me, we all know who gets attacked first...

- I'm sorry, MJ, I... I have to go now...

- Oh! Well...if I'm sorry, I think I'm...just holding you up...

- No! Of course not! ...I would never think something like that...

- Well... can I ask one last thing then? –

- Of course...

- Do you still... aspire to A.S.A.? –

The same question... I think that deep down I was not bothered by the question, but by everything that preceded it...

"Peter... if you want to apply for that academy, we'll support you in anything."

...Uncle Ben's voice...

"It's dangerous, Ben! If you continue to believe that without a power you can do something like these heroes, they will kill you! "

...Aunt May's voice...

"WHAT THE HELL CAN AN IMPOTENT PERSON LIKE YOU DO! LOOK AT YOU, YOU SCUM! Learn your place, the winners are with the winners, and you don't go into them...

...Flash's voice...

I think that sentence was just bringing back bad memories... no matter how I look at it.

All my life I've heard "Without powers it's not something you can do", but now I have them... things would be different if the world knew I had them, it's getting harder and harder to think clearly...

-If you're going to do it... -Then give it your best shot! –

- Huh? –

I was a complete fool to think that I was alone against the world... because there were two people who supported me completely...

-I always thought that sooner or later you'd take it on the chin to get in. -That's why you're wearing that suit, isn't it? –

- Well, that's because... -

- What? You're not training then? –

For a moment I thought I'd exposed myself, even now I remember how pale I was at the time...

-You've always supported me, remember, when my family wasn't at their best... when I wanted to push forward my beginnings as a journalist, you and your crazy pictures...

Yes, there was always something with MJ that made me give everything to help her...maybe...it was my hero's hobby that made me always look for something better...

-You've always been there for me... -Now I want to be the one who supports you!

I don't know what's wrong with me, the best thing about her is when you look into her eyes and she looks into yours, it's always weird, I feel strong and weak at the same time. I do not understand this feeling, just ... I discover the kind of person I want to be ... and of course.

Keep your smile... at all costs.

-I have to go, Peter. -I hope to see you at school soon as usual. –

She said goodbye with her characteristic smile, I decided to do the same, I should go home now, hoping that Uncle Ben had already returned... to apologize to him properly...

- Hey man, look at that girl, a redhead like that you don't see every day -

- Heh, I think the boys would like some fun-

I got home as fast as I could, of course I avoided using my webs for safety. When I got home, Aunt May went to meet me, but she expected me to meet someone else

- Peter, why... where's your Uncle Ben? He went looking for you, didn't you find him? –

Lying to Aunt May was harder than I thought, but as long as I could avoid the conversation about where I was, what I was doing, and how I survived, then everything would be okay...

Or so I thought until my phone rang...

- Hello? Uncle Ben?

"Peter is you?"

-Uncle Ben, are you all right? You sound agitated...

"Peter? Hell, the phone dialed your number by mistake, listen to me call the police, tell them to come to the warehouses near the docks, tell them to..."

- Uncle, I'm not understanding anything! What's going on?! -

"Remember your friend MJ I saw her pass by downtown, some suspicious men were after her and took her away, I followed them but the phone barely had a signal, right now they are at the docks, this will sound crazy but they will probably do bad things to her, I don't think the police arrived on time, quickly contact them immediately " *end of the call*

- Uncle Ben?! UNCLE BEN! -

- Peter, what's going on? -

Something was definitely wrong, Uncle Ben didn't sound like he usually does, the right thing to do was to call the police so I called Aunt May, before I knew it my body moved on its own, I ran as fast as I could out of Aunt May's sight, hearing her in the distance screaming my name to come back.

- At this distance he can't see me anymore, sorry law but my uncle and my friend are in trouble -

It was a big risk... but it was the least of my worries at the time...

The only thing I took was my mask... if I was going to do this I wouldn't risk being discovered, the excuse that a hero came to assist them was the best option I had...

I climbed quickly in a nearby building, when I got to the top, I went in the direction of the docks...

I shot a web at the tip of a building and before it moved away from me I took the end that was left after cutting the fluid, with my current strength I was able to hold on to the web without damaging my arms, especially at a speed of 70 km/h.

- Ah, well... that wasn't fancy, but I guess none of the greatest heroes learned in a day, I just need to cross a couple more streets. -

I kept swinging, going through the buildings, also hoping to get some hero's attention to go to that situation...

- Wait Uncle Ben, I'll be there soon! -


QUAYS 8 : 45 PM

- Try yelling all you want, honey, no one will hear you for miles...

- Come on, buddy, let's get started. You know I haven't had any action in a while.

- Relax, idiot, remember the boss will tell us when to start -

- Why do we always have to do what the boss does, huh? -

"Because otherwise, your big idiot would already be in jail"

- boss! He... he's here, that was quick. I was just...

- Shut your mouth already. Well, what do we have here, a redheaded beauty, huh? Come on, honey, what's your name? -

- Ahh! Please let me go! The police will be here any minute -

- Look princess, unless you're the queen of England no one's going to come after you, you hear? Well I think you can start, I checked the surroundings the police and the heroes wouldn't even come here for a joke -

This was one of the worst experiences of my life, I was about to be raped and probably killed, I was just begging...screaming, hoping that someone would hear me...

- boss! -

- You... who the hell are you?! –

I think this is what they mean when they say that we all have a guardian angel, I couldn't help but cry when I saw his silhouette, he took off the gag that prevented me from speaking clearly.

I tried to say his name, but he just silenced me, it was obvious... if those guys heard his name, they'd all be in danger...

- Me? Someone who won't leave this child alone! –