
My Magical Adventure ^~^

Helena loves magic this is a story of a girl trying to find her way in the world using her beloved magic, making friends along the way. A story of adventure

ZiranKayci · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

And so it begins

It's time to wake up Helena. This voice she knew and loved called her softly, but sleep seemed more tempting. Helena pulled the covers back over her head and grumbled out

"It's too early…".His voice grew louder, "Helena! Happy Birthday! I made breakfast so wake up before it gets cold." Helena pulled the covers down just enough to see her dads smile. His face just filled with anticipation for them to spend the day together. "I'm already 20 dad, my birthday doesn't really excite me that much anymore"

As her eyes adjusted she felt like his expression was a little bit off, sad even. But before she could form the words to ask he excitedly asked "So? Do you have anywhere you want to go this year? It can be anywhere, so let's spend the day together?" At the sudden offer her eyes drifted to her table of 'treasures' from years past. He followed her eyes and couldn't help smiling "Ahh that's right, you like to go to the wizards tower every year. Let's go there,but

first breakfast is getting cold. I even made your favorite.." He said with a fake sad voice.

Completely given away by the smirk on his face. Helena couldn't jump out of bed fast enough.

[Clean] All the dirt on Helena's body disappeared.

Helena grabbed the clothing cube next to her bed.

[Switch Outfit 4] Instantly helena was out

of her pajamas and in fresh clean clothes.

She quickly set down the clothing cube and once again she couldn't help her thoughts like every morning 'Magic is so awesome!'

After breakfast the pair teleported directly to the wizards tower with the family portal stone.

"You are such a child when you come here, I can still see the 10 year old you racing in here. You love magic more than anything in the world, just like your mother" She could see his gentle smile when he was thinking of her mother. "Not more than anything dad. I Love you more! But am I really like mom?" Helena couldn't help but ask. It's been over 10 years since she lost her mom. The few memories she did have were fuzzy.

"Well you got my good looks" He poked her nose and smiled. " You are just like her though, you have her laugh and smile. The only thing she loved more than Magic was you and I. Even more than her own world"

The last few words were muddled and Helena couldn't hear them. The sound of the wizards

Testing out new spells released to the public was roaring through the public areas of the tower.

This place always seemed more interesting every year. Helena tore her eyes from the wizards

and slowly looked around until she saw the orb.

On the day of your birth anyone could come to the tower and place their hand on the orb to receive a gift from the tower.There was a tier system for the gifts. White was the most common. Helena had gotten all White gifts so far. All scrolls made by apprentice wizards. Next was Green,Red,Blue and Purple. Helena was Praying for Blue or Purple.

That would mean she could either go to a lecture from the top wizards for free. Better yet even meet the Grandmaster and tour the tower.

Helena walked up with a hopeful gleam in her eyes. As she placed her hand on the orb, something she never expected happened. The entire tower was shining in a glittery gold light. The origination coming from the orb under her hand. Helena and her Father looked around at the wondrous sight.

The person that oversees the gifts was astonished for only a moment before they left in a rush to find the

Grandmaster, who was shocked at this gold light. He hadn't seen it for over 28 years. Someone

actually got the treasure room gift. He rushed down to see the person who got such a rare gift.

Led back to Helena by the gift overseer, the Grandmaster greeted them politely. Helena was in awe of seeing the strongest magic user in history, and was left speechless. "This is my daughter

Helena, She was the one who got this gift. May I ask what it is? I can't seem to recall what this color represented" The grandmaster understood "Well it hasn't been seen for 28 years now, so it isn't strange that you haven't heard of it. "

The Grandmaster motioned for them to follow him up the tower as he explained." You have been gifted one item from the treasure room. It can be anything your heart desires within those walls. Should you get greedy and take more than one, the door will lock you within the room until the next gift in the treasure room is granted." The father and daughter duo were

shocked and amazed at how the tower could open and seal doors at It's own will. After a short

tour until the treasure room the Grandmaster stopped them. "Now child, you must enter alone from here. Even I can't enter, such is the will of the tower. Remember, only touch the item you have chosen. Nothing more"

Helena nodded and cautiously walked into the hallway leading to the treasure room.

As soon as she walked into the room, she was stunned by all the treasures in the room.

There were crowns and tiaras speckled in diamonds.There were golden coins from so many

eras lying on the floor. Helena was careful not to accidentally step on anything.

Helena froze when she heard a muffled cry "Please pick me.. I don't want to be here anymore"

Her eyes darted from one pile of treasures to another searching for the voice. Slowly she walked along and saw a boy sitting crouched with his knees pulled up to his chest. He had his face buried in his knees. Sniffling and softly begging to leave this place.

Had the Grandmaster lied about when this door last opened? This boy was definitely not over 28 years old. She walked closer to the boy and held out her hand when she bent down to meet his gaze. "Hey, let's get out of here? They said I could only choose one thing, so do you want to come with me?" As soon as the kid raised his head and their eyes met did she realize that she could see through this kid. A stunned silence sat between the two for a short time.

"C..can you see me?" Helena doubled down and decided to not be scared of this crying kid "That's right, so? Do you want to leave this place with me?" As the kid reached out his hand, it went through her hand and his tears began again. "Hey hey, it's okay uhmm my name is Helena. What about you?" As he sniffled and stared at this flustered girl trying to calm him down he smiled a tiny smile at her kindness " My name is Theo.. Are you really okay taking me out of here? I'm not good at anything and I can't even touch anything but these walls that trap me.."

Helena smiled "Of course I'm okay taking you out of here! I have my dad and magic, i wouldn't

enjoy anything in this room if I knew I left such a young kid in here to cry forever" Theo plucked up the courage and said "I'm 219 years old.. I just kept the appearance of when I was stuffed into that bracelet and thrown in here. Every year this place glows transparent for 1 hour and I can see the outside, but I can never leave…" Helena followed his gaze "this bracelet?"

Theo nodded and without a second thought Helena picked up the slightly rusted bronze bracelet

and put it on. She reached out her hand again for effect to tell him to follow her. They were both surprised when she actually felt his hand this time. Gripping his hand Helena smiled. "Ready to go? It will be an adventure from now on!"

Hello, Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

I have never written anything for anyone else to read before. I only hope you enjoy my stories as much as I enjoy writing them. I would love to hear your thoughts. I hope you have a wonderful day ~

ZiranKaycicreators' thoughts