
Making a Cage

The intruder's face began contorting again as he stared at August, twisting his features in order to scare her like he did all of his other victims. This is what made him unique amongst the vampires and particularly good at his job, and it was not something he was about to stop doing just because she seemed disappointed in him.

August sighed. He was not willing to listen, and so now they were going to have to do things the hard way.

"Luna, get back!" Seth roared, horrified by the way the vampire's face was able to change. This guy was completely different than Zagan. Zagan had a weird thing with his eyes where he could move them independently, and that was unsettling enough. But this was on an entirely different level. The vampire's smile widened on his face, curling up near his eyes, and when he opened his mouth to smile, there were rows of razor sharp teeth within.