

August felt her stomach trilling again under the intensity of Graeme's eyes. There was a universe waiting for her there to be explored, and she found herself already drawn in and lost to it. He stepped closer to her, bringing his body heat to wrap around her protectively. It was comforting and intoxicating at the same time. He seemed to extend himself somehow and fill the space he was in. The whole room vibrated with his energy, and August felt it inside of her as if she was simply an extension of his and of the treehouse and of this unfamiliar place in the forest. It was as if she was suspended here in this illusion by his willpower alone.

Graeme raised a hand to touch her face, and August felt her eyes flutter closed as her breath caught in her throat. But he stopped short of her cheek, pulling his hand back to gauge what this reaction of hers meant. Was this going to be okay?