
My Lycan King ia a Gigolo

While I was being hunted by the guards, I accidentally intruded into King Theo’s forbidden garden. Suddenly, I saw a towering figure standing in the distance with the moonlight on his back. I didn't want to die, even if I lived only one more day, I would have one more chance to turn things around. I knelt on the ground and ripped off my clothes. "My King, please save me, I am yours!" I pleaded with him. "I have seen you naked before, it’s nothing new," came back a cold but magnetic voice. The King in front of me was the gigolo I had had a one-night stand with before. I was the Alpha’s daughter in Night-fall Pack and the future Alpha. After I was set up by my stepmother and half-sister, I became a rogue. King Theo was a notorious tyrant; he was also sweet and charming. With his help, I was detoxified and finally shifted into a unique wolf with powerful magic. Why had Theo pushed me away after finding out I was his fated mate? Was my half-sister only after the Alpha throne? Where was my mysterious bloodline from? When I set foot in my hometown - the hidden mythical territory - the shocking truths unveiled and the fate between Theo and me seemed to vanish. I am the unbeatable Dorothy, the mythical Luna! This captivating urban-fantasy is filled with romance, magic, adventure and inspiration.

LXMURRAN · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
32 Chs

Sleep with me

Chapter 6

"I could be of use to you," I rasped hoarsely, my voice cutting through the darkness and echoing in the silent garden. His hand loosened its grip, and I gasped for air.

"Just give me three months, I'll prove it to you, and it still won't be too late for you to kill me," I added, afraid that he would refuse me.

"Your plan doesn't sound too bad, so I'll spare your life for now," Theo snorted coldly, "put your clothes on and come with me." With that, he turned around and walked towards his Palace.

I followed him silently through the garden and soon came to a side door of the Palace. The guards at the door bowed respectfully and opened the door for him.

When I stepped into the Palace, I felt my eyes being filled with light and could barely keep them open. I was surrounded by high ceilings with sparkling and glistening chandeliers, the walls were covered by an impressive array of artworks with gold ornamentation.

A matronly, middle-aged woman greeted him. "Esther, take her to have a bath." Theo's tone became soft. Then he turned back to me and said coldly, "Come to my room and sleep with me when you're done." He went upstairs without looking back, leaving me with a stunned look on my face.

I looked at Esther beside me and thought about what Theo had just said; my cheeks were burning.

"What's your name?" Esther looked me up and down with a smile as she asked me.

"My name is Dorothy; you can call me Dory." I was covered in mud, my clothes were in tatters, and I answered in a low voice with my head down.

"I like your name, Dory, I'm Esther, the butler here. You can come to me for anything you need in the future," Esther said, smiling kindly as she walked.

She led me to a bathroom, "You go inside and take a shower, and I'll bring you a change of clothes later," she said before leaving me.

I turned on the nozzle, and as warm water showered my body, my tense nerves gradually relaxed. I had not been so comfortable in the shower for a long time. I lathered up my body, and the foam touched my wounds. I couldn't help but grin - I didn't care, the pain was so insignificant compared to my life.

I'm alive now, and that's enough, I thought. I came out of the shower and saw a change of clothes on the bench: white panties, a white silk night gown and a robe with delicate lace inserts. I carefully put on the night gown and looked at my reflection in front of the mirror, showing my snow-white skin with lines of savage-looking whip marks, scars and bruises.

I frowned and quickly wrapped the robe tighter, trying not to let the marks show. I did not want Theo to see my ugly body; although in his eyes I was nothing, I still have my pride.

When I stepped out of the bathroom. Esther was already waiting for me outside. She saw me come out and exclaimed, "Dory, you're so beautiful, you look like a Barbie doll." I smiled shyly.

Esther led me to Theo's bedroom and knocked on the door: "Your Majesty, Dory is here. "

An icy voice came from the room, "Let her in."

I took a deep breath, like a condemned soldier on his way to the execution ground, pushed the door open and walked in.

Here, an other-worldly, black wooden floor reflected the flickers from the roaring fire in the stone fireplace, the grey-toned wall almost like a storm cloud. In the middle of the room, taking pride of place in front of the fireplace, stood a large bed dressed in white linens.

I couldn't help but shiver.

Theo was wearing a grey, beltless robe, revealing his large pecs. He stood by the fireplace with a glass of whisky in his hand. His face was cold and gloomy and looked more and more frightened in the light of the fireplace's roaring flames.

I spoke to myself inside my head: if I want to live, I have to please him. So I walked towards him and managed to put a flirtatious smile on my face, "Your Majesty, I am ready."

"Didn't you come to sleep with me? Why are you so tightly wrapped? You just took off all your clothes to stay alive, why can't you admit it?" Theo stared at me with his tone full of mockery.

"Your Majesty, my body looks ugly and I am afraid to frighten you" I whispered. I then untied the waistband of my robe and removed the outer robe.

I saw the glass tumbler in Theo's hand crack, and the metal chandelier above his head shook. "I've only been away for two weeks and you've got yourself into this mess!" his face twitched as he snapped at me.

I bowed head and said nothing. The next second, I was wrapped in his arms, his warm fingers gently stroking my bruised back, and I felt the pain in my back diminish and the warmth spread throughout my body.

I felt like an abandoned child who had unexpectedly been pampered, and I wanted to fall into this warm embrace and cry to him about my grievances, but I soon remembered that the man in front of me was the supreme King, and I was just the woman who had come to serve him, not a spoiled princess.

I was afraid of getting lost in his touch, so I held back the tears that were about to flow and pushed him away.

"Your Majesty, the injuries on my body will heal in a couple of days, you don't have to worry about me." My voice trembled.

"I almost forgot, you drank my blood, so no wonder you could resist my aura for more than an instant in the garden, it seems I underestimated you," he snorted as he let go of me. Then he walked straight to the bed and laid down.

I followed him and lay down next to him in the bed. I was stiff, hesitating about whether I should take the initiative, but I was afraid I would do something wrong and anger him, so I asked in a whisper, "Your Majesty, how should I serve you?"

A pair of large hands swept me into an embrace, "Just sleep with me." His lips pressed against my forehead, his voice slow and lazy.

I felt my entire body tingling when his beard brushed against my skin, and I smelled the faint scent of whiskey on him, rendering me a little intoxicated. I gradually relaxed and unconsciously leaned toward his chest with one hand on his back.

When my hand touched his back, his back immediately straightened, but he soon relaxed and then wrapped his arms around me more tightly.

I was a little breathless from his embrace, so I moved my body down, so that my head was resting on his firm chest. I could clearly hear the powerful beating of his heart, and the strong scent of his masculinity ran through my nostrils, making it impossible for me to avoid it.

I looked at the two large pectoral muscles in front of me and gulped hard, like a tiny mouse finding a delicious piece of cake placed in front of it, simply unable to this temptation.

After a while, I felt that he was breathing more slowly, and was probably already asleep, so I secretly stuck out my tongue and gently licked his chest. It tasted so delicious, I felt tingles exploding over my body.

I saw that he did not react, so I stuck out my tongue again and licked it again. I gradually forgot that the one lying next to me was a fierce tyrant and started licking him over and over. Just like a mouse eating more and more cake, forgetting that there was big cat in the house.

My lips accidentally touched his nipple and I didn't hesitate to take it in my mouth. I hungrily sucked it and his nipple soon became hard under my sucking and I heard him let out a moan.

The sound of his voice made me feel aroused, my primal urges moved my lips to his lower body, and I felt the fire of lust burning inside me. But suddenly my head that was moving downwards was held down.

"Babe, stop seducing me, if I fuck you, you could be in mortal danger, the poison in your body has not yet cleared," he murmured.

I looked up with a stunned look on my face.

He went on, "Last time you forgot you almost lost your life, so until the poison in your body is cleared, you had better behave."

My heart was fluttering with fear, and feelings of lust soon turned into a cold sweat. "Then what do you want me to do?" I asked pathetically.

"Sleep with me." Theo embraced me again into his arms, "That's it, babe, you smell so good." Then he breathed deeply on my neck and spooned me tighter.

Does he really mean sleep when he said sleep and nothing else? I felt confused.

But how could I sleep with an attractive man but have no urge? This was simply a kind of torture! It would be nice if he was a gigolo, but then I thought, even if he was a gigolo, I couldn't afford to pay now. I was no longer a noble princess…

I felt light-headed. I carefully looked up and found that he had fallen asleep. In the moonlight, his face was like a marble sculpture, his eyes tightly closed, and right then he was so calm, kind of like a Prince Charming.

I leaned into his arms again and quickly fell asleep. The next morning, I was awoken by the sun shining on my face, and I opened my eyes to find that Theo was no longer with me. I looked at the clock on the wall and it was already nine o'clock. After a quick wash, I walked out of the bedroom.

Esther was already standing outside the door, and as soon as she saw me, she glanced a smile at me and greeted me warmly, "Good morning, Dory! You're hungry, aren't you? I'll take you to breakfast."

My stomach was indeed growling, and Esther led me to the dining hall, where I smelled the bacon and sausages. I couldn't remember how long ago I had had them! The table was laid out with baked bread, scramble eggs, and of course, fried bacon and sausages. I felt my mouth drooling.

"Sit down and enjoy your breakfast while I make you a cup of coffee," Esther advised as she boiled the water.

I had no time for small talk, and I sat down and started feasting; soon, my mouth was stuffed to the brim, and I quickly gulped down the food, afraid to eat slowly in case the food was taken away from me.

"You should eat more slowly, so you don't choke. Take a sip of coffee," Esther said kindly. I felt so embarrassed and promptly wiped my greasy mouth with my napkin, before taking a sip of coffee. "It's so delicious!"

At that moment, a guard came in and whispered something to Esther. "The King wants to see you. After you finish eating, you can go with him," Esther said to me, gesticulating towards the guard.

I ate two more sausages before I got up. "Esther, I'm full, thank you for breakfast." I patted my stomach as I thanked Esther.

"I am glad that you liked it. Go on, don't let the King wait for you." Easter said with a smile on her face.

I followed the guard out of the Palace, and I enquired, "Sir, where are we going to meet the King?"

"The King is interrogating the prisoner in the dungeon; I'll take you there. "

I muttered to myself: Why did the King want me to watch him interrogating a prisoner? How does this have something to do with me?