
1. the first day we met

the first day we met was nothing more than Romantic but it didn't start like that.

issabelle(me) hey how are u

lindsey(bestfriend) I'm doing just great🙄

issabelle I know your lying I can tell

lindesy alright fine I'm not having the best day because I ran in to him

issabelle my crush or his friend

Lindsey his friend

issabelle omg did u see dvonne

Lindsey no he wasn't here yet

issabelle that's sad he's so cute with his curly hair and light blue eyes he just makes me melt🔥

Lindsey did u see the new kid

issabelle there's a new kid

lindsey so I guess that's a no

issabelle yeah what does he look like

Lindsey well he's really tall and has really cute eyes

Lindsey but the best thing is that he likes someone in this school already I hope it's me

issabelle fan girl much

Lindsey well he's hot

issabelle well I dont think sooo...

issabelle starts walking to class until bam...

she falls to the floor and says

issabelle watch out dude

Jordan (the new kid) sorry I didnt see you

Jordan I guess your just to short

issabelle excuse me what did u just say

she stands up and realizes how tall he is she looks down in embarrassment

he looks at her and laughs because and then walks away

issabelle hey you

Jordan turns around

issabelle you know .....

jorden what???🙄

issabelle ur zipper is undone

jorden looks down

(jordans Mind)sh*t my zipper is undone but I zipped it up this morning ???

jorden looks up and shes not there anymore and he wonders where she went but then the bell rang and he went to class

when he got to class the only open seat was next to.....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Issabelle_Graycreators' thoughts