
My Lovelife on this Pandemic!

DaoistyQL3de · Politique et sciences sociales
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Chapter 1: Quarantine (Part 1) Baron's PoV

"One strawberry coated donut with sprinkles please! "

Hi! I am Baron Mijares and I am buying my favorite donut on my favorite donut shop. It is located on the highway of our power City, the Toledo City.

Everything here is just casual and the ambiance is so much more on nature. There are trees on the sidewalks and bridges. You can hear the pretty little birds chirping around the fountain in the central park. as usual, I am going straight to the library to return this book of Greek Mythology. Yeah, I am a nerd as you can describe me.

Well, I am not that kind of nerd that is a hardcore into academics. I am more on that nerd who tries to do new things.

I tried singing and I feel great about it but honestly, I sing out of tune, most of the times.

I like to do some gardening. I like plants and animals. Sometimes I feel like a Disney Princess when there are cute animals that come near me. Most of the times, i animals do come near me. Who's the fairest now Snow White?

I also like to build things, in term of carpentry and mechanical devices. I only do simple devices from now but I want to build or create much more complex devices that can help us in the future.

I have a dream to become a CEO of my own company one day. I know it is kind of impossible but I will try to achieve it.

Have you heard the news lately these days?

I think it was about the virus? The people here said that it came from the bats in a market in a specific country. I am not sure why people are buying too much alcohol these days. My family bought a gallon of it.

I better go home now. It is getting late.

I rush to home. I get ready for suppertime.

I helped in cooking the food. Teenagers these days don't know how to cook. Do they kniw that eating fastfood always is not good? There is too much oil and salt. We do not know how much ount they put in it to make taste yummy for our tongue. I still think that home cooking is the best food to consume. We should start eating less fastfood.

So, we are now eating supper. as we are eating, the television in the living room is on and it says something about the virus spreading in the country.

It made us stop eating and continue to listen to the television.

It is true that the Corona Virus is real and it is in the country. Me and my family are panicking right now.

Remember that I tell you that we bought one gallon of alcohol? Well, my family are now planning to buy more gallons of it tomorrow.

It also said that there will be a community quaratine.

So, it means that we are just going to stayat home. No going out.

My sister got frustrated on hearing this.

After dinner, I go to my room and I open my laptop and my cellphone. Both my laptop and cellphone notify me that there are no more classes. I did not yet graduated in Highschool.

Suddenly, our adviser chatted on the groupchat in the messenger that our graduation should be done virtually. It means that I am just staying at home and watch the graduation presentation live on that very specific day.

I was really looking forward for a normal graduation. Well, it is for our health safety as well. They have a point on having it done virtually. I mean like, we might get infected by the virus. The virus cannot be seen through our human naked eyes.

So, it is like the movie "Bird Box" but the enemy is a virus and we have to wear a face madk rather than a blindfold.

It would be ridiculuos anyway to wear a blindfold on this so called pandemic.

Now, I am just scrolling on my newsfeed. Have you heard about the 5G internet? I bet it is another scam. Last time, we believe that 4G internet is the strongest and fastest internet and yet it was freaking slow and made me throw my phone away. I cannot handle slow internet.

Would it be better that internet dhould be free here since it is not in quality? I mean people need it and those companies making it as a big deal that they have the best internet service even though that is evidently not true. It is bot cool ro sell to people some low quality product especially, they put the price higher for it. We are like paying for the same no good internet service but with promotional approach from them.

As I was checking some messages in messenger, I can see my classmate were so proud of their achievements. I think they are bragging but I just feel weird of why they have to brag. We already said Congratulations and praise them but they are just making other people uncomfortable like my friend Amanda.

I can understand why Amanda hates them bragging their awards. Sometimes people who is on the top tier do not really deserve the recognition.

Like come on, there are so many deserving people on our class but I guess there are the stars.

Well, I am fine on what I achieved. I just hate these people discriminating my achievements.

There making it as a big deal.

I think they are immature in thinking I guess.

I just feel bad for Amanda for not being the best student in our class. Just saying.

She deserve those other awards.

I should not mind their business but it is affecting my peace. So annoying!

You would probably not know what I am trying to say right now!

All, I want from now is a peaceful life.

Well, I am excited for the college life.

Cheers for me!

I know this is going to be my first quarantine experience ever. I do not know when it is going to end.

Anyhow, I will sleep now. I want to wake up early to start my day.

Hey, why are you here?!

Quit sneaking in my window babe!