
My Love Story With Populer Girl

What do you do when a girl who is known to be calm and cold becomes very cheerful when she is with you? That's what Sebastian feels, Sofie, a girl who is known to be cold, becomes very cheerful when she is with him. But both their relationship could not run smoothly, because of Sofie's beauty, she became the target of many people, from people who often tease her to even some criminal eyes. Actions like a stalker will be experienced by Sofie very often. Sebastian must protect Sofie from many bad people. Will he be able to protect against evil? How will their relationship go?

Renfiansyah · Sports, voyage et activités
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4 Chs

1. Sofie The Popular Girl

Sofie Auliana— she always sits directly in the left corner of the classroom adjacent to the window, her existence is very easy to attract people's attention. Long flowing black hair, eyes that look calm and beautiful and cuby cheeks that make her even more cute.

No one did not know that girl. She can be regarded as the top idol of this school. Hers calm, cold, and silent nature fascinated most people.

She wouldn't even speak if she wasn't invited, and even though Sofie did, it was probably only about a few words. Like "Yes", "No", or other words. The point is that she is very quiet, but that trait is what makes Sofie popular.

Sofie is very often get confest by students here, both handsome and people with enough money, but it's useless, because Sofie will definitely refuse. She would answer with a single word "No" with a straight face.

Even now that Sofie was being confest by someone who was popular, at this time all the eyes of the class were staring at the two students.

"Sofie," greeted a male student who looked quite handsome, he had a pretty idol and athletic face.

"What?" Sofie turned her head, she stared blankly at the young man.

"I love you, will you be my girlfriend?" The young man's face turned bright red from saying what he wanted, but it was very clear that the answer from Sofie was obvious.

"No." Only one word came out of the girl, after answering she looked back at the window.

the young man who had just been rejected could only smile forcibly looking at Sofie, what a pitiful man. He was still speechless and looked at Sofie, hoping to get a better answer.


"Don't think abaout it, bro. Just take it easy, oke." One of his friends patted him on the shoulder, he gave a smile and thumbs up.


The young man did not answer, he fell silent in heartache because he had just been rejected.

"Cheerful, bro! I'm going to get some food later, so come on!"

Luckily he had a sensitive friend, he dragged the young man away from Sofie.

This incident is already the third time for today. Maybe Sofie doesn't have bad intentions, she is just fed up with all this excessive behavior, just imagine that you were get confest three times for just one day and didn't stop there even every day Sofie would get love letters from other students, even though they ended up being rejected.

Sofie's nature is indeed very cold. I can't count the number of times she rejected someone, well. Maybe I must write about this incident in the book.

I recorded all the events that happened, everything about Sofie, I always wrote in books because I was a writer.

But please don't get me wrong ide, it's not that I'm a pervert who writes biographies of people without permission, this is a very important reason.

Because I am a writer, I was forced to do this taboo job, almost everyone who asked me to write everything about Sofie, maybe because I was in the same class as Sofie and my status as a writer so I was asked for help.

At first I tried to refuse because it was an invasion of privacy, but in the end I was a high school student I needed extra money so I was forced to write this taboo.

"Sorry Sofie, it's all for money... It's not! Just kidding, it's for the sake of reading literacy this school goes up..'

Thinking like that, I'm still writing down the incident that just happened. Until the break ends.

The break time ends now is the time for the lesson to start. I closed the book I wrote and put it in a drawer.

Then I picked up the maple book in the bag and put it on the table. I stopped writing and focused on learning.

While focusing I somehow sensed that someone was staring here, so I turned my head to the left and found that Sofie was staring at me.

She didn't make a single expression, just blank. I thought maybe she was staring at something else.

But, she didn't stop staring. Our eyes met for a few minutes.

'Why is she looking at me?'

'Is there anything strange about my face?'

I asked myself. Before I realized that my cheeks had heated up, if I looked in the mirror it would probably look like a tomato.


A very loud voice sounded. I spontaneously turned to the teacher who looked angry, probably because I didn't seem to be paying attention.

"W-what, teacher?" I asked with a nervous smile.

"What? Your grunt! Pay attention to my lessons! I know that Sofie is beautiful, but don't keep staring at her!" The teacher raised the tone, making everyone laugh.

"um- I'm sory."

I can only lower my head in embarrassment to be the subject of jokes. Then once again I turned to Sofie trying to figure out what her reaction was.

And it was very unexpected that she still looked at me without any expression.

"Just so you know, sir, it was Sofie who looked at me."


The sky has become orange, the time for home has begun.

Without further ado, I went home alone. Yes, by myself it is a normal thing for me.

I walked from here because my distance between houses was quite close, I was also sure that some students were the same, because most students in this school were close to home.

Five minutes passed, I got home and knocked directly into the mattress in the room.

I wondered why Sofie was looking at me, but no matter how hard I thought I didn't know the answer.

"Huh.." I sighed.

When it comes to Sofie, I have to write something about her, or my friends get unemotional and disappointed.

I searched all over my bag, but I couldn't find it.

"Why isn't there?"

I panicked even more, sweat on my face, maybe now I look pale.

Wait it's weird I'm not that stupid to forget the important stuff.

I'm so sure I've put it all in the bag—

A small memory passed through my head. I remember I put the book in the classroom drawer.

"Damn! How stupid I am!"

"It's really bad that the book written my name, if someone sees it, I will definitely be mistaken for a pervert."

Frustrated, I grabbed my hair until it calmed down. After that, ran quickly towards the school.

After running for a while, I finally got to school. Immediately went up the stairs and headed for my class.

But the pace stalled. I was surprised by the figure standing in front of my path.

She is a very cute girl, she is Sofie. Sofie is seen standing and reading the book.

And that book was the item I was looking for, it's over.

I wrote a personal thing about someone and that person knew that I would definitely be considered a pervert especially Sofie was a girl.

So this is a retribution for greedy people, I should have rejected the taboo work. Sorry mom, dad. It seems that your child will end up miserably after this.

Fighting with my own mind without me knowing it, Sofie walked over here, her's flat face inexplicably now smiling slightly.

"You know a lot about me huh?"

Sofie walked closer and grinned a little.

The sentence just now was a bit piercing, if it's like this I look like a stalker. Well, even though the reality is like that, I had time to block it for a few days, because it needed information to write.

I was speechless and planned to turn over.

"You also seem to be following me for these few days."

Second attack. So Sofie came to her senses and she said nothing? If this is the case, after all, I am a pervert.


I turned around and ran straight away, afraid that she would get angry. But something soft stopped me, Sofie touched my right hand so I could stop.

"Ne, Sebastian." said Sofie trying to stop me. I don't know how this girl expressed, but I'm sure she must be angry.

With a heavy face, I turned my head, "W-what?" I said. I really feel guilty maybe after this I just stopped writing ah.

When I looked at Sofie, she didn't look angry at a single bit quite the opposite. She smiled so sweetly, a person as cold as Sofie just smiled for me.

"Will you be my friend?" She smiled very cheerfully unlike the usual Sofie.

I sculpted and fell silent, not knowing what to do.