
My love story by Abhishek Malhotra

Abhishek is a famous actor in India and is known for his sincerity at work place. He is a cold, mysterious and oof person. His first love is Shriya Sheren, who is an orphan. He follows her for almost three years , without her knolwedge. But he comes in front of her one day, seeing him she asks him "Aren't you the famous Actor Abhishek Malhotra, Are you the one who wants to spend the night with me." Next morning Abhishek offered her coffee with a smile on his face and said " Last night you promised me that you will let me take care of you." Will she accept his proposal to stay with him. What happens if she decides to stay with him and what are her reasons to become a mistress all of a sudden.. How Abhi is going to be make her his women and what happens when he decided to stay with her for a long time. Will she be able to manage his high profile status and become worthy to be his girlfriend. How does her life change after she met that dream man of all the girls in the entire country. Thought: "What you have left with is more important than what you have lost".

sweetykim · Sports, voyage et activités
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586 Chs

Old lady 1

Shriya went downstairs and saw others having breakfast, she joined them. She opened her books and started going through them while biting absently on her bread.

Preeti who was busy with her omelette looked at her sister and muttered in annoyance "Ohh. She is not at all lady like" Everyone laughed but Shriya who was immersed in her book didn't observe it.

The little girl cleared her throat to get her sister's attention and after succeeding she asked "Di, where is jiju ?"

Then they heard a pleasant voice "Good morning my princess" with that he walked to her and gave her a quick peck on her forehead and asked "Why princess, do you miss me ?"

He sat in his usual place and started having his breakfast. She said to Abhi "Look at dhi ? The way she is eating oohhh godddd...." she exaggerated getting attention from her sister too" She is not at all lady like. Grandpa will be here today and look at her, her hair, her clothes. She looks like an old lady".

She sounded very dramatic and her expressions are like an sixty year old lady and comical earning a chuckle from others.

Rahul countered with an angered face "You little witch. Now you dare to comment on my sisla".

She turned towards Rahul and was about to recounter him and struck her tongue out but soon she hid it and said with an apologetic tone "Sorry Rahulji. I won't do it anymore".

Rahul was shocked and he checked his own temperature with his hand. He then looked at Gouthami worriedly and said "Honey, I think I am seriously sick. I am hearing things and help me apply get an appointment at the ENT department".

Yash who was silent all the time said "Stopppppppp exaggerating Chote." He then turned towards Preeti and said in a lecturing tone with a stutter "You shouldn't talk like that to your elder sister. It's not good manners. You should b....ehave properly".

Preeti looked at them all with a cute and a sad face and Rajesh said to Preeti with a gentle smile "Eat your food. Here have some juice".

Abhi asked her "Do you need anything princess ?" He knew Preeti very well especially her naughty nature and her evil attitude towards Rahul. Seeing her pitiful face he understood that she is in need of something especially from Rahul.

As expected the little girl said "We have a PTA ( Parent teacher association ) meeting fir our class next Monday. Yash continued for her and said to Rahul "Y....ou have to go attend that meeting."

Rahul said Preeti with a teasing expression "Why don't you ask your jiju or your handsome prince ?" and she made a pout. Before she could say anything Gouthami said "I am free that day. I will be there as I am bored at home". She sounded indifferent but everyone knew she is concerned and kind but doesn't like to show it to others.

Rahul said "I will be there too. But don't badmouth my Sisla anymore". The little girl nodded with a smile.

Abhi said "Happy princess ? now have your breakfast fast". Everyone completed their breakfast and Abhi drove Shriya to college. He said "Why are you so distracted from earlier ?" and he said seeing her silence "Don't think about Preeti's words. She is just an innocent little girl".

He continued to reassure her "That old man is like a stalker, he must have seen you in almost all the dresses and I am sure he must have his men follow you. He does the same with us all too. So don't worry about dressing up to please him. Just be yourself and don't forget he already accepted you which means even if I am against you he will be with you.

Just think about your exams now and also about your trip. You might have to face your relatives. And also there's one more thing which I forget to tell you earlier.

Naveen told me that your brother worked for the Government and was an under cover agent for something for police. He had an insurance and you will get it and also your father's pf and something. Barun's men already dealt with the paper work, you just have to sign them and collect your money".

Shriya listened his words and she nodded to him in response. She didn't seem to be surprised and Abhi couldn't help but ask "You knew already about your brother being an under cover agent ?"

She nodded and said "I think I heard something like that earlier but he said he made a prank on his friend and I didn't think much into it then. It seems like he said the truth".

Abhi said "We are here" and she observed that they are at the building where shoot is done. She said "Thank you, I will walk from here".

He said with a nod "I will go greet Raj and will leave." Shriya said "Don't go to office. Go get some sleep at home, you didn't get any sleep last night".

He said "I don't have any shoot till the outdoor shoot. I forgot to tell you. I have other engagements but today I am free.

You go do your exam. All the best, I will come pick you up after exam. Wait for me at the ice cream parlour at the end of the street." She nodded her head and walked towards the gate where Sony and Brahmini are waiting for her friend.