
My love of two lifetimes

A beauty born as omega but with no parents. All his life Alan wanted nothing but a sense of security. However, he never got that luxury in life or love. He fell for an alpha who was way out of his league. To make the matter worst, that alpha is now dating his best friend Rui. But even after that, everytime he met that alpha, he felt a sudden warmth and security. This continuous close encounters started to take a toll on his mind. Watching his crush holding someone else's hand made him anxious. All this mental stress caused him to collapse. A wealthy, rich and handsome second generation business tycoon. All his life Mark Richards has been looking for a home. Everybody wants something from him and all he wants is a home where he can just rest and feel relaxed. His insomnia keeps getting worst. While asleep, he dreams of himself going on rampage, killing every one and standing in the pool of blood. His mind was driving him on the edge until he met an omega. That beautiful omega made him feel like he finally found his home. Everytime Mark saw him smiling, his whole body felt happier. Day by day, he crawled closer to the omega. However, his one and only home collapsed infront of his eyes. The thought of losing his loved one made him scared. " I will bring him back. No one can take him away from me. I won't let him go. Never again." A thunderstorm created by a single human stuck the heaven. They just can't handle this monster...not again.

ChikaraA · Fantaisie
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68 Chs

Alan's file: part 3

Alan was born in the island . His mother was an omega and father was an alpha. When he was born, her mother died due to excessive post partum bleeding. The priest in village got the news and came running to check the situation. When he saw little Alan, his whole being shook in fear. He shouted out to the village that the child was a cursed child. Everywhere this child goes, destruction will follow. He chanted several sutras and walked to the higher platform. After an hour of chanting, he cleared two lines from the platform, one for omega and other for born child. While the blood from his mother was used for painting the huts, priest ordered others to dispose the baby in the wild. He reasoned that killing him will invite calamity, using his blood will curse the whole village but if the animals devoured him, the villagers won't be blamed.

Several elders marched deep into the jungle to dispose a 24 hours old infant. They drew a circle on the ground, poured blood on it, so that animals will get attracted. Then, they placed the infant in the middle. They drew some character on the ground to appease the almighty and then returned to their village.

From the morning till dawn, the infant kept crying until he slept and slept until he started crying. The blood that was rotting with every passing hour tempted many small insects, ants and animals. However, these animals licked the blood on the ground and none of them touched the baby. As if they were afraid of creating a chaos by killing him. The baby was surrounded by all and yet no one touched him.

Twelve hours later, in the dark of the night, two betas were searching for food in the jungle. They were about to leave, when they smelled something burning nearby. They doubted that it was a forest fire but the smell was too close. There were no flames visible around, however the smell of a sandalwood tree on fire was very evident. They searched around and then, they found something very shocking. A circle was drawn on the ground. In that circle, there were several insects churning on the carcass of dead animals laying on the ground. In the middle of the circle, there was a black snake protecting the human baby. The two betas were stupefied. They were afraid that the snake will harm the little infant who was smaller than a cat. One of them lunged forward towards the snake. However, the snake wrapped himself around the baby for one last time and slowly crawled away from him.

The betas quickly picked up the infant, he was having a fever and his body was emitting the smell of burning wood. The beta held the baby in his arm, wrapped him with several layers and ran towards the river as fast as possible. When they reached the river bank, there was a huge cave nearby. They went in, several other humans welcomed them.

There were more than thirty betas living in this cave. They were all banned from the tribe because they were not worthy. Neither they could produce eggs nor they could fertilise them. So, they were useless in the cause of reproduction. As a result, they were banned from the village and casted away in the jungle. This was just one of the small dwelling of these betas. There were many caves in the jungle where rest of the betas lived. Every night, they would go for hunt and feed their pack. But this time they bought a baby, a little one in the pack.

When the baby was bought in, he was having severe fever and was almost dying. For twelve hours that newborn baby was left in the open without any milk. He was hungry.

Several betas left the cave one after another to search for milk. They pulled the nipples of several animals but nothing helped. At the end, one of the betas sneaked into the village and asked for milk from his own mother, an elder omega.

Once, the baby was fed and his fever resided, the betas in that cave went to hunt for fruits and milk for the baby. Every day, they would search the whole forest for food and everyday their was an additional grocery to shop for, milk. The baby that was raised by a pack of betas, slowly regained his health. After a year, he started crawling. After two years, he started walking . After three years, he was able to go hunting with others. In those six years, the pack was full of joy because of the young one. The people lived in harmony and their were several beta couples who loved each other. Therefore, after six years, the baby was named Alan, which symbolised harmony.

Alan was raised by the pack of betas and every person in that pack loved him dearly. In spite of the fact, that he was an omega, everyone cherished him dearly. Alan also loved all his uncles and aunts. Even though he never had a mother or father, he was not lacking in affection. He loved his pack dearly. But all this happiness came to an end when he was ten years old.

During the siege of island, the alphas attacked the army in the middle of the night. On that damned night, Alan was out on hunting with three other betas. When the army retaliated with a shower of bullets, Alan got separated from his pack. He fell into a pit and lost his consciousness. When he opened his eyes again, he was on a ship, chained with several other omegas. Alan had never known the existence of other people. he also had no idea that one could float on water. All these omega scents, new faces and unknown machinery caused Alan's pheromone to become unstable, turning the sandalwood scent into a filthy burning wood scent. Alan's unstable pheromones acted for the first time when he was left in the jungle ten years ago. Once again, after ten years, Alan's defense system was activated. The scent of wood burning wafted in the air, mixed with the scent of charred meat. Everyone on that ship started losing consciousness, one after another. Such strong scent with such thick odour caused a lack of oxygen in the air. People were asphyxiated and many were retching their guts out.

Once the ship reached the shore, Alan was directly moved to the top floor of block E. The captivity where they were sent as war trophies. He was kept inside a glass chamber with a bed and a toilet. Everyday some people would give him food and he would refuse to eat that. His pheromones were always on defensive mode. He was terrified of these sudden change of events. He missed his home, his uncle and aunts, his pack. He missed the jungle where he was once abandoned and where, he once found a new family. He wanted to go home.

He has to make it out live and go back home. To stay alive, he had to eat. From next day onwards, Alan never refused to eat the food he was given. Weeks passed like that and Alan started to calm down. His scent became less poisonous. He started improving day by day.

Every day , the researchers would give him several medicines and injections. Then they would send alphas in his cell to test the toxicity of his pheromones. Alan quietly cooperated but deep down, he was traumatized. It was a lot for a ten something year old kid. He was a savage but he was still a kid. No one cared how he felt. He felt numb. The only hope he had was that one day he would be able to go back home. An year passed like that. And inside that glass chamber, now sat a quiet, numb and half dead twelve year old kid named Alan.

After gaining full authority on the island of Roha. The government also found several betas living in the forest of Roha island. Considering the harsh living conditions and lack of nutrition, all of them were relocated in the mainland. These betas were healthy and they never participated in the village or in the exploitation of omegas. They were sent to the small countryside village, specially constructed for them to understand the modern world.

When Alan got the whiff that government found betas on Roha island, the hope in his heart got scattered. The last thread of hope that was keeping him alive, was now broken. He felt like his whole world was shattered into pieces. The shock was so great that his pheromones started acting up again. This time they were violent enough to kill people. The residents of block E became unconscious, one after another. The whole building was in chaos. The paramedics teams were running here and there, to transport the patients. A little later, even the paramedics were unconscious. Among all this chaos, one person stood on the pile of shattered glass, Alan. He broke the glass chamber and several other layers of protective walls, The bringer of harmony was now out of his mind. He had lost every ounce of sanity, his pupils were shaking and he kept walking like a dead body towards the main door. Soon, he disappeared from that site.

The authorities were unable to track him since then. They lost the stage 4 savage omega named Alan Tuan in that accident. Later, they announced that Alan Twan died due to self destructive pheromone secretion just to appease the higher ups.

The Alan who was still on the run was relieved after hearing that news. After that incident, Alan ran far away from the southern city and arrived in the capital. He was a savage male omega, orphan, physically strong and with extraordinary intelligence. He entered middle school and did several part time jobs to survive in this new world. Later, he graduated and transferred to a new high school. On his first day, he made a friend. It was the first friend he made. She was strong and she smelled like rose petals, very similar to the place he once called home. Her scent calmed his nerves. He also felt a sense of affection towards this female omega. Her name was Rui, Rui Smith.