
fly to the moon

As Belle enters their main door, her mother was sitting on the sofa while playing on her ipad.

"Mom im home" greeted Belle.

"Oh, my baby! how's school?" response Amanda her mother.

"Mom...I'm not a baby anymore" answered Belle remembering Chris and blush a little." I'm a lady now" Declared Belle. Amanda hugs her and pinch her pointy nose "you're always be my baby darling".

Belle frowned, but hug back Amanda.

"Where's daddy?" asked Belle referring to Troy Mondragon. The heir of Mondragon holdings, a handsome middle aged man. Belle got her beautiful features from her parents.

'Hi! just came out from the shower' read Chris loudly. He can't stop smiling while reading it again and again. He feels like flying to the moon for that simple reply from Belle.

Amanda was a socialite from City A, a model. Before she met Belle's father Troy,her career were booming. An overseas company scouted her and became an ambassador of well known brands.

Their family owns malls in City A. Not many knows in City M as she maintain her low profile,an ex-model as some of the wives of businessmen addresses her.

Their businesses were managed by her older brother Tom Chui. As one of the top shareholder, she occasionally travelled there attending meetings and all. All of these will be Belle's in the future.

Troy Mondragon saw her in the fashion show in the US when he traveled abroad. He immediately fell on Amanda's charm..a delicate beauty, with a body carved into perfections. A living goddess. Now they have Cloudia Belle, with a very similar treats as her Amanda.

"You know your father...his very busy now as he expanded to La'Luna." Answered Amanda.

"Okay Mom, I'll go upstairs to shower." response Belle.

"Hmmm... what do you Want for snacks honey" shouts Amanda to Belle as she is at stairs now going ro her room.

"I ate with Lyca before coming home". answered Belle.

When she entered her room,she excitedly check her phone hoping for a text message from someone. To her dismay, there's none. So she decided to take a shower first before sorting out things for the graduation.

Chris dropped off Lyca to their neighboring subdivision and ask his driver to go first in the nearest convenience store to pick some of his favorite potato chips.

On the way home, Chris tried to type something for Belle,but decided not to send it yet.

When they arrived,he immediately run to his room to change and thinking of texting Belle. His parents were not home as they always out for charity or to their foundation. After changing into just a boxer, he immediately lie to his bed and holding his phone.

He typed like 'hey Belle', 'what's up Belle', 'what are doing', but deleted it again again.

He felt frustrated, he almost rock his brain out to think what phrase is good to start a conversation with Belle.

'Hey Belle, busy?' he typed. And send! He almost drop his phone on the floor as his heart were beating rapidly. He calm himself and wait for her reply. But 5 minutes,..10 minutes had past,and still didn't get a reply from Belle. 'Argh' shouted Chris as he comb his hair in frustration. He got up and go to the living room to see if his parents were home.

Meanwhile, in another mansion. Belle just finish showering and she's scanning from her closet for a comfortable pair of shorts. She saw her phone blinking light and dashed to the her study table where it was located to see who's messaging her.

And it was from Chris! Her heart skip a beat. With a shaking hands, she open the message.

'hey Belle, busy?'

'Just that?' question Belle to herself while reading those short words from Chris. She pressed reply and type a message.

He didn't saw his parents in the living room so he went straight to the kitchen to get some water and bring it to his room. Remembering Belle, he climb faster on the stairs to his room. Excited to check on his phone.

'Hi! just came out from the shower's'. Chris can't help himself smiling after reading it again and again. He feels like flying to the moon after getting a response from his goddess.

On the other side, can't control and drop her phone on the floor. She was so shock and can't believe she texted Chris that she just got out from the shower! 'Jesus! argh.....' shouted Belle while punching her pillows. 'What will Chris think about me?argh...' shouted Belle desperately.

"Belle, what wrong? are you okay?" asked Amanda while knocking Belle's door.