
Crush on you

Amidst the darkness, lying a breathless body. There is Cloudia Belle Mondragon, a socialite from a prominent family in the city of Monserat. A couple of hours passed but she is still unconscious. After five hours- at dawn, at last the silent night felt something came back to life.

"Ahhhh...Help--" husky voice reverberating in a dark alley.

"Help...help...." a voice full of hope. To survive is its main goal. As she have the will to survive. As her body aches all over, her heart also suffocates at the thought of being stab at back by your own friend.

A friend that she

Memories of happy moments flash in her mind.

Belle is blessed with a beautiful face, voluptuous body, rich and young. Most of the men in town wants to bed her.

During high school, she is always on top. With rich peers around.

"Lets go Belle!". Said Lyca,her bestfriend. Also came in a prominent family in city M. They are both in a prestigious school in city M.

"Yeah lets you..im hungry." said Belle while touching her flat belly.

While walking in the school hallway,all eyes where at them. Admiring eyes from the boys and sharp look from the girls. With a perfect looks of Belle, they felt insecured.

"Hey ladies." greet Chris. The campus crush.

"Going for lunch?" he asked.

Hearing Chris's voice made Belle a little nervous. For christ sake! Chris is her ultimate crust since childhood. Chris also came d

From prominent family. His family is in politics. His grandfather Fernado Garcia is the congressman of thier town. While Belles family is into real state.

"Yes! Want to join?" asked Lyca excitedly. With Chris'personal attributes, most of the girls in school had a crush on him,and Lyca is no exception. Lyca, like Belle came in a business society. Unlike Belle, which is a ladylike, Lyca is very liberated.

"Yeah sure". Answered Chris happily while looking on Belle side. "but, Belle..can I?" asked Chris with hopefulness in his voice.

Belle blushed and looked down while aswering "yes suit yourself".

"Wow lets go". Answered Chris excitedly. Girls around were jealous of Lyca especially Belle. As they turn around to head to the nearest restaurant, Lyca attempted to hold Chris arms. Belle felt a little jealous seeing it. But Chris get Lyca's hands away from him innocently. He didn't want to offend Lyca. Belle saw it and felt happy inside. She hide her smile well by looking away.

"What are we having?" asked Chris to ease the situation.

"Im craving for a pasta". Answered Lyca as if nothing happened.

If you look at it closely, Lyca and Belle has a different personality, you can't really imagined why this two were friends. Maybe because only Lyca made the first move to talk to Belle. All of her classmates are aloof when it comes to her. Beauty and brain Belle.

"Well, Belle? What would you like to have?" asked Chris.

"I'll just have salad." aswered Belle shyly while blushing.

"Great! Lets go to my favorite restaurant. Im sure You two will like it". Said Chris with a big smile on his face.