
My Lost sword

Where would a powerful sacrificing sword be? That's what Raven wants to know. Old friend or new enemies lurk with this information. Can he defend himself by the power hungry humans.

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2 Chs

Cold Trail

Mika Len, my best friend since highschool is missing. Where did she go? Family? Friends? She can't just disappear like that. I'm a close friend of hers. There was a knock at the door...

"Hello... Mika? Are you home?" I fucked down and grabbed a kitchen knife on Mika's kitchen counter. I shouted, "who is it?".I slowly peaked out behind the sofa to see another woman standing by the door step. I hide the knife behind me and stared at her. She was wearing a maroon miniskirt along with a black purse. She looks around in her 20s."Who are you?", she asked. I need to put my guard up, martial law states never to underestimate your opponent." I asked first, so tell me who are you? " , I replied. She hesitated to answer while scuffling away.

Who could blame her not to trust me right now, I am the one holding a knife behind my back, talk about backstabbing. The moment I looked up... She was gone. I quickly dropped the knife and ran out the door and looked around to find her. Over the edge of the rail I saw her running away. Not time to think just chase. I rushed down the two flights of stairs bumping into some people on the way. Running this fast isn't my forte.

I was slowly catching up to her, she must be getting tired. I have sufficient stamina of a swordsman. I told her to stop but she seemed more scared as we windup running toward the street intersection.Around the corner turn she disappears for few moments as I also follow her.As she looked around to see me right behind her. The next thing I see is a black vehicle stopping with screeching noise from it's tires. There she laid in a puddle of blood under her head.