
My longevity simulation

ChatGPT translation. I have not uploaded Chapter 1-125 since it was already officially translated in https://www.scribblehub.com/series/851465/my-longevity-simulation/ it's been years since I came across such a good novel. In my 10 years of reading webnovels rarely ever I came across such a well thought out plot and world building. Translation starts from Chapter 126. I started it since I couldn't wait for the official translation, I'm translating it myself using CHAT- GPT and it has much better translation than both mtl and google translation. I'll continue to update chapters and will try to keep up with raws. ********* Synopsis: The path of immortality is nigh unachievable. Furthermore, the immortal world has been completely transformed by a plague! When immortals contact infected mortals, their cultivation bases fall, or worse, they return to the heavens; thus, the immortal and mortal realms have been eternally separated. Moreover, all immortal arts may only have one practitioner; thus, the world of immortality has become a dark forest. … Although Li Fan had grand ambitions when he first transmigrated to this world, he could only be trapped in mediocrity, slowly wasting away his mundane life. Fortunately, as he was dying, he finally awakened a supreme treasure that could turn truth into lie and reality into dream, reversing time to when he first arrived! Following this, Li Fan embarked on his endless path to immortality! In his second life, Li Fan ascended through politics and ruled the world after 50 years, but after searching worldwide, he found no trace of the Immortal Dao. Only at the end of his life could he glimpse the immortal path. In the third life, despite immense efforts and carefully laid schemes, Li Fan ultimately couldn’t resist a single strike of an immortal’s sword! In the fourth life… … I, Li Fan, an ordinary mortal, will harbor no regrets throughout a thousand lifetimes, all for the pursuit of immortality! ******* Cultivation Realms: >Qi refining/Foundation building >Foundation establishment >Golden core/Core transformation >Yuan Ying/ Nascent Soul >Nascent Divinity/ Divine Transformation (Sometimes they are mistakenly called Nascent Souls) >Dao Integration/Harmonization/ Unity/ Fusion/Convergence (Daoist Sovereign) >Eternal Life Realm/Longevity Tianzun/ Trancendent Heaven Sage Wanxian alliance= Ten Thousand Immortal alliance. Cloud Mist sea= Cong Yun Sea Tianbao Tower = Heavenly Treasure Pavilion Xuantian= Profound Heaven

The_peanut_gallary · Oriental
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Chapter 966-970: The Gu Curse of a Single Thought for Ten Thousand Cultivators (6k+ words)

"I'll borrow this body for now and hide it. When we need to contact in the future, I'll use this method." Moru Bin concluded.

Li Fan also nodded in agreement.

The two had previously discussed in detail various matters to pay attention to in their upcoming cooperation, but Li Fan did not request Moru Bin to inquire about the secrets of the Immortal Alliance. In Li Fan's view, Moru Bin's line of investigation was still in the developmental stage and far from the harvest.

"When his position among the Law Transmitters in the Immortal Alliance improves after this, perhaps I can make some small requests."

He thought so after Moru Bin's divine sense completely disappeared from his sea of consciousness.

In the next ten days, under Li Fan's guidance, all the cultivators practicing the "God's Descent" technique gathered towards Luo Yan Province.

According to Moru Bin's plan, he would soon arrive in Luo Yan Province in the identity of a Law Transmitter.

The upper and lower levels of Luo Yan Province would undoubtedly treat this matter with the highest specifications. Moreover, Moru Bin would attract the attention of all surveillance forces, creating a fertile ground for Li Fan to spread the God's Descent technique.

For a month, Li Fan had to enthrall as many cultivators as possible during this period.

Then, he would scatter these cultivators throughout the Immortal Alliance, waiting for Moru Bin to complete his inspection and return to the Immortal Alliance headquarters shortly after.

Then, they would all explode together.

When the situation became uncontrollable, Moru Bin would volunteer to take on the task of completely annihilating these rebels.

With Li Fan, the mastermind, acting as an insider, it would undoubtedly be very easy to solve this matter perfectly.

That was the general plan.

Of course, in practice, they might encounter various unexpected changes. Moru Bin had already prepared various contingency plans.

There was a feeling of orchestrating behind the scenes and winning a thousand miles away.

However, compared to Li Fan, there was still a slight gap.

Soon, more than thirty thousand God's Descent cultivators, under Li Fan's suggestion, headed to Luo Yan Province.

To avoid alerting the relevant departments of the Immortal Alliance due to the sudden increase in the number of people, Li Fan manipulated these people under his control. Some used teleportation arrays, and some flew through the air.

In batches, they arrived at various locations in Luo Yan Province within ten days, hiding themselves.

They began to observe the surrounding cultivators and select suitable candidates.

Although Luo Yan Province was not as prosperous as the central four provinces of the Immortal Alliance, it was still a top-notch province.

The Supreme Celestial, Ji Cheng Xian Zun, was a native of Luo Yan Province and held command over the Immortal Alliance Garrison Command.

After he took over the great power, he provided a lot of assistance to his hometown.

Many descendants of families in Luo Yan Province were able to go to the Immortal Alliance headquarters for employment, and in the following years, they repaid their hometown.

After years of deep cultivation, the network of relationships was intricate and profound.

It was precisely because of the existence of figures like Law Transmitters that Luo Yan Province treated matters so cautiously.

Li Fan's sea of consciousness unfolded the map of Luo Yan Province.

Red dots representing God's Descent cultivators were scattered throughout Luo Yan Province.

Sensing the information transmitted back by his subordinates, Li Fan couldn't help but nod approvingly, "The land is rich, and even if we exclude those descendants of major families, the overall quality of cultivators is much better than those in Cang Yun Hai, a remote area."


"Everything is in place, just waiting for Moru Bin's side."

Li Fan arranged for his subordinates to contact and build relationships with the chosen targets.

Instead of rushing to take action, he gradually gained the trust of his targets.

The scenes of discussions among thirty thousand people all returned to Li Fan's sea of consciousness.

Li Fan sat in the center, relying on his powerful divine sense and high emotional intelligence, always providing the best response solutions.

Moreover, these more than thirty thousand God's Descent cultivators did not all act individually.

Those with lower abilities were intentionally grouped together. Through mutual discussions, the efficiency of bewitching them was even higher than those who fought alone.

Soon, within a few days, there were tens of thousands of "best friends" in Luo Yan Province.

Li Fan looked at the tens of thousands of different scenes floating in front of him with a calm expression.

For him, making acquaintances, engaging in conversations, and gaining trust were nothing more than a series of multiple-choice questions.

Given Li Fan's current experience and mindset, finding the optimal solution among countless choices was not a difficult task.

Moreover, choices made without emotions, purely based on absolute reason, could further enhance the relationship.

"When just forming a relationship, the connection is most passionate. It's necessary to strike while the iron is hot..." he silently thought.

Only one day later than the agreed-upon time, on this day, there seemed to be an unusual atmosphere looming over Luo Yan Province.

Among the thirty thousand scenes, numerous discussions reached Li Fan's ears.

"Huh? Why haven't I seen Lord Cai recently? Did he come up with some new tricks again?"

"It's strange; I haven't encountered Brother Zhang for several days."

"Damn it, I went to handle some matters in Luo Yan City today and was unexpectedly stopped. They didn't give any reasons, just wouldn't let me in! Damn!"

"The guys from the Martial Arts Hall have been quite active recently. But the way I see it, it seems like they're just putting on a show?"


Various unusual behaviors combined, and the cultivators of Luo Yan Province quickly realized that a prominent figure had arrived.

As for how significant this figure was and their true identity, they had no way of knowing.

However, clever individuals decided that for the recent period, they would only cultivate and not go out unless absolutely necessary.

Otherwise, for some unknown reason, they might inexplicably disappear from the mortal realm.

Within Luo Yan Province, everything was calm.

Many cultivators were clear-headed, not daring to act recklessly.

They simply gathered with friends privately to discuss.

And at this moment, it was finally Li Fan's turn to show his dominance.

Stirring the emotions of the target cultivators, evoking their resonance, was actually quite simple.

Most of these cultivators were without significant backgrounds, relying solely on their efforts to reach their current cultivation levels.

Most were at the Foundation Establishment stage, with a few at the Golden Core stage.

The Nascent Soul stage was extremely rare, almost one in a thousand.

Li Fan's bewitching voice echoed in their ears.

"Humph, these big families control Luo Yan Province. We humble cultivators are afraid we'll never have a chance to rise."

"Yeah, we never get anything good. We're not even qualified to know what's happening..."

"Tsk tsk, living like this."

"Relying solely on self-cultivation, without resources, how high can one cultivate? Without a blessed land, even if one is a peerless genius, they'll be stuck at the Nascent Soul stage. I don't think those big family disciples are necessarily stronger than me. Take Lord Cai, for example; he lacks nothing and is still only in the late Golden Core stage. Truly a complete waste! If it were me..."


Angry and unwilling emotions spread among the lower-level cultivators.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 967: Chaos of Gods and Demons in the Immortal Alliance

Originally, deep within the hearts of the cultivators in Luo Yan Province, there was a suppressed sense of dissatisfaction and despair.

Now, under Li Fan's deliberate guidance, it was like a volcano ready to erupt at any moment.

At this time, Li Fan gave them an outlet, a hope.

A supreme secret technique that could subdue those lofty disciples of major clans, even without cultivation!

"Beyond the realms, within the vast void, there exists a supremely compassionate immortal, witnessing the suffering of all sentient beings."

"Though situated in purgatory, suppressing countless gods and demons, the heart remains connected to all living beings."

Therefore, a secret technique was bestowed, allowing equality for everyone and providing a chance for each to strive...

In the murmurs, the mysterious veil of the "Godly Embodiment" secret technique was unveiled before the cultivators.

Some were skeptical, but those with a mentality of "let's give it a try; it won't hurt" cultivated for some time.

Surprisingly, they indeed summoned godly and demonic avatars that could rival Nascent Soul and Core Formation cultivators.

Even if it seemed unbelievable, the facts were right in front of them.

In the blink of an eye, they could achieve a leap in strength that might have been impossible throughout their entire lives, a temptation few could resist.

Even for those who knew this might be a trap, they still willingly swallowed this poison.

In their eyes, possessing formidable strength meant they could now do many things they had previously only dreamed of.

But what they didn't know and couldn't predict was...

Once they cultivated the Godly Embodiment, summoning godly and demonic avatars, their thoughts were no longer under their control.

Under Li Fan's influence and guidance, the promising cultivators of Luo Yan Province, who had their own goals, temporarily abandoned their aspirations.

Silently leaving Luo Yan Province, they headed to remote regions they might never have considered visiting before.

It seemed like something was waiting for them there.

When the law enforcer arrived in Luo Yan Province, precautions were at their maximum.

But under the law enforcer's instruction not to cause too much disturbance and maintain a low profile, all defensive measures were targeted.

As a result, Luo Yan Province was not completely sealed off, and the departure of these cultivators faced no obstruction.

Although it was indeed suspicious to have so many cultivators leaving simultaneously in such a short time, which would usually raise the alarm for the Immortal Alliance organization in Luo Yan Province.

However, at this moment, the law enforcer was present.

What could be more important than carefully welcoming this distinguished figure?

If they failed to entertain the law enforcer properly, and the law enforcer became displeased, even the highly respected Immortal Lord Ji Cheng might not be able to protect them, and they would have to escape in disarray.

Centuries of development in Luo Yan Province would crumble in an instant.

They couldn't bear such consequences.

Therefore, properly entertaining the law enforcer now took precedence over everything else in Luo Yan Province.

Hence, the investigation and handling of the massive departure of these cultivators were temporarily put on hold.

Only when they had quietly and completely relocated and spread out, seemingly having their fill, did the law enforcer leave with assurance.

Before departing, a group of black-robed cultivators, citing the need to strictly protect the law enforcer's movements and maintain secrecy, destroyed some documents.

After Luo Yan Province returned to normal chaos, the Immortal Alliance cultivators conducted an inspection but found nothing unusual.

Everything seemed the same as the usual Luo Yan Province.

The Immortal Alliance cultivators, back on track, began to envision how, having gained the favor of the law enforcer, they would advance further in the future.

However, they were unaware that a terrifying disaster had unintentionally slipped from their hands.

"It can begin now."

Thirty days later, the efforts of the cultivators who spread from Luo Yan Province caused the number of enchanted cultivators to increase by an order of magnitude.

Feeling that it was almost enough, Mo Ru Bin, through his divine and demonic incarnation, contacted Li Fan.

Li Fan, looking at the map of the entire Immortal Alliance and the countless red dots on the map, smiled slightly.

The eerie atmosphere in his mental sea disappeared for a moment.

All the demon gods disappeared, leaving emptiness, and sunlight emerged.

At this moment, countless ancient gods and demons, fabricated and imagined by Li Fan, descended upon the Xuan Huang Realm!

The cultivators practicing the Godly Embodiment had completely lost their ability to think.

They became puppets of powerful godly and demonic forces, acting according to Li Fan's intentions.

Each god and demon simultaneously launched attacks on the celestial cities across the Immortal Alliance.

Even though rotations occurred every three months, the defensive formations in the celestial cities were like illusions before Li Fan.

Countless gods and demons easily bypassed the defense formations, infiltrating the interiors of various celestial cities.

Compared to the internal conflicts within the Five Elders of the Immortal Alliance, the celestial cities in various provinces were genuinely peaceful.

Even during the battles between the Five Elders, the conflicts were confined to the border provinces. For the majority of cultivators, the so-called war was something they could only glimpse through the Heavenly Mirror occasionally.

It seemed far removed from their daily lives.

They had never imagined that they would fall victim to an attack one day!

As the demon gods breached the defenses and entered the celestial cities, the majority of Immortal Alliance cultivators chose to flee rather than confront the enemy head-on.

"Immortal Alliance is your Immortal Alliance, not mine."

This was the thought in the minds of almost all the fleeing cultivators.

Only a very few, with a passionate spirit and involvement in the complex security work of the Battle Hall, regained their senses and confronted the gods and demons head-on.

They fought against thousands of gods and demons.

However, these gods and demons were all manipulated by Li Fan.

Although he couldn't perfectly control every single god and demon due to splitting his consciousness too much, the vast collective of gods and demons formed by absorbing the thoughts of many cultivators could easily crush these resistors.

After all...

At this moment, Li Fan wasn't truly fighting alone.

He was manipulating the consciousness and thoughts of hundreds of thousands of cultivators.

Combined with Li Fan's extraordinary combat awareness, the general defenses of the Immortal Alliance quickly crumbled, falling one by one.

Knowing the existence of the Immortal Tombs, Li Fan chose not to slaughter.

Instead, he split into one god and demon after another, forcibly entering the minds of the Immortal Alliance cultivators who had lost their ability to resist.

Becoming nutrients for the cultivation of the Godly Embodiment.

After a while, these bodies, now devoid of autonomous consciousness, would involuntarily summon demon gods once again.

A cycle of war feeding war, continuous splitting.

In less than half a day, the number of godly and demonic incarnations controlled by Li Fan reached a terrifying level.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 968: Meeting of the Transmitters

"How immense a force..."

Li Fan felt the power he currently wielded, and even with his experience and mindset, he was momentarily overwhelmed. Although the gap between Longevity Supreme and ordinary cultivators was like heaven and earth, when the number of ants reached a certain level, it could compensate for this difference! For instance, at this moment, Li Fan was confident that, after using the divine consciousness of over a million cultivators for his use, he could easily crush the Law King of the Mysterious Heaven Sect, Ink Scholar Bin, who had clashed with him.

Li Fan even had a feeling that if he continued to expand in this manner, after devouring the majority of cultivators in the Xuan Huang Realm...

He might be able to confront and defeat the Transmitters head-on.

Once the desire in one's heart begins to sprout, it becomes challenging to suppress. Especially now, as if sensing Li Fan's thoughts, the imagined million gods and demons all emitted a faint murmur, attempting to entice Li Fan.

Under normal circumstances, hardly any cultivator could resist the temptation of becoming a god in one step. The inevitable result would be losing their original intent and sinking endlessly into eternal expansion.

Until all cultivators perished.

At that time, it was unknown whether the instigator would be able to transcend and become an immortal or fall into the silent end with the world.

But Li Fan was different.

Firstly, he had the protection of the Xuan Huang Immortal Heart Mantra, and secondly, apart from these million demon gods, he also controlled several forces of equal magnitude. He even had the existence of [Still True].

Would Li Fan abandon his true self and be lost to the allure of a mere million gods and demons?

Even with tens of millions of gods and demons or the power of true immortals, it would be a delusional idea to think of tempting him to give up [Still True]!

It could be said that [Still True] was Li Fan's biggest mental anchor, ensuring that he would never be swayed by external influences and forget his original intent.

Unless one day, he encounters an existence even more powerful than [Still True]...

At this moment, Li Fan's face was as cold as eternal ice. The power of the Dao of Stone was operating at its peak, attempting to manipulate every god and demon.

Turning a million thoughts into reality had already placed a considerable burden on the medium-grade Dao of Stone.

However, with the assistance of Li Fan's vast divine consciousness, he could barely maintain basic operations.

"If their number increases, I'll have to let them act instinctively. Without my meticulous control, they will become mindless beasts, and their combat strength will significantly decline. However, it's enough to create chaos."

In half a day, smoke and fire rose within the Immortal Alliance, and the basic forces were almost completely paralyzed. It's crucial to note that each divine consciousness incarnation had combat power equivalent to the weakest godly cultivator. Even in the central four provinces of the Immortal Alliance, the number of godly cultivators was not too high. Faced with the overwhelming assault of thousands of gods and demons, they had no choice but to temporarily avoid the crisis.

Whether it was godly cultivators or those who cultivated the Dao, their choices did not differ.

After all, one's life was their own, and reaching the Dao-merging realm was no easy feat.

Faced with such a fierce enemy, who would willingly become the first bird to confront it? If they fell, what would happen?


The objective environment of the Immortal Alliance led to nearly identical thoughts among cultivators.

This also resulted in an illusion for the million gods and demons manipulated by Li Fan at this moment, as if they were entering an unguarded territory, dominating everything in their path.

It seemed like they were about to completely conquer the Immortal Alliance, which was at its zenith.

At the same time, at the headquarters of the Immortal Alliance.

In a place with no boundaries, where everything was pale white and endless, a lightning bolt exploded from the center of space. Then, projections of various worlds, like worlds themselves, appeared one after another, illuminating every corner of the space.

The scenes were diverse, with continuous mountain ranges hidden beneath a sea of clouds, endless bamboo seas full of greenery, grand and luxurious imperial palaces, and even dreamlike scenes of towering buildings in a neon sea.

In each projection of these worlds, there seemed to be a vague face.

Appearing in this pale space.

"Jiang, tell us the current situation." A somewhat frivolous voice sounded, coming from the world of boundless bamboo seas.

Following that, light and shadows successively appeared in the central parts of these world projections.

All of them showed scenes of gods and demons running rampant, and the Immortal Alliance suffering.

Chapter 968: Meeting of the Transmitters

"That's right. The appearance of these divine consciousness creations is extremely peculiar. There were no signs before, and they suddenly erupted."

"Except for the core governing areas of the heavenly cities, almost all the provinces have fallen."

A solemn voice slowly spoke, introducing the current situation of the Immortal Alliance to the present transmitters.

The voice came from the world of the imperial palace.

"Interesting, so many divine consciousness creations... Could it be the remnants of fallen cultivators in the Xuan Huang Realm over the years?"

"Waste is waste. They can't even organize a decent counterattack!"

"I think it's not that they can't, but they don't want to. A group of untrained wolves..."

The transmitters spoke one after another, all in a relaxed tone, showing no concern about the fall of the Immortal Alliance.

"Jiang, what's your take?"

Suddenly, the gazes of all the transmitters focused on a seemingly inconspicuous world.

There were no magnificent buildings or splendid natural scenery—only emptiness.

A solitary figure sat in the void.

Jiang's gaze remained fixed on the countless scenes at the center of this place, ignoring the inquiries of the other transmitters.

The transmitters seemed to hold great respect for Jiang. They all patiently waited, and no one expressed any dissatisfaction.

After who knows how long, Jiang spoke, "Behind these divine consciousness creations, there is only one person."

"Expose him, and this matter can be resolved."

As these words were spoken, all the transmitters showed different expressions.

"Such power... even an ordinary Longevity Realm cultivator might not be able to do this, right? Who's lowered themselves to engage in such sneaky activities?"

"Wait a moment, saying that, I seem to recall something. It seems that there was a practice in the Xuan Huang Realm years ago that was extremely similar to this."



Regardless of the reactions of the other transmitters, Jiang continued to analyze, "Behind these divine consciousness creations, there is only one person."

"Expose him, and this matter can be resolved."

Upon hearing this, all the transmitters showed different expressions.

"Having such power... even an ordinary cultivator in the Longevity Realm might not be able to achieve this, right? Who would stoop to such underhanded actions?"

"Wait a minute, now that you mention it, I seem to remember. Back in the day, there seemed to be a cultivation technique in the Xuan Huang Realm that exhibited behaviors extremely similar to this."



Regardless of the reactions of the other transmitters, Jiang continued his analysis, "As you all have mentioned, with such strength, he wouldn't engage in meaningless actions. Releasing these million gods and demons..."

"It's probably just a diversion. A smokescreen to conceal his true intentions."

"True intentions?" Jiang's inference gained the agreement of the majority of the transmitters. They began to contemplate the situation.

Some of the transmitters, not knowing what they had remembered, revealed subtle expressions on their faces.

The gaze shifted to others in the assembly.

Jiang continued without glancing around, saying, "No need to suspect each other."

"With strength at this level, the only things worth coveting are a few specific items."

"Whether choosing to fish in troubled waters or seizing them directly, we only need to address the source."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 969: All Things Are Like Me

"Oh? So, Jiang, are you planning to personally take action and catch this insignificant person?"

In the world of neon lights, the voice of a seven or eight-year-old child rang out, filled with admiration.

"Not planning. Already done."

The indifferent voice of Transmitter Jiang echoed in this pale space.

Hearing this, the shocked expressions on the faces of all the other transmitters were barely concealed.


"Brother Jiang actually took action personally?"

"Interesting, it seems he is really interested in this divine consciousness idea."

"Indeed. Speaking of it, this is the first time Jiang has left his 'Returning Ruin World' since the establishment of the Immortal Alliance."

"Tsk tsk, this opponent is in luck now."

"Quick, keep an eye on the real-time updates. I can't wait to see Brother Jiang display his might!"

Like a boiling pot, the pale space instantly exploded.

Those originally calm transmitters now all wore excited and extremely anticipatory expressions.

In one of the small worlds resembling a mortal city, Transmitter Feng, also known as Mo Ru Bin, cast a shadow in his heart.


"Be careful."

Li Fan was controlling the million gods and demons.

At this moment, one of the gods and demons emitted a faint warning.

But Li Fan, who controlled the overall situation, did not ignore it.

Instead, his expression instantly became extremely serious.

"What is this..."

"Mo Ru Bin?"

"He didn't personally intervene but secretly gave a warning."

In an instant, Li Fan reasoned out the possible reasons for the anomaly.

"A formidable enemy is attacking!"

While alarms rang in his mind, Li Fan showed no signs of panic.

Instead, he felt a bit excited.

After all, the power he currently possessed could rival that of the Longevity Celestial. If he dissipated without creating a stir and just disappeared like this, it would be a bit regrettable!

"Let me see who it is that makes the Law King of the Xuan Tian Sect so nervous."

With a blink, Li Fan appeared in front of the faceless True Immortal stone statue in the Spirit Wood Realm.

The golden wish force-filled calamity body slowly floated out.

It was covered with a layer of golden rope-woven clothing.

The calamity body elongated, forming a protective shield that enveloped Li Fan's main body.

"In this way, I can be considered invincible."

"If I truly lose, I'm afraid the entire Xuan Huang Realm will go down with me!"

Li Fan squinted his eyes, cross-legged.

He waited quietly for the arrival of the opponent.

"It should be the same as Mo Ru Bin, tracking back to my sea of consciousness through the divine consciousness avatar."

"Now that I have the assistance of a million cultivators, how can I fear him?"


Li Fan thought for a moment, and his divine consciousness instantly connected to the towering ancient tree in the Spirit Wood Realm.

Constantly refining day and night, Li Fan's mastery of the Spirit Wood Realm was approaching perfection.

At this moment, his divine consciousness merged with the ancient tree, as if inhabiting the heavens and the earth.

Mind and Spirit Wood Realm intertwined.

At this moment, Li Fan was the Spirit Wood Realm, and the Spirit Wood Realm was Li Fan!

"With a million cultivators and a miniature cultivation world."

"Humph, unless a Law Transmitter personally comes..."

Having made all these preparations, Li Fan's gaze flashed with a hint of coldness.

He was ready to strike.

His divine sense observed keenly, and not long after, Li Fan sensitively detected a slight disturbance.

Just as he expected, some entity, after occupying one of the divine consciousness avatars...

Followed the connection between the consciousness web and traced back.

Slowly approaching Li Fan's sea of consciousness.

Li Fan had already invoked the power of the remaining million demons on his side.

Waiting for the opponent to reveal their form, he was ready to strike with thunderous force.

However, when the formidable enemy truly manifested in Li Fan's sea of consciousness...

Li Fan chose not to take action!

"You are..."

Li Fan squinted, looking at the figure.

A weak-looking young man with a lingering trace of delicacy on his face.

The young man's eyes were full of innocence and curiosity, surveying his surroundings.

Li Fan, who always acted cautiously, still didn't make a move.

Allowing the young man to see the scenes in his sea of consciousness.

"This feeling..."

A strange sensation surged into Li Fan's mind.

Looking at this young man, it seemed as if he was looking at himself.


It seemed like this young man was unmistakably himself!

His mind was dizzy, and countless memories rushed in.

Originally a child from an ordinary mortal family, fortunate enough to encounter the Transmitter Celestial. He was educated by him and voluntarily spread the new teachings...

These were the memories he had lost due to injury...

"So, I am Transmitter Jiang."

"Could there be any secrets left between myself and me?"

Such thoughts suddenly emerged in Li Fan's mind.

Li Fan's guard slowly dropped.

The menacing appearance of the countless demons also softened in appearance.

The young man strolled through Li Fan's sea of consciousness as if casually walking around his own home.

"Interesting. Each god and demon is formed by a strand of consciousness."

"To occupy the body of another cultivator, even devour their consciousness to strengthen oneself."

The young man nodded in amazement.

"The secret technique of the Xuan Tian Sect, passed down from the Immortal Realm, is indeed extraordinary," Li Fan proudly remarked.

The young man was slightly stunned, then his gaze flickered.

He carefully scrutinized Li Fan even more closely.

"Not bad, the technique of a real immortal is indeed powerful!" After a moment, the young man sighed and applauded.

"Unfortunately, to achieve the goal, it's still lacking a bit," the young man said regretfully.

Li Fan also nodded slightly, "Indeed. I don't know what happened to Mo Ru Bin. We had an agreement that as long as he represented the Immortal Alliance to resolve this matter, I would cooperate by sacrificing all these gods and demons myself. Let him gain great merit..."

"But this guy hasn't shown up, there must be some unexpected event."

"He truly deserves to be the Immortal Alliance, with profound foundations that are hard to fathom."

Li Fan squinted, nodding in contemplation.

The young man's expression finally changed slightly when he heard Li Fan's words.

A hint of seriousness appeared in his eyes, and the young man continued, "What should we do?"

"With a million gods and demons running rampant, if this continues, there might be a risk of losing control. It's better to contact him first, inquire about the reasons, and handle it properly."

Li Fan waved his hand, revealing a sly smile, "Hehe, no worries. Even if he exposes himself and dies, it won't have any impact on me."

"You see, the power we can control now is so powerful! Losing control? What's that? It's not worth mentioning at all!"

Li Fan's face was full of confidence, "If things really get out of hand and the Immortal Alliance can't handle it, that would be even better."

"With the importance the Transmitter Celestial places on the Xuan Huang Realm, maybe it will force him to appear forcibly."

"By then, with the power of a million cultivators' divine consciousness and the integration of the Spirit Wood Realm's consciousness, I might be able to confront him head-on!"

Hearing this, the young man opened his mouth but was completely stunned.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 970: The Revealed Truth

"Transmitter Celestial, having achieved enlightenment for many years, his strength is unfathomable. It's better not to be careless."

"Don't talk about a million cultivators; even if all the cultivators in the Xuan Huang Realm are combined, they probably won't be able to surpass Transmitter Celestial."

After the surprise, the seemingly shy young man quickly regained his composure. With a light cough, he kindly advised.


"It makes some sense. After all, he's an existence that has dominated the Xuan Huang Realm for thousands of years..."

Seemingly persuaded by the young man, the arrogance on Li Fan's face disappeared, replaced by a slowly becoming serious expression.

"But there's no need to be overly afraid of him either."

"If he really pushes me too hard, I can always trigger the Exquisite Immortal in the Immortal Ruin, and we can all perish together!"

Unexpectedly, Li Fan, after staying calm for a moment, changed his tone and said coldly.

The content of his words made the Transmitter quite pale.

In the Xuan Huang Realm, very few cultivators know about the existence of the Immortal Ruin.

And even fewer know that a true immortal sits within the Immortal Ruin.

He is not clear about the Five Elders' side, but at least among the Transmitters of the Immortal Alliance, only he knows about this matter.

The Transmitter Celestial personally told him back then.

And now...

Transmitter Jiang stared at the seemingly unremarkable cultivator in front of him, his thoughts turning rapidly, speculating about the other's origin.

"Anyone who knows such a secret must have come into contact with the power above the Longevity Realm."

"The secret technique of the Xuan Tian Sect, inherited from the Immortal Realm. It should be the remnants of the Xuan Tian Sect."

"I didn't expect that after so long, the Xuan Tian Sect would still linger. And it might have infiltrated the high levels of the Immortal Alliance..."

While pondering, Transmitter Jiang induced Li Fan, "Unless it's absolutely necessary, don't choose to mutually destroy everything."

"It's not easy to get to this point. It would be a pity to give up so easily!"

Li Fan also nodded in agreement, "More than seven years of planning. If we abandon it like this, it's indeed a bit reluctant."

Transmitter Jiang was shocked again, "This matter has been planned for more than seven years?"

"Only seven years?"

"How is that possible?!"

"When did our Immortal Alliance become so easily infiltrated?"

Transmitter Jiang was furious, while at the same time, he carefully observed the Xuan Tian Sect cultivator in front of him.

"Or maybe, is he deliberately disguising and deceiving me?"

Transmitter Jiang couldn't help but think so.

But after observing for a while, Transmitter Jiang shook his head and denied his own speculation.

"Everything is like me," is not a technique or supernatural power. It is an innate supreme characteristic.

Any creature that comes into direct contact with him recognizes him as "oneself."

Feelings of caution, secrecy, and vigilance, all the emotions that arise in the face of others, do not occur when facing Transmitter Jiang.

If his life is threatened, he will instinctively protect his own life, just like protecting his own.

After thousands of years in the Xuan Huang Realm, Transmitter Jiang has not seen anyone who can resist this characteristic.

Even the Transmitter Celestial of the past was the same!

Otherwise, how could he, with not outstanding strength and talent, sit firmly as the number one Transmitter?

This ability is indeed extremely powerful. For him, there is no enemy in the world. If willing, he can see all the secrets of others one by one.

If there is any shortcoming, it is only at the level of "like me."

Rather than "for me."

Certainly, almost all creatures do not have any guard against "themselves."

However, if there is doubt about the true identity of the "I" that Transmitter Jiang plays, an attack may also be launched against him.

The Transmitter Celestial saw through him in this way.

So he had to slowly extract information through various methods. If he directly asked about the common knowledge of that "original self," he might be exposed.

Although there is such a heavy limitation, over the years, relying on this heaven-defying characteristic, he has still been invincible. The number of cultivators who can truly see through him is very few. Other Transmitters know about this ability of his. Even if they are on guard, they cannot resist.

They can only admire him from a distance.

As a consideration for the overall order of the Transmitters, he also self-exiled into a blank "Return to Ruin" small world, remotely controlling many affairs of the Immortal Alliance.

The cultivator in front of him, though mysterious and unpredictable, obviously couldn't escape the influence of his innate characteristics.

"What he said should be true."

The Transmitter Jiang, who made such a judgment, not only didn't breathe a sigh of relief but became even more heavy-hearted.

"Seven years, seven years..."

Transmitter Jiang quickly sifted through all the major and minor affairs that happened in the Immortal Alliance within these seven years in his mind, trying to find the mole named Mo Rumin.

But the other party obviously changed names, leaving him clueless.

"It seems that I have to find a way from this person."

While Transmitter Jiang's thoughts were turning rapidly, he added, "True, seven years of time is not much. However, if this opportunity is missed, who knows how long it will take to start over."

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. With 'Still True' in hand, as long as it is achieved once, it can be reproduced countless times..." Li Fan was confidently speaking when suddenly he stopped.

He stared at Transmitter Jiang, seemingly without any change in expression.

But Transmitter Jiang keenly sensed that the atmosphere around him had changed!

"Hmm? Where did I expose a flaw?"

"'Still True' in hand can reproduce countless times the tactics that have been implemented before?"

"What is 'Still True' exactly?"

"Could it be a treasure left by the Xuan Tian Sect in those years?"

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Transmitter Jiang's mind.

But he also understood that he seemed to have exposed himself. Instead of hiding it, he decided not to conceal it anymore. Taking advantage of the last moment when his nature was still effective, he tried to ask, "What is 'Still True'?"

"What is 'Still True'?"


This sentence echoed continuously in Li Fan's mind.

A gaze without any emotion locked onto Transmitter Jiang.

Then, the million demons that were wreaking havoc in the Xuan Huang Realm instantly returned.

Evil energy soared, and the fiends returned!

Transmitter Jiang's expression changed slightly, trying to cut off the connection and leave this mental space.

But it was already too late.

The million demons all roared furiously towards Transmitter Jiang.

The roaring sound gathered in one place.

With the momentum to destroy everything, it pressed down on Transmitter Jiang!

And under the attack of the million demons, a faint, inconspicuous seven-colored divine light also flew out.

It collided with Transmitter Jiang's thoughts.

In the instant of contact, the seven-colored divine light quietly dissolved, injecting a trace of gray mold into Transmitter Jiang's thoughts.

(End of this chapter)