
My Little Sweet Wife

She was used by her boyfriend to trap someone. Unexpectedly, things did not go as planned. He was the CEO of one of the largest companies and the heir to the Xian Family. His heart had already died once. But what would happen when they met? Would something ignite between them while their past hung over their shoulders? Would they learn to love again? This book consists of two main couples. ► Xian Zihao & Jiang Ruolan: Chapter 1 - Chapter 507 ► Qin Gengxin & Xian Guiying: Chapter 508 - Chapter 755 Mature scenes will be included in this novel. Reader discretion is advised. • • • • English is not my native language, so please expect some grammatical errors in this book. The cover image is not mine — credits to the original owner. • • • • Cherryiako's other books: » Sweet Beauty [Completed] » Second Chance Of Love [On-Going] » The Devil Temptress [On-Going]

cherryiako · Urbain
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755 Chs

Do You Miss Me

Xian Zihao.

Finally, he came back.

It seemed they were destined to meet. Jiang Ruolan looked at the distant Land Rover that had long since disappeared, and the corner of her mouth curved into a faint smile.

He didn't return to the Greenville Residence and didn't look for her. Of course, Jiang Ruolan didn't believe that he lost his memories.

Maybe his feelings were so real back then and now, as the times went by, it slowly faded. Maybe after the life and death journey, after two years of rest and recovery, he no longer felt any attachment to his ex-wife, who had pushed him away with her own hands three years ago.

A taxi stopped next to her. Jiang Ruolan only stopped for a moment before getting into the taxi. She looked at the crisscrossing traffic, then picked up the phone and called home.

Currently, she had hired a new nanny who was good at taking care of the children. The phone call was answered by Nanny He, "Hello?"