

It's a story that follows a werewolf thrown into havoc.When his uncle murders his parents for the throne to rule the werewolf kingdom and banish him from the werewolf kingdom...

CO2_GHOUL · Fantaisie
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91 Chs

Chapter 67

It's evening,Joshua and Blanchette arrives at the front gate with Blanchette on his back being carried.Queen Juliet is watching them through her room window.

Joshua:We arrived at your destination, Princess.-said as Joshua gets on his knee so Blanchette can get off his back.-

Joshua sees Raphael laying on the grass looking at the sky.Blanchette gets off of Joshua's back.

Blanchette:I really had a fun time joshua.-said as she looks really happy.-

Joshua:Me too Blanchette.

Blanchette:I'm going to head in how about you?

Joshua:I'm gonna speak to Raphael, who's laying on the grass.-said as Blanchette sees Raphael laying on the grass.-

Blanchette:Okay.-said as she leans in for a kiss and Joshua leans in aswell and they kiss each other goodbye.-

Queen Juliet sees their affection and gets a disgusted expression and walks away from the window.Blanchette heads inside while Joshua walks to Raphael.The closer Joshua gets to Raphael he begin to see Raphael's expression of pure acceptance and happiness.

Joshua walks next to him then lays down beside him on the grass.

Joshua: What's got you looking so happy?-Said as Joshua looks at the sky.-

Raphael:I have finally become a man,I have found enlightenment in a women's bosom.-said as he think about his time with Julia.-

Joshua:Oh damn, so you and Julia did the dirty.I am happy for you.

Raphael:Yeah, how was your date with Blanchette?

Joshua:It was awesome,we went shopping at different store's and we ate at a fancy restaurant and Blanchette said she loves me.-said as Joshua expression becomes filled with Joy . Raphael looks at Joshua and smiles, then he looks back at the sky.-

Raphael: That's great Joshua.-said as Raphael and Joshua continues to look at sky.-

Merlin and Franciele is talking in Franciele's room.They are both sitting on Franciele's bed.

Merlin:Yeah ,I'm really happy being with Lancelot.

Franciele: That's great Merlin but theirs something I got to talk to you about ,our family heritage.

Merlin:What do you mean family heritage, Aren't we low class witches, we have no family heritage.

Franciele:That's where you wrong Merlin,I think it's time I told you the truth,you not a mutated awakened like Joshua,our Family has a hidden power that no other Witch has and that's because we our the last line of Pure Noble witches.

Merlin:So you saying we are pure noble witches.But then what happened to the other Pure Noble witches?

Franciele:They all died because they fought in the great war. They used their power.Our power is a double edged sword ,when you use it you will give up your life span and the more life span you give up the stronger you become, until you become a literal god.Thats the main reason the humans won in the great war because of the sacrifices of the Pure Noble witches,like your mother.

Merlin:Now why isn't their any male witches and how do the witches keep on reproducing?

Franciele:Only women can access magic.And witches have a dominant gene that is passed on to their daughters,that's why they always have children with low class humans so there gene can over power their husbands low class gene's.Until a Pure Noble witch like us had a child with a noble human causing a mutation in the child that was born and that child is ancestor to the nowadays so called Noble witches to be born with black hair and Gold eyes,they have much more mana than us but they lost the secret ability.Thats why it's banned for witches to have kids with noble humans because a mutation can happen that no one can predict.Thats why witches just have babies with low class humans then they go back to the witches district and give birth there.

Merlin: That's kinda sad so they have no real relationships?

Franciele:No , because they are brainwashed that way when they are kids they are sent to the witches Academy.

Franciele:But if you have a child with Lancelot, your child will be extremely strong because the witch who had a child where all the fake noble witches came from ,had a child with a noble that had a weak lineage to the noble human family but Lancelot is almost a pure noble so your child will probably get a crazy mutation.

Merlin:It's not like we having kids anytime soon.-said as Merlin begins to blush thinking about the future.-

Franciele: Anyway Merlin let me show how to access your hidden ability called Life Exchange,first let all your mana run to your heart then to your brain.-said as shows how she should meditate.-

Merlin:I'm not doing that ,I don't wanna die.-said as she looks at her grandmother with fear.-

Franciele: Don't worry Life Exchange allow you to gain powers of any of the past Pure Noble witches for 30 minutes,only if you shake their hand but each hand you shake you lose ten years off your life span.This what I'm showing you is to just enter the domain of the dead pure Noble witches.

Merlin:Oh okay,so I shouldn't shake anybody's hand.-said as she sits on the floor with her legs crossed and then she begins meditating.-

First Merlin's mana gathers up in her heart then she moves all her mana to her head.Causing her to float in the sky and her eyes to glow purple.

Merlin enters the Pure Nobles domain and sees a group of shadowy figures standing in the distance.They all turn to look at her with purple glowing eyes .This causes Merlin's vision to become blurry and she comes back to the real world and falls back to the floor as her eyes stops glowing.

Merlin:I saw shadowy figures with glowing purple eyes but I couldn't stay in the witches domain.-said as Merlin breathes heavily and begins to sweat.-

Franciele:It's normal at the start,you should keep practicing then the witches domain will become clearer.

Merlin:I wanted to ask who all knows that I am a pure noble witch?

Franciele:Old people who fought in the great war but mostly only pure Noble Humans.

Merlin:So like Captain Percival and King William?

Franciele:Yes they definitely know.Why you asking who knows?

Merlin:Now it makes sense because I was wondering why Captain Percival didn't have a big problem with me and Lancelot's marriage.

Franciele:It's probably because he can't wait to see what children you guys produce.-said as Franciele giggles behind her hand.-

Merlin:You probably right ,old hag.-said as she is annoyed by her grandmother's response.-

Franciele:What did you call me little brat.I will show you what this old hag can do.-said as she DDTs her on the bed and they begin wrestling.-

Joshua walks past their room and sees the two of them wrestling.

Joshua:(I won't even ask.)-Thought as he continues to walk down the hallway.-