
Episode 1: (Discord Arc) The Daughters of Discord

Scene 1.0: Everfree Forest, A Mile Away From The Castle of the Two Sisters, 12:21 AM, Day 91 of 365


Not far from the Tree of Harmony, a weird electrical storm takes place there and out of nowhere, an equally weird large metallic silver orb appears of of thin air, revealing the Draconequus of the Future, "Eris" as she calls herself for now, gets up from kneeling like the Terminator with one of her eyes glowing red…



(Arnold Schwarzenegger Voice)

I'm Back.

(Normal Feminine Voice, Singsong Voice, Bee's Knees Dance, Smiling)

🎶Back To The Past! Samurai Jack! W-watch out!🎶


Well! Now that I got that out of my system, where in Tartarus am I?

(Saddened, Flashback [Tearing Up, Sees Melody & Younger Self Playing])

Oh…I'm near the Tree of Harmony…

(Snaps Claws, Teleports High Up Ponyville)

Everything looks downscale from what I remember. I see that Aunt Twilight and Uncle Jack's statue is being rebuilt, so I must have arrived a few days after Minerva's Destruction. If I remember my history well, the first of Uncle Blight's Cadre will attack Ponyville in the next few days. Too bad Uncle Shadow and the others never told us who were the members of the Cadre. All I know is that their names have been stripped off the record because some of them were reformed and don't want to be prosecuted by the court of public opinion. But is that really the truth? Could it be that Me and sis are in the past, the names were remove so we didn't change it in order to alter the future. Then that means us coming to the past actually happened…or was going to happen.

(Annoyed Groan)

I blame Mama! She never trusts me with anything! Well while I wait for this Cadre Member to make a move, I'll be having a little fun.

(Evil Smile & Giggle)


Scene 1.1: Ponyville, Twilight's Castle [Shadow's Room], 4:44 AM


As Shadow finishes cleaning himself up, there's a knock on his door and as he opens it, Dragon Lord Ember, Blaze, Luster and Krystal are standing behind it.



Hey, Mom. What's wrong?



(Enters Room With Kids, Close Door Behind, Glares At Shadow)




(Nervous, Scared)




(Hugs Shadow Tightly, Crying)

You Stupid, Stupid Punk! How dare you worry me like that!? I'll never forgive you!



(Relieved Sigh, Smiling, Hugs Back)

Sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to worry you like this.



(Smack Shadow Over The Head, Angry, Teary Eyes)

Then stop doing it, You Idiotic Son!!!



Shh! Keep your voice down, mom. There's a reason we're visiting Shadow at this time early in the morning.



Why are you here at this time of day anyway?




I want us to have a Family Day just like in the Dragon Lands. So your father, Mina and me decided for us to spend time in Fillydelphia. Just us.



Even Luster and Krystal?



Krystal is your younger sister and I've spent time with her when I have been visiting the Changeling Kingdom for years, so she'll be joining us. And after spending time with Luster, I've noticed she's like you in certain ways.



I keep hearing. So that's why she's joining us.



(Disembodied Voice)

Ooh! Can I join too!?



Feeling lonely, Discord?



(Appears On Shadow's Bed, Playing With Rubik's Cube, Smiling)

You haven't been showing up for your Chaos Magic lessons as of late. I know the Fate of Equestria hangs in the balance…well mostly the girls. I'm kinda jealous. I wouldn't mind if I went through what the girls have.




??? (Anthropomorphic Black Male Alicorn [Ancient Alicorn Of Chaos]), "Eris":

(Mimicking Count Dankula, Smoking Cigar [???], Licking Lollipop ["Eris"], Sneering)

In the business, we call that foreshadowing.


??? (Anthropomorphic Black Male Alicorn [Ancient Alicorn Of Chaos]):

Have fun with your Papa, Kiddo!



Thanks, Gramps! I promise to stay out of trouble!

(Fingers Cross Behind Back)


??? (Anthropomorphic Black Male Alicorn [Ancient Alicorn Of Chaos]):

(Annoyed Sigh)

Don't make promises you can't keep, kiddo.





Sorry to have neglected your lessons. I need to be at the top of my game if Blight Terror is going to be attacking Equestria any day now. Just for today, I'll take it easy since I can see Mom went the extra mile for this Family Day to happen.



What do you usually do in this Family Day?



Since we are going to Aunt Mina's Shop, we're going to be reading comics, tell a few stories, play a few games of Ogres & Oubliettes and then have a nice meal which will strengthen our bond.



Spike, Smolder, Sweetie Belle and Ocellus are already at Fillydelphia.



(Face-Hoof, Sigh)

I hope Ocellus doesn't bite my head off…or Sweetie Belle trying to butter me up like they always do. Is Sweetie Bot coming along?



Even after all that's happened, it's still a school day. Same for Rose and Wendy.



(Nervous Smile)

Don't worry about Ocellus, Aniki. I'm sure she'll be more lenient to you…





That's not very assuring.



Only one way to find out. Do we need to go to the Fast Travel Point at the entrance in Ponyville?



No. We just need Q. So long as his feathers are intact in said locations, we don't need to move far. Ready, birdbrain?




Kyuu! Kyukyuu!




Whatever you say, you foul moron.



(Loud Clear Of The Throat, Furious, Glowing Eyes, Raging Aura)

If you have time to bicker, you have the time to get us to Fillydelphia.


Q, Shadow:


Yes, Ma'am! Sorry, Ma'am! We go now, Ma'am!



(Whispering To Blaze)

Is it always like this with Shadow and your mom?




Yeah, pretty much.




"Eris" – Sorry, Narrator Guy! But I'll be running the show now! Take the day off! Grab a nice meal like a nice Medium Rare Steak…Apple Pie, Oranges, Pizza, Cheesecake…No Ramen Cup or Instant Ramen since those are downright unhealthy! Try eating Real Handmade Ramen! Then take a nice cold shower, watch a movie or TV Series like MLP: FiM. Then take a nap and come back next episode.


"No. But if you think you can do a good job, go for it. I'll take your advice, grab a meal and see what you come up with. But before the episode is over, you'll be begging me to have my duties back"


"Eris" – Sure, Sure! Whatever you say.


"<Sigh > Kids…"


"Eris" – Now where were we? Oh! Right! As Shadow and his friends fast travel to Fillydelphia, I laugh mischievously as I plan to follow what he's up to: Take a day off before looking for Sis! So how should I go about this?


"I should watch 28 Pranks Later. That was a good Rainbow Dash Episode."


"Eris" – Which episode is that?


"The one where Rainbow Dash overdoes it with her pranking that Pinkie Pie had to ask the town to help her give Rainbow Dash a taste of her own medicine."


"Eris" – As Aunt Rarity would say: "I GOT IT!!!"


"<Sigh > I sense a chill in the air…"


"Eris" – Ya know? I don't want to be narrator anymore! You take it back.


"Not exactly begging, but it'll have to do. <Clears Throat>"


Scene 1.2: Fillydelphia, Mina's Comic Book Shop, 5:00 AM


Shadow and his family arrives at Mina's Shop and there they are greeted by Mina, Spike, Smolder, Sweetie Belle and Ember's Husband: A Imposing Good Looking Dragon with the same color scheme as Blaze, but a little more toned-down, wearing a trenchcoat and fedora almost like a detective from Noir Movies. Ocellus begrudgingly greets Shadow as he begrudgingly reciprocates her greeting.


??? (Male Dragon):

Good to see how much you've grown, kid. I'm proud of you.



Thanks, dad.



Hello! I'm Luster Dawn. Please to meet you.



I'm Magnus and I'm a traveling sales-dragon.




Really!? But you look like a rugged detective I read in my novels!



Yeah, my big bro is really into detective stories.



But even if he's a sales-dragon, he's my husband and I love him as much as our sons.



Speaking of which…Minerva said I'm the Spawn of Bahamut. Who is that?


Ember, Magnus:




It's just like Minerva said. Bahamut was the King of Dragons in many alternate realities. There's a rumor that he sends one of his unhatched eggs to certain realities that is in need of his power.



So I'm…



You can give me one of your scales so I can check with my teachers if you are related to Bahamut.



Can we talk about that another time? We made this Family Day so we can get some R&R after what happened with Minerva.



(Sad Eyes)

Yes. So please…for me?




Okay, mom.




Yeah…that can wait.



(Whispering To Ember)

That's completely out of character for you.



(Whispering, Evil Smile)

I know, but look how submissive the boys got.



(Holds Fedora)

The Hurt Sad Mother Bit. Any Son who loves their mother always fall for that one. I know I did with mine.



I should use it more often then.




I wish she'd consider if they get disinfected if she does it too many times for her own good.


Scene 1.3: Ponyville, 7:36 AM


As everycreature prepares for the day, "Eris" begins to pull pranks onto all in Ponyville with Rainbow Dash being her first victim as the Pegasus is working on the weather before heading to Wonderbolt HQ. The prank "Eris" used is one her father did long ago, but with a new twist as Rainbow Dash was moving the clouds, they to grow thorns, turn pink and gives her an electric shock. Furious at this, Rainbow Dash screams Discord's name as she blames him for the clouds becoming like this, but failed to notice that the rain of the cloud is actually Strawberry Milk. In Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Monsters resurface and terrorizes the farm. Seeing this, the Apple Family screamed Discord's name as well, but failed to notice that the Apple Monster behave like Monsters of Culture by listening to classical music, drinking tea and helping around the farm. At Sugar Cube Corner, the confections came to life and once again, the Cakes screamed Discord's name, but Pinkie Pie & Cheese Sandwich trying to be funny say Shadow's name instead, only to correct themselves and scream Discord's name next; and just like others, they fail to see the key differences of the Chaos Magic as the confections are behaving like shopkeepers as they clean the shop, being cashiers and promoting the shop. Every corner of Ponyville is utter chaos and everycreature blamed Discord but failed to see that these creatures do not fit Discord's Brand of Chaos; as these creatures behave much more friendlier and kind. The only exception of kind and friendly is the prank "Eris" made in…


Scene 1.4: Silver Shoals, Maretime Manor, 12:13 PM


Luna is in her room playing video games which was a gift from Sunset Shimmer when she started to live in Equestria as a Princess along with Twilight. Meanwhile Celestia is having a nice warm scented bath, however it stops being pleasant when the bathwater and the scented candles changes both color and smell. When Celestia notices it, she gives out a scream that Luna rushes to her sister's aid and unlike everycreature in Ponyville, Luna screamed Shadow's name, blaming him for real, unlike Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich that were joking when they said it themselves. Unlike the other pranks she made, "Eris" laughs evilly on what she pulled on Celestia.


Scene 1.5: Fillydelphia, Mina's Comic Book Shop, 6:00 PM


For over 12 hours since being in Mina's Shop, Shadow and his family had the time of their lives in this Family Day that was setup by both Ember and Magnus. In Ogres & Oubliettes, Magnus played as Gunslinger, Ember played as a Necromancer, Ocellus played as a White Mage, Smolder as a Monk, Luster as a Red Mage, Mina as a Summoner, Discord also known as Captain Wuzz the Archer, Spike as Garbunkle the Wizard, Sweetie Belle is a Rogue, Blaze is a Dark Knight, Krystal is a Dancer and Shadow decided to go Dragoon just to make his Foster Parents happy. Skellinore was also part of their party helping them defeat the Squizard who attained the Power of an Ancient Fallen Devil King, becoming a threat to shatter the universe. But they manages to save it all with their ultimate attack: "Family Unity" [Author's Note: It's A Family Friendly Game. An Attack Like That Is Pretty Common.😹]. After Ogres & Oubliettes, everycreature ate family dinner, told stories and bonded as a family, even if most of them aren't blood related. Shadow and Krystal grew closer because of this as Ember and Magnus would tell her all the things Shadow did in the Dragon Lands, even giving Ember first ever Maternal Scare when the young colt jumped into a Lava Pool since Ponies can't survive it, only for him to coat himself in a powerful forcefield. At first as the overprotective parent she became, Ember grounded Shadow for 1 Million Moons, but then after calming down with the help of Smolder, she grounded him for 1,000 instead. Krystal was laughing while Shadow creates a fedora similar to his father Magnus to cover his ashamed face. Discord see this and makes fun of them only for Magnus to tell him that one day when he becomes a father himself, his children will be ashamed by him too. Discord retorts saying that's doubtful but—


??? (Anthropomorphic Black Male Alicorn [Ancient Alicorn Of Chaos]):


(Mimicking Count Dankula, Smoking Cigar, Sneering)

In the business, we call that foreshadowing.


"Saying the same thing twice in 1 episode gets stale really fast, you know. Even if it's a running gag, the readers will facepalm in annoyance if they see it way too many times."


??? (Anthropomorphic Black Male Alicorn [Ancient Alicorn Of Chaos]):

You know, you are right. Time to pull out some new material!

(Clears Throat)

Having one child makes you a parent. Having two kids makes you a referee.


"Sir David Frost. He was a Legend of British Entertainment, but yeah…that's a perfect foreshadowing for this arc, especially this arc will have a lot of 4th Wall-Breaks. But I doubt that's what Magnus would say."


??? (Anthropomorphic Black Male Alicorn [Ancient Alicorn Of Chaos]):

Karma is a Resentful Mistress.


"The word is 'Cruel'. But whatever, it still fits. Let's continue the story, shall we."


After it is over, they all said their goodbyes to Mina and Magnus as everycreature returns to Ponyville. Magnus grabs his bag and resumes his duties as a Traveling Sales-dragon. Mina, alone in her shop, she looks a picture-frame inside her counter with her, Shadow and Blaze as she hopes for a bright future to her nephews.


??? (Anthropomorphic Black Male Alicorn [Ancient Alicorn Of Chaos]):

Nice Wording There. I could tell you didn't intend in using puns in that last sentence.


"Thank You For Noticing."


Scene 1.6: Ponyville, 6:10 PM


Upon returning to town using Q's Fast Travel Feathers, but as soon as they all got there, they are shocked to see Ponyville in Literally, but Mostly Peaceful Chaos. Discord and Shadow whistle in amazement because this looks like something they would do, but it's far more tamed than anything they would do. They get scolded by Ember saying that since they are both Masters of Chaos, they need to fix this now in a very stern voice that not only scares Shadow, but Discord as well. However by doing so, it catches the attention of everycreature in town and by the way Ember worded it, they all misunderstand and think that both Discord & Shadow were the ones behind all of this. They started chasing them both as the classic "Benny Hill" Chase Theme played on the background while "Eris" is laughing it up in a hidden and safe place eating a tub of rainbow-colored popcorn. After a few minutes of the chase, Ember gets irritated that both her son and his teacher are running with their tails between their legs instead of standing up for themselves, that she gave a large roar which stops everycreature in their tracks, forced them all to look at all of the chaos around them and made them see if these alterations if they matched anything the Chaos Creatures ever created. They do so and notices details neither Discord nor Shadow would use on these chaotic constructs like: Strawberry Milk Clouds instead of Chocolate Milk, Sweet Rainbow-Colored Popcorn instead of Salty Buttered Popcorn, Chaos Monsters Acting Well-Mannered instead of Destructive; complete opposites of everything both Discord and Shadow usually do. As the Creatures of Ponyville are about to apologize for their mistake, an enraged Luna appears to blame Shadow for the prank that befell her older sister, Celestia. She explains that Celestia's usual relaxing bubble bath was tampered with and now the Former Alicorn Princess is looking rather green. Shadow says he would never pull a prank like that as Blaze, Smolder and Ember step in as they also confirm that Shadow is not the type to prank anycreature in any moment like that or using such methods as the 4 of them consider it a little too much. "Eris" can't contain herself and appears before them all…



STOP!!! Uncle Shadow didn't do it, Aunt Luna! It was me! I was the one who pranked the hag!







(Evil Eyes, Shocked)

Umm…Discord…? This Draconequus…is not from around here. And when I say that, I mean she hasn't been born yet.



That's all well and good, but why are you telling me over the others? And don't say it's because she's—



Your Daughter.




I was going to say "A Draconequus", but I wasn't expecting that. And you jumped to the conclusion just by seeing her Aura?



Her Chaos Magic has some similarities to my signature, which means I taught her how to control it. But the origins of it belongs to you. I also see a degree Harmony Magic, but it's pretty faint so I can't tell who her mother is.











And are you sure you are…or will be her teacher down the road?



Her Magical Signature does match mine in a way, so yes she will be. But her Origin Signature definitely matches yours…hmm?

(Notices Peculiarity)

But…why is it I see her essence condensed?



(Bawling Her Eyes Out)




Umm…why are you crying!?








What do you think you are saying to my little princess, you ruffian!?




You didn't acknowledged her until now and I get the feeling you did this for the attention.



(Whispering, Nervous)

Can you blame me? I really am a little freaked out about this and it's the only way for me to cope with what's happening! By the way…What do you mean by condensed?




I was getting to that until you all rudely interrupted me. But it looks like I'll be the villain of the story if I ask it now that she's crying like this.



Well I have no reservations in punishing somecreature for the insult my sister suffered and if she is the Daughter of Discord, sealing her in stone will teach some manners. Just like her father before her.



(Bawling Her Eyes Out Even Louder, Soundwaves)




Whoa! She's just as loud as Flurry Heart when she was a Foal.



(Ashamed, Angry)

Uncle Spike!!!



(Out Loud)

Shadow! Can you make her stop!?



(Out Loud)

How!? We only met her just a few minutes ago!!



(Annoyed, Worried)



Annoyed by this, Shadow looks around to try and figure out a way to calm "Eris" down and he easily figures it out as he grabs a glass and bucks one of the Strawberry Milk Clouds and gives the milk to "Eris" as it starts to calm her down.




You always knew how to make me feel better, Uncle Shadow.



It wasn't hard to figure out. Your clouds gave away the clue and it makes sense. Your father loves Chocolate Milk, I love Caramel Milk, so it is pretty obvious that you like Strawberry Milk.



(Hugs Shadow)

You always understand me better than anyone, Uncle Shadow.



(Loud Clear Of The Throat, Jealous)

That's all well and good, but about your Dear Papa?



(Hugs Discord, Laughing)

How could I forget you, Papa!? I am and always will be a Daddy's Little Girl.



(Proud Smile, Hugs "Eris" Back)

Come here you!



You know who we are, but who are you?



Since I'm from the future, I can't use my real name, but you can call me "Eris".



Why are you using our cousin's name?



That's easy! To Annoy Her!!

(Laughing Out Loud)


Shadow, Discord, Krystal, Blaze, Luster:


Oh, Dear…



(Amused Giggle)



May I ask WHY you did that to my sister!?



(Furious Stare)

She had it coming, Aunt Luna! She has been always on my case while growing up and saying that my stance is improper for a Princess of Equestria!







She forced it on me! I never wanted to be a Princess! That's why Sis came to the past to…

(Looks Away, Saddened)



(Out Loud)

I knew it. That's why your Magic is Condensed. You are one Half of Twins.






The Silent Treatment. Fine! Let me make a logical conjecture I just thought up with the only info you provided – both willing and unknowingly. You and your Twin were being tested to be the next Ruler of Equestria, but unlike your Twin, you never wanted it, so you decided to sabotage yourself and prop up your Twin. However, your Evaluators, one of them being Celestia saw through it and chose you in the end. Your sister saw it as a betrayal and came to the past to enact her revenge.



(Crying, Hugs Discord Tightly)




(Out Loud)

Looks like the conjecture you came up with actually hit close to home.



(Sad Sighs)

I better get more Strawberry Milk for her.


Scene 1.7: Arctic North, Blight Terror's Castle [Cutie Map(?) Room], 6:30 PM


Even though she's in the Arctic North, Melodious Somber could sense "Eris" Magical Energy which makes her furious beyond belief that her eyes turn yellow with red slit pupils, just like Discord when he's furious that she teleports straight to Ponyville from where she is. Everycreature of the Cadre started to wonder what got into the Alicorn from the Future, but Blight knows as he starts laughing and explains what happened. The Cadre are disgusted to learn that Discord will have 2 Daughters in the Future, even more so when Blight reveals the identity of their mother as none could believe it.


Scene 1.8: Ponyville, 6:30 PM


Upon arriving in town, Melodious lands on a rooftop nearby and sees "Eris" crying and holding their father, Discord and Shadow giving her more Strawberry Milk; not to mention that everycreature she hates are in one location with the exception of Twilight, Sunset and Celestia. But she sees Luna which she starts breathing heavily that she can't think straight and decides to attack her with a powerful beam blast strong enough to destroy a mountain. Shadow notices this quickly and blocks the blast with a powerful barrier surrounding them all. Everycreature is in shock to see an Alicorn that resembles Flurry Heart except for her eyes, fangs and Cutie Mark which looks like a Green Solar Eclipse that looks like it's made of toxic waste. "Eris" is distraught in seeing her sister like this…






SILENCE!!! I know why you are here and I won't let you get in my way!



And you are?



I lost my name when that backstabber betrayed me and stole what was rightfully mine! So you can call me Princess Melodious Somber.



Melodious Somber…A very eloquent way of saying "Sad Melody".



Sad for you. I will have my revenge by ending all of the Princesses and that backstabber of a sister.



But if you do that, then we will never be born. Mama is—



"Eris" is right. If your mom is one of the princesses, you end her, then you will never be born.



That's easily remedied. I end all of the princesses except mother. Force father to mate with her, end him when she becomes pregnant with me and that backstabber there; and after we are born, I will end both mother and that traitorous sister of mine. In doing so, I will be the one and only Princess of Equestria.



That's pure evil. Not even a Fiend like The Fallen would cross a line like that.



(Laughing Maniacally)

The Fallen? Oh, Uncle Shadow if you only knew. But I'm from the future and right now even though I'm the most powerful princess in this timeline, Blight Terror is still stronger than me and I cannot disclose what I know from now to then. But…

(Glares At Luster)

I'm allowed to disclose this – Luster Dawn is my target as well since she will become a Princess of Equestria. And you Uncle Shadow…you are also my target!



Why is that? I'm not a Mare, so I can't be a Princess.



You really haven't noticed. Then let me enlighten all of you. Ever since Celestia and Luna became the Princesses of Equestria, the world was more at peace than under the rule of their foster parents. But after Luna became Nightmare Moon and sealed away, Equestria was secretly in decline until Luna's return. When Twilight was made the Sole Princess of Equestria, even with Spike by her side and the Council of Friendship assisting her, things were much more chaotic than everycreature believed. A little fact Jack told us. But as soon as Sunset joined the leadership as a Princess, the stability of Equestria improved. When Luster became Princess, she needed an Alicorn Counterbalance for herself as well. That's where you come in. Celestia and Luna. Twilight and Sunset. Luster and You. All 3 Generations of Great Leaders in this world are a pair of Alicorns. Sun & Moon. Night & Day. Light & Darkness. See the connection?



Interesting, that makes sense.



Since you have proven you were unaware of this, I will be a Lady and give you 1 Week to Prepare. You are forbidden to go to train in the Chaotic Void. I, Melodious Somber challenge you and Luster Dawn to Mortal Combat. I win…well, you already know what I want. You win…



That's for me to know and you to find out.



Always the schemer, even in the future. I will make sure you don't do that in my youth this time around. 1 Week…






(Evil Smile)

This spot will do. I want an audience and I also want enjoy seeing everycreature's faces contorted in terror when I end you!









Melodious teleports away which in turn, instead of being horrified, everycreature are all saddened as they see "Eris" bawling her eyes out after all hearing her twin curse her like she did. Discord, for the first time in a very, very long time, he's distraught and heartbroken seeing his Daughters from the Future at each others throats like this, Fluttershy joins in and cries with "Eris" as the words thrown at the Young Draconequus hurt her just as much as both her and her father. Unknown to them, "Eris" and Melodious' mother saw everything from her room using a magic mirror; that she was crying just as hard for she is currently pregnant with them and she hasn't told Discord yet. After they all calmed down, they all started planning for what to do next.






Looks like I'll be spending my training under Discord in Chaosville since I can't do so in the Void. You should ask Princess Twilight and Princess Sunset to help you with your own training, Luster.



What about "Eris"?



She'll be in Chaosville with us. Fluttershy is a good maternal figure to care for her. But I would like you to come with us.



You don't mind I come too? I want to know more about "Eris" and her sister.



Melodious did look like you in a way. Maybe somecreature related to you is their mother?



Aunt Twilight is not my mom if that's what you mean. But she's very important to me…I can't let her die before she does what she needs to do.



Since you are from the Future, you can't tell us. But you are allowed to give us cryptic hints.



(Sad Smile)

You are always a step ahead, Uncle Shadow. Yeah I can give a hint. Aunt Twilight…her private yet personal circle will grow with 4 new links. 1 Powerful Sun and 3 Moon Phases.



I see.


I understand.







Promise not to tell?




Yeah, We won't tell!



(Evil Smile)


(Laughing Out Loud)








This girl really is my student. That hint means Princess Twilight will have a family of her own. A Strong Loving Husband and 3 Daughters with a year apart from another. So the princess will give birth to a daughter each year. That means Twilight isn't "Eris" and Melodious' Mother. I highly doubt is the Lunatic here since Discord sees her as a little sister for some unexplained reason. I remember him behaving in a unique way towards Celestia at some point when they are around each other. I don't know how he behaves towards the Chief…I mean Princess Sunset, but I highly doubt she's into him on how she acts around me. So it's not Princess Twilight, Sunset or Luna…and the way Melodious kinda resembles Flurry, but Cadance is loyal to her husband and family…But if I remember correctly…Celestia's disguise as Tia does look more like…


No…Freaky…Way…"Eris" and Melodious' Birth Mother is…


In her home, Celestia looking mighty green that she decides to take a picture of how she looks and puts it in a Photo Album. Under the picture, Celestia writes: "My Future Daughter's First Prank On Her Mother In The Past". She closes it and the picture on the album cover that shows Celestia & Discord wearing their respective wedding outfits with both Fluttershy by Discord's Corner & Zecora by Celestia's Corner. As Luna acting as the Civil Officiant. Celestia wonders how her daughters ended up like this. Maybe Fluttershy can get to find out as she is the only one that knows that Celestia is pregnant with Discord's daughters…


To Be Continued…

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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