
My Little Chinese Lover

Wang Chen a 15yr old child star in China was called down to Korea for an Idol Trainee Audition by an all time famous Idol Entertainment Company. He was immediately accepted and put into their new upcoming debut group. Chen then encounters 17 new trainees who were gonna be his teammates in the future, finds them very chaotic but still great people, already falling for their charms. One of the trainees captures his attention the most named Lee Jihun, the youngest being just 14yrs old and resembled a hamster according to Chen. On confrontation they had apparently met before in China when they were just 10-11yrs old. Who would have thought these lost friends would meet in such a way!! They grew closer to becoming best friends, then having crushes on each other, by practicing together for becoming Idols. They had their misunderstandings but having feelings for Chen, Jihun confessed first not wanting to lose his one and only best friend with whom he fell in love with, right after their groups debut!! Thus, they started dating with the support of their other 16 teammates. They were divided into 3 sub units NEO 35, NEO U and NEO FREE under the group NEO. Chen and Jihun were placed together in NEO FREE along with Mark, Ren, Jino, Hajoon and Jae. A group for the youngest members of NEO. Let's see how the two youngest members of NEO fall for each other. Curious for the reaction of their other 17 teammates? Their company? Their fans? The media? Their parents? Also many other side couples which include their other teammates!!

Park KTH · LGBT+
Pas assez d’évaluations
40 Chs

Past To Present

Chen’s POV~~

The sun was up and everyone was getting ready at 8 in the morning gathering in the living room ready to leave because we needed to reach the company’s practice room for our training. As it was my first day of training I was overly excited and nervous but to show the other geges I hummed happily to which I noticed Jihun pay close attention again staring while frowning at me.

“Hyung, you’re nervous right??" Jihun pointed out, catching me off guard being so on point but I just replied with a small smile agreeing "Yes.” Thus Jihun tried to make small talks to keep me distracted.

We talked about music, dramas, movies, etc. At some point into our conversation I confessed the biggest secret of my life to Jihun, already feeling so safe and comfortable to reveal "You know I’m gay, but keep this a secret between us! OK!?” Jihun was too shocked to reply I'm assuming but upon realizing I had become so comfortable with him to confide in him, he promised to never tell a soul about it. We agreed to become best friends.

Third Person POV~~

Ren looked at them suspiciously then turned to look at Jino stating "They got so close to each other in just one day!! don't you think there is something going on which we don't know about?" Upon hearing what Ren had just said to Jino, Jihun who heard their conversation replied "Oh hyung~~ you got it so right, we actually have already met before!"

Upon hearing what Jihun had stated Chen with a shocked look exclaimed "WHAT!? When and where??!! I don't remember meeting you before!”

Jihun looked at Chen surprised that the elder had forgotten their first meeting thus he explained further "Hyung you don't remember?? In China, there was this concert where I had performed and then talked to you backstage about us both having the same iPod model." That's when Chen had a flashback "OH YEAH!! So you were that small kid, OMG you’re still as cute as you were then Jihun-ah.” Chen said, quite dumbfounded and dazed.

"Oh really! go ahead, explain more. I'm loving this story." Came Mark with Hajoon and Jae hearing this interesting conversation.

"Jihun-ah, tell them!!" Chen told Jihun to continue.

"I can't forget the moment I saw Chen for the first time. Our iPods had the same color. Was yours 64 GB hyung??" Jihun asked Chen in the middle of his story.

"Yes 64 GB!" Chen replied

"Whoa! Mine too was 64 GB!! Hahahahaha~~ I remember when we both realized that we had the same iPods, we were just pointing at the iPods and laughing. It was the first time that I said hello to Chen." Jihun explained laughing at their childish old selves.

"Right!!" Chen agreed

"I can't imagine that we became friends again since then cause I'd thought I won't be able to see Chen again." Jihun finished with all the others cooing at the story

"Chen and Jihun are meant to be. They were so young~ whoa! That's awesome." Mark commented amazed at their story.

Then came a loud booming voice from Young to get everyone's attention "OK!! Guys let’s get going!! If we don't leave now we will end up being last for practice and it's Chen’s first day today so let’s make it a good memory for him to remember. I don't want the poor kid to get scolded on his very first day !! SO EVERYONE OUT NOW!!”

All the boys who had returned to their rooms started coming out one by one and now all were ready and they left to reach their company for training. Chen was actually pretty amazed at how big the practice room was but then snapped back to reality as he thought that it was necessary for it to be big enough for 17 people to be practicing in it.

He was introduced to their dance choreographer and singing mentor by Young. As the standard choreography of their company seniors were a bit difficult for Chen to follow as he had never danced so intensely before, although struggling he was giving it his all.

When Jihun saw Chen suffering to remember all those difficult dance moves he approached Chen saying "Hyung I could help you with it if you're facing difficulties, you see I’m good at dancing, so.....??" To which Chen replied with an appreciative smile "Oh please Jihun-ah, you’re the only one I could ever rely on.”

So as time passed, as Jihun and Chen were busy with the choreography unaware of what was going around they had gotten even more closer to each other. Jihun was all over Chen touching him here and there to correct his moves which left them both with their hearts a mess.

When the choreographer announced "You’ll have worked hard for today so let's keep the good work and let's wrap up." Hearing that Jihun and Chen breathed a sigh of relief finally sitting on the sofa as if their souls had left their body. Chen turning towards Jihun gratefully says "Thanks sooo~ much for today, you helped me a lot Jihun-ieeee~~" Chen thanked with the world's most sweetest smile making Jihun shyly blush seeing that ear to ear smile of his Chen hyung. Jihun replied with a "No problem hyung you can come to me anytime for it and I'll help you with it anytime.”

As they looked around they noticed that almost half of their hyungs were already gone, Jihun finding it weird asked Ren and Jino who were the only ones sitting on the floor next to his leg doing some couple stuffs, "Where did the other hyungs run off to, it's not like them to leave so early?" According to Jihun they always used to sit in a circle and discuss stuff which Chen was unaware of as this was his first day for practice. So answering Jihun, Ren replied "They went off early as they had to stop by the mart to buy some grocery stuff for the dorm.” Ren was giving them a full blown mischievous smirk.

“You know I went with Jae yesterday to the convenience store to buy some ice cream without asking the staff during our break from practice!” Jino confessed

“Yah! Should have asked me to tag along. I also wanted to eat ice cream, it was too hot yesterday with the air conditioner broken, it's great they fixed it immediately or we would've died today during practice.” Ren commented sulking

“No listen there's more, so we were returning back nicely, eating our ice creams when we met the staff of our company. So, I threw away the ice cream I was eating.” Jino explained making the three burst into laughter.

“Right besides me, I threw it right besides me! Then I pretended that I didn’t do anything and looked around. But there was no Jae around. He ran away!!” Jino exclaimed complaining

“Wow, really!” Ren commented, still laughing.

“At that time I felt...there is no such thing as friendship.” Jino also laughed with the others.

Whereas the two younger ones that are Jihun and Chen had no idea what was planned for them. Actually Ren and Jino were there just to keep them distracted to buy the other trainees some time.