
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urbain
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253 Chs


Jack Johnson gasped when he saw her hair, shivering violently at her cold blue eyes and her rusty Auburn locks.

Her hair was mainly orange- red, but had brown and even golden highlights and dark brown roots, and her blue eyes had speckles of dark brown, almost black, within.

He was stunned by the beauty she had been hiding, she was stunning.

He then spoke,"But why didn't you tell anyone, why didn't anyone help you?"

"My dad didn't help, he saw this as a way to strengthen me and the Principal barely knew the truth, because Scarlet Sapphira had actually drugged me with a balding medication, so everyone thought it was merely a medical condition."

"But what about your..."

"Mom? She left me when I was a baby, I haven't seen her since."

Jack Johnson immediately hugged her and said,"I'm so sorry, I didn't know."

She smiled then said,"No one did, it's okay."

As someone was coming, she quickly reapplied her wig and contacts and went to hide as Jack Johnson sat and pretended to continue crying.

Scarlet Sapphira walked in and when he saw her, a wave of fear rushed through him as she sat beside him then she turned to him and said,"I'm sorry little bro, I overreacted."

He now couldn't see past her lies to feel the guilt and sorrow she somehow feigned, as usual.

He then said,"It's... it's okay, I should have listened to you."

Scarlet Sapphira hugged him, then looked slightly down, then at the ceiling, blinking back tears, as she sat on her heels, then said,"We still have class though, I've gotta go."

She got up and walked out of the room with a deep frown...


Jack Johnson got home and wanted to tell everyone everything about Scarlet Sapphira, all she had done to Akane, but the problem was, what if she did something worse to him than she did to her, she actually lived with him in the first place and though she had said she would never hurt him, she had lied so much now, he couldn't tell if she was rather saving it all up till one day when she would strike...

He lost his newly gained ability to sleep again, and several hours into the night, after tossing and turning, trying his best not to look in the direction of his sister's room, he opened his eyes and saw red...rusted red flowing hair, Akane's beautiful appearance, that calmed him down, and he eventually closed his eyes and didn't blink anymore...


A young man groaned and looked to the side to see his incredibly attractive boyfriend taking off his clothes, Amane hugged Lee from behind and whispered into his ear,"I missed you bro."

Lee smirked then elbowed him hard in the side of the head and he slumped on the bed, then Lee climbed on top of him and pinned him to the soft mattress beneath him, looking into the green hazel eyes of his smoking hot partner, Lee kissed him gently till Amane pulled him over him then toppled him over, then began to kiss him instead, breathing heavily, Lee pulled back and said,"I should go."

"If you can..."Amane said with a smirk,s licking Lee's neck as the young man grinned, they were about to kiss again when Lee got a call on his phone and he said he had to answer.

Amane groaned then got up, saying,"You always chicken out, come on."

Lee nudged his head and answered, talking for a few seconds but couldn't focus because his boyfriend kept tempting him, then he widened his eyes all of a sudden then spoke something in Mandarin and hung up.

He was going to speak when Amane hugged him from behind and pulled him into a suplex on the bed, then mounted him before he could get up.

Lee chuckled then said,"At least let me tell you what it was about."

Amane groaned then got up and asked,"Let me guess, it was your father, wasn't it?"

"Yes and stop being such a baby."

"What did he say this time?"

Lee smirked then said,"He wants me to go to America and agreed with me to go with a friend."

Amane looked up as in thought then said,"Been there, done that."

"Buzz kill."

Amane then gave him a close line to the bed and mounted him again, saying,"The only thing I want to hear you say, is that you want more..."


Scarlet Sapphira opened her locker and looked around to see everyone looking at something, but didn't look, she didn't want to fry her eyes.

The two, hunkiest hotties ever to step foot in the school were talking in a corner with basically every girl mooning over them, when Lee spoke to Amane,"Check her out..."

"You're doing it again?"Amane asked with a teasing smirk.

"Doing what?"He asked.

"Nothing, but let me guess, you want to go talk to her?"


"Then be my guest."

Lee shrugged then walked over to Scarlet, who was still within the cabinet, she then heard a charming voice say,"Hey."

She looked him up and down and asked,"Who the heck are you and what do you want?"

"Don't worry, I just wanted to talk, the name's Lee by the way, Lee Wong Song."

She widened her eyes in surprise and asked,"Really? The Lee Wong Song?"

"Yeah, I assume you've heard about me."

She accidentally dropped her books and he bent to pick them up for her when she bashed the door of the locker on his head and when he fell, Amane cringed as he held back a laugh then Scarlet Sapphira said,"No, I haven't even heard of a name as stupid as that but looking at you was enough reason for me to know the kind of pervert you are and I guess it runs in the family, ugh, here it comes."

She slammed her locker closed then stormed off as he stood up, massaging his head, till he got hugged tightly around the waist.

Akane then spoke,"Song Lee, you made it!"

He chuckled and ruffled his little sister's hair then said,"So much has changed, what happened to you?"

"Oh you know, change of look, keep up with the fashion trends, but what about you? Your hair's red."

He scratched his head while saying,"Oh you know, puberty and all, it used to scare me, but it's kinda growing on me now."

Amane slumped his arm over Lee's shoulder, laughing heartily till Lee hit him in the nose with his fist, but the guy kept laughing till Akane asked what was going on, then Amane said while laughing,"Lee over here, thought he could flirt with this other red head, then she knocked some sense into him!"

He continued laughing but Akane's expression became a little sour till she spoke,"That red head you saw was Scarlet Sapphira..."

"That's a normal name..."Lee said.

"It's normal enough for you, bahahahaha..."

Lee rolled his eyes, already knowing this guy was addicted to pain by now, so asked his sister for more information about her, then she said,"She's actually not whom you think she is, she's... dangerous."

Amane then licked his canines and said,"Danger, I like that, they taste the sweetest."

"But besides that, we have so much to catch up on..."Amane said.

Through the entire time, Lee couldn't take his mind off of that Scarlet, it wasn't just because she rejected the god of a man that he was, but also because...she was incredibly attractive herself.

Talking over dinner that evening, Lee asked his sister,"So, Akane, where does, what's her name..."

"Scarlet Sapphira, you idiot.",Amane said.

"Right, her, where does she live?"

"No one knows, I bet her family themselves don't know because she's NEVER home, why did you ask?"

"You know, red heads are rare, we've gotta stick together."

"Trust me, that girl doesn't stick with anyone but herself."

Amane whispered to Lee,"Your sister's just making this girl more appetising."

Lee kicked him under the table but Amane grinned and asked,"Why? Jealous?"

Lee tried to ignore him till his sister excused herself to let them settle whatever was going on out.

"What's wrong bro?"Amane asked with a smirk and arched brow.

Lee remained silent when Amane said,"Come on...ugh, fine, I'm sorry."

"I've just never felt this rejected before."He said.

"Well, get used to it."Amane said.

"You've been rejected before?"

"Psst, no, I do the rejecting."Amane responded.

"Well maybe that girl will reject you too."

"Huh, is that a bet?"

"Maybe, are you too chicken to accept?"Lee asked.

"I never chicken out of anything."Amane said, relaxing with his hands behind his head.

"Fine, whichever of us is able to get her to date them for three whole months first will be winner, if I win, you become my personal assistant for the rest of the year and the first thing I'd make you do is say, I do have a way with women."

"And if I win..."Amane grinned,"...you already know what I want."

Lee frowned, but sucked it up and said,"Fine."

They shook hands and agreed, get her to date them for three months and dump her, that was it...or almost.

A person in a hood behind their table was busily sketching their faces then smirked.

"The titans want to tango..."They said,"...well, they just got their newest player..."

She looked up showing her piercing blue eyes and pearly white teeth...