One day God came into my dream and gave me a power that I wished After woke up I found out that dream was real and I actually got super power
I called all the leaders of the nations under me:
" Sir, We were afraid of what happened, What happened?"
"So, I found people who were having similar power as me or kind of"
" WHAT !!!!" the sudden reply came
" They were having different ability and one of them was able to use all their abilities. I want all the leaders to stay on high alert and inform me if any one of them attacks your nation..."
" Sir, Could you please tell me how we are going to identify them "
" I was going to tell while I was fighting I noticed they were having some code on the back of their attire-
NULL- Leader of the group, can use all powers
A651 - Firepower user
B420 - Ice power user
C966 - Land
D500 - Air
E460 - Sand
F1016 - Gravity
G10 - Superstrength
H8 - Superspeed
I12 - Strech/Rubberbody
J21 - Lighting
K2 - Energy
Inform me directly on the channel or any of the heads of the branch. Also tell who it is."
After that, I teleported them to their respective nation and went to my office and Thinking how to counter them. I will use power so that I will be able to hit and my new secretary come to me and say " Oye why are you so sad?" ( He was my best friend ). I was shocked by seeing him and asked why was he here, he told me he was appointed new secretary as I know him very well and he has very little chance to betray me.
I was in my office playing at PS5 ( I installed it in my office ), and suddenly I got a message from many world leader and I started the online conference:
" Hello sir, This is the leader of Japan, A651 has attacked Tokyo and Japan's military is trying to defeat him but all of our weapons are not doing anything on him...."
My secretary came running me to tell me that every one of them has attacked different country but the leader was not in any one of countries. The countries they attacked are Japan, China, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Egypt, Malaysia, South Africa, Nigeria, and Italy.
I made my shadow clones that would not get puffed due to attack and ordered them to go location told them to go. I also ordered them to use power opposite of what they are using or if the same power increases its damage. If nothing works change them or paralyze them and bring them to Russia.
I sat and opened a news channel and found out NULL has attacked India and is in the capital where I am staying.
I created a bunker underground and teleported every citizen in the capital and summoned all the things necessary for them to live easily.
I went to where NULL was. I couldn't see him but was able to sense him and suddenly land beneath my feet collapsed and I flew above to get a clear view of where he was.
He came flying to attack me and I stopped time. He was stuck in mid-air and first I kicked him in the balls ( will it affect him ) and gave multiple punches and resumed the time. He fell to the ground and he didn't stand up for while ( I guess it affected )