
My Life Is Hard Having So Many Women Wanting Me!!

Chris, your average 18 year old male who likes chess, playing video games, and whatnot, was making his way down his neighborhood, on his way to A local store to buy a milkshake. Suddenly, he collapses on the ground, and wakes up with a perfect body, and it seems like all the pretty girls love him..? How will chris survive day to day life living with girls and getting into impossibly cliche scenarios? "Eh, didnt you tell me to come inside? Why am I the one getting hit right now!" "Y-You pervert! Get out!!"

Lloydd · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

I just wanted a Milkshake!

Chris walked lazily down his street, on his way to get a limited edition milkshake from a place called "BaBa's."

Chris vomitted urine at the name at first, but he eventually brought himself to try it...

And he had to say, they were excellent! He had been hooked as if a fisherman had hooked him with high-quality bait!

The limited edition milkshake had caramel, cinnamon, and oreos mixed together! If Chris ended up being able to get it, it would make his entire week!

That's IF, he was able to get it though...

Chris felt immense pain all over his body, and immediately collapsed on the floor, unconcious. The surrounding people were your typical stupid anime civilians so naturally they just pointed and ignored him.

Chris awoke from his rude sleepening with an intense headache, but he noticed something a little off as well. He felt lighter, lighter than he had felt in years!

He felt as if he was floating while standing on his very own two feet!

Before Chris could get lost in this euphoria, however, he discorvered a note by the side of the random bed he woke up in, that read,

"You have been selected by ⌰⌰⍜⊬⎅ to undergo this process. You are now automatically at the peak of handsomeness, and every girl you deem attractive, will now be attracted to you. Keep in mind, though, that it is simply attraction. You will have to work to keep your girls, as they are real, human people and not simply playtoys for your libido."

'Hm, so not love? I don't mind, I like a challenge every once in a while. Really stimulates the mind, heh.' Thought Chris.

"Starting from now, you will befall the fate of the cliche harem protagonist, though because of a glitch in the system, you wont receive the {{DENSE}} trait, or the {{PUSHOVER}} trait. Your journey begins now!"

'I can't help but to think this is a little troublesome...This all started because I wanted a milkshake...bruh.'

As Chris thought these thoughts, he realized that he had an issue. He was hungry, and he needed to know where the supermarket is so he could get cooking supplies. Chris considered himself a rather decent cook, being able to whip up some decent meals to fulfill his dietary needs.

He looked at himself in the mirror, and noticed that he looked mostly the same, but his face was slightly altered, and his body was altered for him to have a lean muscular build.

'This is more than enough...'

He gathered whatever things he had, and left the apartment, trudging his way to the store. He noticed that many women stopped by to gaze at him, whispering to themselves.

Chris being chris, though, decided to ignore it and play a game of chess while he walked to the local market, which lead to chris finding out another discovery! Chris could now play chess at a much higher level than before, seeing checkmates in over 500 moves! He seriously had to thank who ever did it for him.

Chris had no time to dwell on it though, as he soon arrived at the front of the supermarket. wasting no time, he opened the door and grabbed a twelve pack of instant ramen, as it was all he could afford at the moment. Chris paid for his food in full, and went home to look for jobs in the area, since he had no source of income.

As a testament of his luck, he found absolutely no jobs that would take him in. He looked, scrolled, and searched far across the depths of the internet, and found absolutely nothing. Then, by some sudden bullshit cliche, he found one. Though to his dismay, it was an absurd job offer.

"Take care of 5 girls, and get paid 500$ an hour!" Chris had to do a double take at that last bit, though. 500 an hour? What in God's name did taking care of those girls entail that was so bad that the pay was 500 an hour? Nevertheless, Chris knew that he had no other options, so he decided to visit the address and apply for the job.

Shortly after arriving, Chris noticed that the place looked like a luxurious one. So luxurious that in fact, Chris felt that he should be the one paying just to be here!

Chirs became a little reluctant to enter the house, but nonetheless he entered without halt. When he reached a far enough distance within the residence, a woman that could only be described as ethereal greeted him. What stood out the most about her however, was her pink hair. The way it was positioned about her features made her a beauty that could only be described at divinely seductive.

"We've been expecting you, Chris." That one sentence made Chris's alarms go off. How did this beautiful woman even know he would go and apply? Unfortunately, in typical Skyrim Npc fashion, he dismissed it and chose to not dwell on it further.

"Uhm, yes, I'm here for the Job. It has a good pay, and no other jobs would accept me so why not?" Said Chris, feeling exasperated. At this point, he didn't think that anything could further surprise him, all of this because of one milkshake.

"Well, Chris. You've got the job." The woman smiled serenely.

"Huh, just like that? What about the interview...?"Chris had a confused expression on his face.

"Yes, just like that!" She smirked at him, "Come on in, I'll introduce you to the tenants, I'm sure they'll definitely like you!"