
My Life in Blue Exorcist

[The first 7 or so Chapters are for those who haven't watched/read Blue Exorcist. They're skippable if you want however some things may not make sense if you do so, so take this advice with a pinch of salt.] Synopsis: Before he knew it, he was already there. There was no meeting with God nor was he killed by Truck-kun. He just randomly arrived into the world with no warning and took over the body of Rin Okumura, the Son of Satan and protagonist of Blue Exorcist. After being hit with unknown memories and almost losing his personality, he decides to fight against the events of the future and make the most of this life compared to his previous one. Though he ignorantly thought events of Canon will only take place, he'll soon find out that everything is not what it seems. Canon will crumble, new events will take place, new Characters with interesting backgrounds will appear, romance even though he didn't think he could love or receive love, mysteries and mythologies, friendships with those he never knew he could be friends with, and finally the reason why he took over Rin Okumura's body. [So this is the Author, just a little warning, the first 10 or so chapters are bad imo as I made them to distract me from irl stuff. Expect cringiness level: weeb. The quality of chapters improves around chapter 18 where I start straying away from Canon. Yes, a bad idea if I want viewers but I didn't care at the time nor do I really care now but I just don't want people leaving to say they dropped the novel because it has a lot of similarities to Canon. it gets boring to read the same stuff over and over again. Of course, I will edit the cringey chapters once I deal with Uni work. This fanfic is my second priority unfortunately since uni is a must for me. Credits go to the original creators of Blue Exorcist. I don't own Blue Exorcist nor do I own the cover, however, I do own my various OC's in the series. Constructive criticism and ideas are much appreciated as they help me get better. Hope you guys enjoy the read.] I'll be publishing on others sites too. Royal road, fanfiction.net, and Wattpad Discord: https://discord.gg/ybaJQdR2ZV P.a.t.r.e.o.n: https://www.patreon.com/S_jay

S_jay · Anime et bandes dessinées
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59 Chs

Mayham 2

(Rin): "Who are you?"

I said as I raised an eyebrow at the kid. He looked like he was around nine with medium-sized dark brown hair with some grey patches that just went below his eyes. He's wearing an old t-shirt and worn-out trousers that are both covered in dirt. He looks unhealthily skinny too.

Not to mention he smells like he hasn't showered in weeks. Why does a kid his age already have grey hair? It's an anime world so it's hard to tell if someone has natural grey hairs or not, but I have a bad feeling about this.

(Rin): 'Kage, you mind checking him?'

(Kage) 'Okay, Otou-san.'

I telepathically asked Kage as she walked towards the child. No one can see her right now thanks to her astral state but I still feel nervous about having her near someone potentially dangerous.

Leave me alone. I'm only a little overprotective, okay?

(Kage): 'Yes, it is him. My classmates previously showed me a photo of him on the classroom wall, but he didn't have grey hairs.'

(Rin): 'I see.'

Kage turned around and nodded. That Mephisto should've given us a damn photo of the kid but at least Kage knows what he looks like. Now we just need to bring him back with us, but it doesn't look like it'll be easy.

I thought that as I watched the kid take consecutive steps backwards.

(Boy): "St-stay away from me."

The boy stuttered in fear as his body started to shake uncontrollably. My mood went down the drain when I imagined what the child was going through during the past week. Those fucking demons...

I wonder if he knows anything about the demon who's set up those traps? Especially in a cramped place like this. First, we gotta calm him down to ask him questions, else it won't end quietly.

(Shura): "Hey little guy, what are you doing down here?"

Shura said as she crouched down and gave him the gentlest voice she could make. She even tried making the best smile she could make too, which I thought suited her.

(Boy): "L-leave me alone…"

As for the kid, that smile seemed to have the opposite effect.

(Shura): "Why? Big sis here ain't gonna hurt you."

Shura tried her best to reassure the child with a softer voice, but even that didn't work as the mood turned south.

(Boy): "Lies..."

(Shura): "Eh?"

Shura made a confused noise as we both stared at the boy in front of us. Although it was low, it was easily heard by both of us, rendering us slightly bewildered. The boy's body was shaking worse than before as he clenched his fist tightly. Before I could even think of what to say to comfort him, I suddenly felt a surge of miasma coming towards us followed by a yell.

(Boy): "You're all liars!"

The boy looked back to us as his previously hazel brown eyes turned completely black, including his sclera. My body reacted to this sudden change as I rugby tackled Shura from an invisible attack.

There was a loud bang as where we stood got damaged, leaving a little smoke to form in the air. Damn, what was that attack?

(Shura): "Dammit, I just paid you back… What even was that?"

Shura complained before she questioned what just happened. Hmm, couldn't she sense that attack? It looked like some kind of wind-based attack, but usually, they have some kind of form to them. That kid used an invisible attack that looks like it's only possible to be avoided if you're sensitive to miasma.

(Rin): "Did you not feel that?"

I asked before quickly getting off of her when I realised we were in the Kabedon position, aka the wall slam position. Goddammit, anime cliches… Too bad I wasn't able to embrace the feeling as I was too worried about what that kid will do next.

(Shura): "Sense what?"

Shura responds to my question as she takes my hand to get up. Hmm, seems like only I was able to sense it. Looks like her miasma detection skills aren't as sensitive as mine.

(Boy): "Leave me alone!"

As for the kid over there, his eyes turned back to normal. Hmm, is this some kind of partial demon possession or something?

(Kage): 'Is this similar to when Kaa-sama went on a rampage?'

Kage says that as she gets close to the boy with curious eyes. Oh yeah, I forgot she wasn't there when Yanno got possessed.

(Rin): 'I don't think so. Be careful, Kage.'

They look similar but I don't think he's possessed. Maybe he's a half-demon in the process of awakening? Seems likely from how disorderly his miasma is.

(Kage): 'Yes, Otou-san.'

Kage said that before skipping over to me and exiting out of her astral form. At least now I don't have to worry about her when there could be a fight.

(Rin): "Hey kid, what are you doing here?"

I asked the kid while being wary of his attacks. Being possessed by a demon usually makes the body undergo some kind of physical change. If you get possessed by your inner demon, then you develop green pupils.

For Demonic Union, your body goes through a physical change, like gaining an extra appendage or something and of course a tattoo.

And finally, there's the basic possession where the demon takes over their body completely and their body goes through a physical change as well.

Those are the types of possessions I know and I'm pretty sure the kid doesn't fit any of them. The whites of his eyes changed to black, which I found weird. How powerful of a demon is he? And what kind of ability did he use earlier? It sorta reminds me of telekinesis.

(Boy): "P-please don't get close to me."

The boy said that as his previous anger was replaced with fear again. I guess this confirms that he's not a mindless demon but that doesn't mean this is any less dangerous.

(Rin): "Fine, I'll stand over here. Let's talk it out, alright?"

I said with the softest voice I could make before sheathing my katana.

(Boy): "You liars! You're going to send me back to that place!"

Unfortunately, it doesn't have much of an effect once again as the boy shouts out. Back to that place, huh. I'll question him about it later, but right now we should get him out of here once we know he's not a threat.

(Rin): "Hmm, seems like he has a lot of trust issues."

I said to myself as I slid my spare katana to his feet. I didn't worry about it much as I can always use my shadows to retrieve it back when I need it anyway.

Though having it destroyed before I finish paying Xi for it would be annoying.

(Boy): "Huh?"

The boy made a confused noise as he didn't expect me to give him my katana. I was worried if he'd react to having it suddenly slide to him but luckily it didn't trigger any negative responses.

(Rin): "I'm unarmed now. Still can't trust me?"

I put my hands in the air too just to make him more comfortable. I can always defend with Kage's shadows if need be.

(Boy): "N-no, your f-face."

The boy pointed to my face as he said that. Hmm, don't you know it's rude to point with your fingers? Guess it doesn't matter when he's in that state.

(Rin): "This thing?"

I said while pointing at my mask. Hmm, taking it off won't be too much of an issue, to be honest, but I rather not.

(Rin): "Want me to take it off?"

I asked the child as I felt a little reluctant. Hmm, I wonder if Mephisto planned for this to happen.

(Boy): "Y-yes."

The boy confirmed his wishes as I sighed. Welp, I gotta reveal my face…

Or so you thought.

(Rin): "I have a mask within a mask."

(Boy): "Eh?"

I said that as soon as I took off my neck gaiter. Beneath that was another one, courtesy of Mephisto himself. I gotta thank him for his foresight later.

(Shura): "Pfft! Why do you have another one underneath?"

Shura, who wasn't expecting that, laughed at the surprise. Looks like she was expecting my face and didn't see that coming either.

(Rin): "I took inspiration from a certain white-haired shinobi from the hidden leaf village."

I said that as I made a hand seal. Hmm, I wonder if I can make an actual Jutsu. Maybe kage could make a Kage bunshin.

(Shura): "Hidden leaf village?"

(Kage): 'Ah, Naruto.'

(Boy): "Wait, you watched that show?"

Unlike the kids that know of the anime, Shura tilted her head from the sudden reference. Looks like she hasn't watched the series. Shouldn't modern-day ninja's watch naruto for some reference?

(Rin): "Yup, me and my family are watching it."

I said that as I fixed up my neck gaiter. We just finished watching dbz so we picked up naruto. Kage likes the series a lot.

(Boy): "Family…"

The boy had a reminiscent look when he said that. He must be yearning for his parents after being separated from them for so long.

(Rin): "You miss your family?"

I said that as I took a step forward, which startled him.

(Boy): "D-don't get close. You'll get hurt."

Hmm, so he went from demanding us to stay away to warning us we'll get hurt. Looks like his powers are immature like I thought.

(Rin): "Don't worry. Don't be scared to hit me. I'm a lot tougher than you think."

I said that as I used my right hand to thump my chest to show my confidence. I wonder how strong the kid is? Guess I'll have him test out his powers when I get the chance later.

(Boy): "Are you sure?"

The boy looked up, his eyes flashed with worry. That's a much better look than before I guess. Though he's still cowering a little.

(Rin): "Yup, I'm an Exorcist Hero after all."

I said that as I tried my best to relax my facial expressions to seem more approachable. Even though I don't agree with what I said, I used that as a way to get him to believe me. Kids usually like heroes after all.

(Boy): "Hero? Awesome!"

The light in his eyes looked a lot better after I said that. Now we can finally leave this cursed place.

(Shura): "You're good with kids huh."

Shura said that as she pats me on the back. Goddammit, stop with those surprise attacks that can knock someone over.

(Rin): "I have a family that I take care of after all."

I said that as I scratched my head. This was a lot easier than I expected, not gonna lie. Now to figure out how to leave this place. I wonder if there are any other ways out? I don't want to take the vent passage again after all.

"Tch, so this is where the brat ran off to."

Never mind, I dug my own grave with my thoughts. Goddammit...

Just when I was thinking we solved one of the missions, I felt a sudden heavy pressure as a foul smell soon enveloped the store. I'm getting sick of this…

My aria spell isn't effective anymore either! Fuck!

"Looks like we got some more brats that slipped through the barrier. Is that damn demon even doing his job properly or is he just messing around with that girl?"

What came after was a demon with a sickening appearance. It looked like a bipedal deer with anthropomorphic arms that were bigger at the forearms and thin at the biceps. Its height neared 2 metres as its arms looked ridiculously long, probably around 1.5 metres. Its waist looked like you could wrap around with a single arm.

Not to mention that it looks like it's smeared in a red fluid that smells like blood, covered in cuts and is wearing a worn down cloth around its crotch. Its bones were easily visible to see and its eyes lacked an iris.

Why does it have to be blood again? I think I'm about to develop a phobia thanks to everything that's happening.

(Boy): "N-no. No!"

The boy started shaking from seeing its appearance as his eyes looked dead. So this guy is part of the reason he's so wary huh.

"Shut it, failure."

The creature demanded the boy to shut up as it sent out a wave of miasma that reeked blood. Shura and I moved when we noticed that and blocked the child from the creature's demon miasma.

(Shura): "You'll have to get past us before you touch the kid."

Shura said that as she prepared her stance against the demon. Likewise, I made my own as I looked at the demon again. It looks familiar. Is that a Wendigo? Though it's the movie one as opposed to the source mythology.

(Shura): "Careful, that's the wendigo king. A type of demon that possesses cannibals."

As if noticing my questioning look, Shura whispered to me the demon's identity. The Wendigo king, huh. They're from American mythology and I've read up before that they're usually sighted in America. Why's one here?

They're known as malevolent, cannibalistic, supernatural beings. They're usually associated with winter, the north, coldness, famine and starvation. They're also the embodiment of greed, gluttony and excess. They're never satisfied after killing and consuming one person as they would constantly search for a new victim.

Although this is one of their kind that was misinterpreted thanks to a movie director. I'm surprised that this kind of demon is still possible.

(Rin): "My poor nose. You smell worse than I thought you would."

I said that as I pinched my nose in disgust. So what's a demon that's known for hunting by itself here for? Is he trying to fatten up that kid before he eats him? I doubt it. There's a supermarket above and he could easily have the child gain weight with all that food.

(Wendigo): "Of course, it's human blood!"

The wendigo king said as he made a cruel wide smile before he suddenly vanished. Although his body disappeared, the stench didn't, which gave away his attack.

I twisted my body to the side to dodge it. His sharp claws nearly grazed my skin.

(Rin): "Big mistake."

While in that position I grabbed the demon by the forearm and pulled it before giving it a knee kick to the chest. The blow made him lose his balance and crash to the ground, but it numbed my kneecaps. Damn, he's a lot sturdier than I thought.

(Wendigo): "Bastard!"

The Wendigo king screamed at me as it got up before attacking again. This time the attack was too fast for me to dodge so I used Kage's shadows to make a shield. The shield shattered almost immediately, but it gave me enough time to recover and retreat.

(Wendigo): "Get back here!"

The Wendigo king didn't let up though as he continued chasing after me as I tried finding spots to fight back at, but his damn skin is too tough to pierce with just Kage's shadows or my fists.

(Shura): "Damn, they got some speed."

As I was busy dealing with the Wendigo king, Shura whistled at our battle after she was done putting the kid in a safe place. Looks like she's given him a talisman of protection too.

"Those monkeys are fast! How about giving me your attention instead of giving it to them, pretty lady?"

Just when Shura looked like she was ready to join the fight, two new demons joined us.

Meh, at least they don't smell like this fucker in front of me.

-Shura Pov-

After I was done dealing with the little kid, two new demons decided to join us. A woman wearing a long brown coat with a white dress underneath, long messy brown hair that obscures her eyes, but I can still see her pale skin and the face mask. From the hairstyle, she looks like the Yokai Sadako but something feels off about her.

As for the other demon, he has long black hair that's styled in curtains and has orange sapphire like eyes. He's wearing a black leather jacket, black leather trousers, gloves, shoes etc. Jesus, does he have a leather obsession or something?

But the most striking thing about him was the cut he had on his face that went from ear to ear and his mouth was filled with sharp teeth. A Mouth-slit man.

(Shura): "Hmm, so a Sadako yokai and a mouth-slit man with an obsession with leather. Strange, there have never been records of a male version."

Looks like a mutated demon. They've been appearing lately where a normally female demon would have a male counterpart and vice versa. The order doesn't know why but they've been active lately.

(Mouth-slit man): "Kukuku, ain't that something to brag about?"

The Mouth-slit man said as he made an annoying cackle. Ugh, why do I feel like dealing with that Wendigo would've been less of a hassle?

(Mouth-slit Man): "Oi you, go bring the brat back."

Just when I was thinking of how to deal with these two, the mouth-slit man's attitude did a 180 when talking to the Sadako demon. Looks like he doesn't like that demon.


As for the demon herself, she merely nodded before walking towards the kid. Hmm, her species are a vengeful kind of demon. The condition for their possession would be for a young woman to be brutally murdered by someone close to them and then thrown into a well.

Of course, other variations exist, but being thrown into a well seems to be a must for the demon to take over the corpse. They're known amongst the exorcists as solo workers though. Why's one following the slit face's order?

She doesn't even have the aura of hate around her.

(Boy): "N-no... Not again... Please…!"

When the boy heard the slit face's words, his body started shaking as the fear in his eyes got worse. Looks like they're part of the reason the kid's so unstable huh.

(Shura): "Don't even think about it."

I said as I stepped in. I ain't gonna let them take him without a fight.

(Mouth-slit man): "I wouldn't do that if I were you, beautiful."

The man said with a wide grin as he was looking at me all over. Oi, my eyes are up here, not down there. He's clearly different from that midnight kid who's at least subtle with this kind of stuff.

He glances but looks away calmly when he realised they were in his line of sight. I think that's a good trait and it gives me room to tease him with.

(Shura): "Thanks for the compliment but what are your motives for being here?"

I asked as I didn't let his blatant stare bother me.

(Mouth-slit man): "Wouldn't you like to know. Before that, do you think I look handsome?"

Slit face suddenly asked, which sort of made me taken aback. Guess he's still tryna follow traditions huh.

(Shura): "Hell no. Maybe to your mother on a Sunday drinking night."

There's no way I'll say something like "You're average" to an ugly fucker like him. It'd make the average looking person feel bad about themselves.

Plus, we're getting into a fight regardless. It would just make the battle finally start if anything.

(Mouth-slit man): "Kukukuku, aren't you a feisty little bitch!?"

The mouth-slit man laughed creepily again before disappearing and reappearing in front of me. I got a close-up view of his ugly face that has bloodshot eyes as he tried slashing me with something coming out of his leather gloves.

I barely jumped back to dodge the attack before using my sword, Fang, to block the demon's attack.

(Mouth-slit man): "I'll make you change your mind, you little cunt!"

Oi, that's a bit excessive you prick. I thought as I ducked his next attack before swinging fang towards his chest. I expected the attack to do some damage but it only made him take a step back. The good thing is I now got some room to work with and I got a chance to see his weapon.

Looks like he's using a Katar, a type of Indian push dagger, but his one is a part of his leather gloves. It's strange seeing a demon use a weapon but it's not rare.

(Shura): "Tch, slay the serpent!"

I clicked my teeth when I saw how quick he recovered before retrieving some kunai's from my seal.

I said those words as I withdrew kunai's from my seal to distract him.

(Mouth-slit man): "Interesting sword you have there. What else do you have hidden between those tits!"

The mouth slit man said that as he ogles at my breasts again while attacking. Looks like he's good at multitasking since his attack patterns got more annoying to deal with.

(Shura): "Wouldn't you like to know."

I repeated his words with a snarky attitude as I dodged another of his attacks and kicked him in the stomach. Dammit, his skin's a lot tougher than I thought.

(Mouth-slit man): "You got some good moves. Kuku, I've decided. I'll make you mine!"

The mouth slit man says that with a disgusting smile as my stomach turns a little. You're gonna have a kick to the balls if you think I'm just gonna lay around and be someone's plaything.

(Shura): "Try me if you can, big boy."

I said that as I knocked him over again but he just kept getting back up. His regeneration is annoying and I'm annoyed by him just staring at my tits as if he hasn't seen a pair in his damn life!


(Mouth-slit man): "I'm not much of a submissive type so it's my turn now!"

The Mouth-slit man says before his attacks started getting heavier and heavier.

(Boy): "No! Let go of me-!"

As I was busy dealing with the Mouth-slit man, the other demon grabbed the kid by the waist and carried him. Dammit, I don't have enough space to deal with this fucker and protect the kid.

(Mouth-slit man): "Finally you lazy bum. Now let's get out of here. No point in wasting time here, of course, I'm taking you with u-"

Just before the mouth-slit man could finish his sentence, the Wendigo King suddenly made an appearance as they both collided with each other. Damn, that kid's a lot stronger than I thought he was.

(Rin): "Tch, that took longer than I thought it would."

Looks like I should've given the kid more credit. He's able to solo a high-level demon after all. Clearly not something an ordinary student exorcist could perform.

I wonder where that crafty devil found a guy like him?

-Rin Pov-

(Rin): "Now there are more people that have joined us. I wonder if one of them made that crazy illusion earlier?"

I said that to myself as I dodged another one of the wendigo's attacks. He's faster and stronger than I thought he was, but his patterns are the same and his smell is a big giveaway to his position.

(Wendigo): "Keke, you think those useless fools are any good? They're just a bunch of nitwits like you!"

Hmm, looks like he and those other two don't get along together. Weird to hear that when the other guy there is talking his ass off. Maybe they're just so similar that they hate each other's guts.

(Rin): "That's not reassuring. Fighting people as strong as me is like fighting 50 of you."

I said that as I used some of Kage's shadows to launch sneak attacks here and there. It's slowly affecting this guy as his attacks are starting to slow down now.

(Wendigo): "You bastard!"

Looks like I succeeded in aggravating him too. I need to figure out how to get rid of this guy and join Shura to protect the kid.

(Rin): 'I can't wait to leave this place. I only just have to fight them without my flames. Seems easy enough.'

I thought that in my head as I grabbed the wendigo by the arm and performed a judo throw. He barely weighs anything though so I doubt that attack did anything to him.

(Kage): 'Please do not jinx us Tou-san.'

While I was making comments in my head, Kage warned me mentally as I just realised I made a flag. Goddammit, I'm slowly getting too confident for my own good.

(Rin): 'Whatever my little princess says.'

I replied with a wry smile. I should reflect on that one day before it's too late.

(Wendigo): "Not taking this fight seriously, are you!?"

When I made the wry smile though, the Wendigo king didn't take it well, as he thought I was looking down on him. Well, I am taking the fight seriously, as serious as I can while restraining my flames.

They have a habit of protecting me without my permission. I had that same feeling when I heard the boy's plea for freedom. It gave me flashbacks to the kid I used to be. Which is why I want to help him out.

(Wendigo): "Don't look away from a fight!"

When I was a little deep into reflecting those eyes, the wendigo tried performing another surprise attack at me but failed the concept of a sneak attack.

(Rin): "When performing a sneak attack, don't give away your position like that."

I said that as I grabbed the wendigo's arm and pulled him to the sides to make him lose his balance a little. Afterwards, I used my free hand to punch his thin stomach before letting go and performing a roundhouse kick to his skull. I noticed Shura having a little hard time dealing with the two new demons so I made sure the Wendigo king would hit one of them.

(Rin): "Tch, that took longer than I thought it would."

I made a small complaint before I regrouped with Shura.

(Rin): "Yo, we should start teaming up."

I said to Shura before standing beside her. She doesn't look worn out, but she was in a pickle thanks to those two demons.

(Shura): "I'm surprised you're still kickin'."

Shura said as she raised her hand for a high five.

(Rin): "Of course, you told me you'd give me a drink."

I replied before giving her a high five. I'm kinda interested in alcohol even though I have a little trauma thanks to my drunk mother. Hopefully, it's not because I want to follow in her footsteps

Plus I want to test out how resistant a demon is against the substance.

(Shura): "I like that attitude of yours, but we still have some demons to deal with."

And Shura, without knowing how old I am, agrees to it without a care. Damn, I feel like she'd be the irresponsible yet loving mother type. Or maybe she'd have a complete 180 if she does have a kid. Who knows.

(Shura): "Don't you have any talismans or enchanted weapons with you? You can't exorcise them with just your fist, can ya?"

It's true just fighting a demon with your bare hands is impossible unless you kill the host itself somehow, even more so when the demon is possessing a corpse and the like. Luckily I got Kage's shadows to help me out with that though as it's infused with miasma that can harm the demon itself.

(Rin): "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

I say that as I take a deep breath and turn back to the three demons.

(Rin): "Now which one of you demons wants to die?"

Shadow starts sprouting on the floor before rising unto scythes. I must admit, playing with Kage's powers are fun.

(Kage): 'You think so, Tou-san? My powers feel a little uncomfortable to me.'

Kage responded to my thoughts which made me feel a little worried for her. It's an awesome power but for the beholder, it might seem like a curse huh. I guess I need to get her to slowly get used to it.

(Rin): 'You'll get used to it. Think of it as a way to protect your older brothers and mothers.'

I say that as I tried giving off a confident look. I can't head pat her after all otherwise I would've done it.

(Kage): 'That is only if you get us some.'

(Rin): 'Sheesh, give it a rest, will ya? At least for a month or 2.'

(Kage): 'Okay~!'

Goddammit, I was trying to act cool in front of my daughter and now she pulled that on me. She's already calling Akane and Naneko Kaa-san… She just wants it to be official... Thanks for the pressure.

(Mouth-slit man): "Now you guys have done it… Oi bitch, sitch em."

Mouth slit man says that after fixing his broken neck back into place with a crunch. Yikes, his healing is abnormal, even by demon standards.

(Rin): "You think you can handle neck dude over there?"

I said as I used my thumb to point to the mouth-slit man beside me. The Sadako-like demon dropped the kid from earlier and is tending to the mouth-slit man right now. I'd like to retrieve the boy back but doing so would probably do more harm than good since they outnumber us.

(Shura): "I'd be more than happy to."

Shura said that with a grin as she rested her katana over her shoulders. Goddammit, those things sway like crazy.

(Rin): "I'll deal with the over two. Skinny bone's nearly dead anyway. Try protecting the kid and I'll help out from my side too."

(Shura): "Two on one, ay? Shout my name if ya need me."

(Rin): "Will do, partner."

We both agreed on who our target will be before splitting up again. Looks like our trust in each other has increased to let something like this happen.

(Shura): "This time I'm ready for these punks. Slay the swivelling snake!"

Shura cracked her knuckles before saying a new chant I never heard of. Her sword shined in a low green before the blades started separating and started to sway side by side. The fourth eye is open too, adding to the sword's creepy sentient like appearance.

So she can make her sword into a whip sword huh. I wonder what the rest of her sword transformations are?

Though I sorta got one of my answers of her katana solved. Those eyes on the sword mean the swords form. Eight in total if you include the base form. That means four more to figure out.

(Rin): "Awesome sword you got there."

(Shura): "Thanks, maybe I'll let you use it when this is over and done with."

The two of us had a casual conversation even though we're in the middle of a fight. I guess this is what happens when you get two carefree exorcists on the job.

(Wendigo): "Still going easy on us huh…"

The Wendigo saw how carefree the two of us were even though they technically have the upper hand. I was confident in us being able to defeat them without much problem, but that's when Wendigo did something I wasn't expecting him to do.

(Boy): "Aghhhh!"

Wendigo started punching the kid without care of pulling back his power. This cunt…!

(Rin): "You fucker!"

I immediately ran towards the kid and likewise, Shura ran up to attack the Mouth-slit man to at least lowering the numbers against me. However, as one is preoccupied, the Sadako demon finally made a move and intercepted me.

(Rin): "Tch, move you fucking puppet! Shadow Bind!"

I was annoyed so I wasn't pretty with my words. I manipulated the shadows behind her to create a rope-like appendage. She dodged by jumping in the air and used a pair of scissors to deflect it?! What the? Isn't she a psychic? If she used a metal spoon at least it would've made sense!

I cleared my thoughts with all those tsukkomi as I focused on attacking and defending. I used the shadow scythes that Kage made earlier to attack her with but she was able to somehow break them. What are those pairs of scissors made out of?

(Rin): "Shadow slicers."

I merged some of Kage's shadows onto my katana as it glowed in a dark colour before I sent out slashes towards Sadako. Strange though, wasn't she able to use Nansha or something that lets her telepathically burn images onto surfaces or into a person's mind. She's not used to that yet. Is she saving it for a sneak attack or something?

And why's she even wearing a face mask? Do demons get ill?

I thought all that as I jumped around to dodge her attacks and send out some of my own. Dammit, how's she able to just cut Kage's shadows in half?

(Rin): "Change of plans."

I decided to stop going with the long-range attacks since it was useless against her unless I took her off by surprise. I got close to her before slashing my katana at her. She dodged just like I expected but I had a shadow slash follow upon it.

She jolted in surprise from the sudden attack but was quickly able to bend her body to an uncomfortable-looking angle. Jesus, she's a lot more annoying than she looks.

(Wendigo): "Kukuku, I've gotten enough despair from this brat. Now to finish you off!"

While I was busy with the quiet demon with the face mask, I felt a presence appear beside me before sending me flying towards the sewer water. Fuck, did he gain a powerup?!

(Rin): "Kage."

I said in a low tone as I recovered my posture mid-air and created a shadow portal. Thankfully that saved me from being drenched in filth, and using my previous momentum, I created another portal that linked underneath the Wendigo kind's feet. He wasn't expecting my fast recovery, nor the multiple slashes that came with it.

(Rin): "Don't bite off more than you can chew, you lanky prick!"

I said that as I jumped back to create some distance and watched the cunt go on one knee from the damage. I finally got a good few hits on him.

(Wendigo): "Fuck, how much of a monster are you!"

The Wendigo king said as he put his hand to cover part of his wounds, but it wasn't enough pressure as blood was spilling over his smelly fur.

How am I the monster though?

(Rin): "You definitely haven't looked at the mirror if you're saying that to me."

Like seriously, I just reacted quickly and got you when you weren't expecting it.

(Rin): "!!!"

Speaking of reacting, I just barely dodged the scissors of the Sadako-like demon, who then followed up her attacks with a kitchen knife. Where did she even find that thing?

I didn't just let her up to attack and get away with it though as I swung my body to the side and aimed at her face. She dodged it but I was able to damage her face mask a little. I saw that as my chance to carry on attacking as I was on the offence for once and had a few shadow blades attack from time to time from her blindspots.

(Rin): "Damn, those scissors are strong."

I said as my arms felt like they were feeling the resistance of attacking them over and over again.


At some point, Sadako had enough of just defending and stopped my katana itself with her pair of scissors. I wasn't able to pull my katana out from the surprising grip strength she possessed so I had to think on my feet again. I held onto my katana before spinning my body to perform a roundhouse kick to release myself.

Sadako wasn't expecting it though as she took the attack head-on, which made me see something I wasn't expecting either.

(Rin): "Looks like we got the wrong demon huh."

I said that as I stared at her face. A slit from ear to ear which caused her beautiful face to be dishevelled. The yokai that's commonly known in Japan as the mouth slit woman.

(Rin): "This is confusing me even more."

I said that as I felt a migraine forming but I didn't want to rub my temples else she'd use that moment to attack. That's when a familiar scent tried performing another attack.

(Wendigo): "Of course! Would you like to know why? Well too bad, I'm not telling you-!"

The wendigo king said that as his body seemed to recover a little but his speed was nowhere near before. I ducked before his attack even hit before kicking his leg to disrupt his balance again then slashing his arm to immobilise him for a moment.

(Rin): "Seriously, do villains not understand the no talking rule?"

I said that as I swung my katana again to clear the blood off of it. It was at that moment the other demon attacked again, this time frightening me since I wasn't expecting it.

(Kage): 'Seems like some do.'

(Rin): 'Yep and the ones that do are usually the more annoying ones.'

The quiet ones are usually the most difficult. That usually applies to normal situations too.

(Rin): "So what's up with you? For someone who's known for acting solo, you sure like taking orders from the bastard over yonder."

I've heard of the mouth slit woman and her story before. A woman who had her face mutilated from ear to ear for various reasons depending on the story. One version being she was an adulterous wife of a proud samurai who cut her face after he found out about the cheating or one where she got mutilated during a medical/dental procedure by a woman that got jealous of her beauty.

Either way, she's meant to be a solo Demon who attacks people depending on their answer. So why is she following the orders of someone annoying like him?

(Mouth slit women): "Don't call him a bastard!"

To my surprise, she finally spoke and I got a chance to see her eyes. They are orange sapphire yet they look dead but have a fiery feel to them. Her swings were getting troublesome to defend against too as I was back to intercepting and redirecting her attacks.

Something about those eyes irked me though.

(Rin): "Oh? He isn't a bastard? He keeps calling you useless and keeps demanding the impossible. Plus his attitude sucks. Don't tell me that guy is your husband or something?"

I hurled out provoking insults to get more of a reaction out of her which made her attacks slowly become more predictable, albeit a lot more dangerous if the attack connects. I'm curious about her relationship with that guy though. If they were actually a couple, would she allow him to take Shura like how he said he would?

I found it weird how submissive she was, and weirdly enough annoyed for it. I guess I'm feeling sympathy for the enemy. I shouldn't let that waver my decisions though.

(Mouth-slit woman): "Stop. Don't insult him!"

Jesus, there's a limit to how someone could white knight someone. I guess love is that blinding huh.

(Rin): "Oh? Then prove it. It's hard ain't it?"

If he is her husband then I don't think he deserves her love. I can tell she cares for him but he treats her like shit regardless. Seeing her act so submissive yet have a deep care for him annoys me a lot.

It reminds me of when I first lived with my mother the first year or so. I was optimistic that she was just uncomfortable with living with a child and that she would slowly grow to love me, but that wasn't the case even when I was 16, just before I took over Rin's body.

(Mouth slit women): "He, he does!"

Poor women. Even her attacks are getting sloppy like her love life

(Rin): "Oh? Then tell me the last time you remember being happy with him? The last time he didn't order you around? The last time he genuinely cared for you or appreciated you for who you are?"

I carry on talking as her reactions are slowly getting dull. Hmm, maybe this is why villains always talk, huh. Well, I guess it only works against others with some form of conscience. I wanna try something I see in a few shonen.

(Rin): "Have you ever questioned that scar on your face? It's not like you were born like that so what could've happened? Some say Demon's like you were caused by other people's jealousy…"

Yeah, people like those are annoying as hell. Jealousy is a scary thing.

(Rin): "...Or by having their face mutilated by their spouse."

(Mouth slit women): "No, no, aahhhhhhh."

Looks like my words are affecting her. The mouth-slit woman stopped attacking me as she was holding her head and shaking it in denial.

(Mouth-slit women): "AAAGHHHH!"

But before I could say anything else, the unstable demon in front of me started swinging at me again as her eyes seemed to be clouded in denial and anger. Goddammit, she's attacking me again but at least the annoying look in her eyes is gone. Hehe, looks like this'll get interesting.

Time for a semi-cliche.

I grabbed both of her hands and lifted her body before slamming her down to the floor. She grunted in pain from the impact but still refused to let go of weapons, but that wasn't much of an issue as I pinned her down and looked her dead in the eyes.

(Rin): "Alright then, why don't we do a little experiment, little missy? Ask your little hubby over there a question. If he doesn't answer or says he doesn't remember then chances are he's not the same person you know or he's an imposter."

I don't know if I'm correct but seeing how he treats her and how his power seems to affect her strength, I have a feeling that he caused her to become a Demon. Whether this decision of mine is good or bad is something else. Plus a couple becoming a mouth-slit couple is already something uncommon and ridiculous

(Rin): "Oh, looks like Shura's done with the cry baby over there."

I said that as I looked over to Shura's direction, who had the mouth-slit man dismembered without any of his arms and legs to be seen.

Why did she have to stab him at the balls? The sight of that is making me feel uncomfortable, though I don't really show it.

(Shura): "Yo, good job! This guy here was a little tough to beat with his durability but that's all he was good for."

Shura says that as she walks over to me. I got up from pinning down the mouth-slit woman whilst having a shadow ready to attack her in case she makes any sudden moves. When the two of us finally got near each other we gave each other a high five to congratulate each other.

(Shura): "What about the crazy chick?"

Shura said as she looked at her in confusion. Guess she wasn't expecting me to make peace with one of them huh. Well, she better get ready for a show that'll begin.

(Rin): "You might want to watch the show."

I said that as I snapped my fingers before some shadows appeared and bound the mouth-slit man, just in case he makes any sudden moves or attacks. I think I'll be proud of what'll happen next.

(Mouth slit man): "You bastard! Oi, you bitch! Fucking kill them already!"

The mouth-slit man says as he tries wiggling his way out, but it's to no avail. As for the mouth-slit woman, she got up after hearing the man's words, which had me up my guard just in case but she was moving oddly slowly.

(Mouth slit man): "Take your sweet fucking time! I'll only be a skeleton when you fucking move your skinny ass!"

Yikes, the dude's words are a bit too vulgar.

(Kage): 'he has bad manners, doesn't he, tou-san?"

(Rin): 'Yep. Look what happens when you don't give people the respect they deserve.'

Though this is a bit of an extreme example of that. I should make sure she doesn't accidentally couple the mouth slit woman just in case she does the same thing to her classmates or something.

(Mouth slit women): "Makoto dear, do you remember the promise we made before our wedding?"

The mouth slit woman said as a kitchen knife suddenly appeared from her sleeve and into her hands.

(Mouth slit man): "Do you think this is the fucking situation to be asking me this question you stupid bitch?!?!"

On her other hand, another kitchen knife appeared, which makes me wonder if she has some kind of storage skill or something.

(Mouth slit women): "On the night before you left the village, you made a promise to me to take me to the city to see my family again."

She then used her hands to unzip her jacket a little and revealed to the pendant she kept underneath.

(Mouth slit women): "You left and gave me a necklace saying it matches the one you have."

I look at the pendant of the lady's neck. It's a simple brown magatama stone necklace. I then noticed the lady's hand trembling as she said that.

The good part is about to come up, huh.

(Mouth slit man): "You think I'm still gonna have that useless piece of shit around when I'm bleeding out!?! Hurry up and fucking save me already!"

Hmm, so he didn't even keep the twin gift he gave to his wife. I nearly smiled from knowing that was the case.

(Mouth slit women): "Aaaaaaaaaaaah!"

And as if losing all the chains holding her back, the mouth-slit woman suddenly started attacking the mouth-slit man.

Ah, household murder where the victim gets revenge. Why does seeing this sight give me slightly nostalgic feelings? Weird, I guess I wanted revenge that much against my mother huh.

(Mouth slit man): "You useless bitch have you gone crazy!?"

(Mouth slit women): "I haven't! You have! You're not Makoto!"

Just realised his name's Makoto. Ain't that the name of a certain high schooler that tried forming a harem but ended up getting killed by his gf for cheating on her, then one of his harem members killed that gf as revenge and stuff his head in a brown bag or something?

I only watched that final scene so I wouldn't know it that well. All I know is it was a fucked upending.

(Shura): "I was not expecting this."

Shura said with a shocked tone, not knowing how to respond as her eyes stayed wide open. I would be too, but I got a pleasing feeling after seeing this. Am I slowly going psychotic from enjoying a sight like this?

Of course only to those that seem like they deserved it. I wouldn't want to see a random person get killed after all.

(Kage): 'I feel like I am watching a betrayed wife killing her husband in a soap opera or something.'

(Rin): 'Eh? Wait, how would you know?'

(Kage): 'Kaa-sama.'

Seriously, what are those two letting you watch? Is this while you're supposed to sleep or something? I don't remember seeing you watch soap operas.

Well, not much harm in that I guess. I thought that as I was starting to get bored of the two demon couples heartbreaking break up.

(Rin): "Are you done yet?"

I asked in a bored tone after grabbing her by the arm. It was exciting the first time but now it's getting stale.

(Mouth slit women): "I'm not! I want revenge! I want to eat his flesh before I'm satisfied!"

She's gone crazy from the freedom rush huh. Eating his flesh is a bit too much, even by my fucked up standards.

(Rin): "Look at his face clearly"

I said that as I grabbed her by the face to look at her so-called husband. It was just bones, with hollow eyes, thinned hair and the lower half of its body seemed backwards. What even is this thing? I haven't seen one of these creatures before.

(Shura): "Looks like a skin-walker, but it's hard to tell with how many variations they have. Regardless, I don't remember reading about a skin-walker being able to have that much intelligence."

Shura said that as she made a thinking pose. Skinwalkers? I've not researched much of those before, but I know they can shapeshift and they're super fast. Why's another American mythology here in japan? And a rare one at that.

The demons are up to something, huh.

(Rin): "He's still alive even after receiving that kind of beating. Should we capture him to interrogate him?"

I asked as I used my katana to pick its head. I can still see his eyes twitching and his exposed heart beating, albeit it's getting weaker by the second.

(Shura): "That wouldn't be necessary if we have this chick's cooperation. How about it?"

Shura said that as she turned the Mouth slit woman with her arms crossed.

(Shura): "You can either be exorcised now or join us to get your revenge."

And she said words that surprised even me. Hmm, would we get a new ally or not?

(Mouth-slit women): "I choose…"


Welp, this took longer than I thought. I was supposed to get it uploaded like 12 hours ago but uh, things happened. Sorry!

Also as a side note, I'll be now uploading once every 2 weeks. Yup, I've gone bad again, I know, but Uni is still hell, you know?

But hey, still better than disappearing for 8 months or so only to get one or two chapters... Right?

Also, an auxiliary chapter is incoming for all the canon and oc characters. Just need some time. and I'll be starting to rewrite all my chapters from the beginning but will be uploading it on other sites before uploading it on webnovel.

Thanks for all the support so far. This demon king will sleep for now.)

(A/N: Alternative Titles: "Mouth-slit woman, a Skinwalker and a Wendigo", "That boy still doesn't have a name, does he?", "They made a mistake with two of the demons, will the Wendigo be the same?")

Edited by Xenoblade

(E/N: Dom Toretto spawns after the kid mentions "Family…")

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See you guys in 2 weeks! Stay safe!

S_jaycreators' thoughts