

They were vacations, they were summer vacations and the heat made its name proud.

I was in my room writing, while the unbearable heat affected me a lot.

My body is still sensitive to some things, obviously less, but it still has it, whether it's because of Asian genetics and things like that.

It doesn't matter that I have been training my physique to the maximum, which in itself is already difficult to develop muscle mass, because I am tall and it is more difficult for them to be noticed.

*ring ring*

I ring the bell.

The name of this number was Machida Yuanzi.

[Hey? , the editor?].


"Shouko! Tomorrow your novel will officially start selling!"

Machida carelessly told Shouko over the phone.

After a week, her novels will finally be sold. During this period, I not only confirm the illustrations of the novels with the library, but also do various text revisions.

-I see, thank you, sister Yuanzi—Shouko smiled, something you don't see much.

I didn't know her novel could be published so fast.

"Well, now the rest will depend on the sales of your novels tomorrow" "I'll keep working" Machida hung up the phone without saying much. As an editor, she still has a lot of work to do.

I was excited, I had never been on the side of an author.

// Author's note: Irony of life //

// The next day //

It was 8 am and the bookstore opened on time, he had gone to a nearby Kadokawa property.

But this time, she was dressed incognito for this moment.

So she had a mask and glasses, like to make me feel undercover.

I went into the bookstore and started looking for the location of her novel. Finally, he found her own light novel in the newly released light novel section. There weren't many, but there were fifty or sixty copies.

Seeing the first volume of "Kimetsu no Yaiba" placed on the shelf, her heartbeat slightly quickened.

Because it's Saturday and it's still early, basically, there's no one in the bookstore and Shouko doesn't care. She just found a free book and then sat down and read it.

After a while, the number of people in the bookstore slowly increased.

In Shouko's eager anticipation, someone reached right into the bookcase.

"Kimetsu no Yaiba?" I have not heard of it. Is it a newly published novel? Let's take a look at what is written.

Shouko hid for a bit, at which point she returned to typical Komi-san actions.

He got a little nervous as he well anticipated.

"Damn, breathing techniques, pillars, this is really cool! I want to buy three books!"—After saying that, the man went to the counter to pay with three books.

Shouko didn't expect the boy to buy 3, he thought he would give them to one more friend or who knows.

One has two and not long after the person left, a few more people came to the shelf.

"This book is amazing, I must buy it and read it."

"I didn't expect this book to be so attractive, tsk tsk, cheater, this title is so attractive!"

"I want to buy it too, I should show my friends later."

"Yes, yes, I will also recommend them to my friends."

After these people left, Shouko let out a light sigh and it seemed that he had written quite well.

He feels good, that people like what you write, even a small part, makes the real author feel sorry for stealing the story from him.

But that small sorrow, he vanished instantly.

So, after seeing that people were buying his novel, he went home.

// The next day, Sunday //

"What a day!" "My life is very hard! Do I have to stay here to work even on weekends?" Machida seemed powerless and she could only be busy with the job at hand.

"Editor Machida, Kyoko," Machida thanked, and then she took over the sales performance form.

"Let me see, Kimetsu no Yaiba sold 400 copies yesterday?"

Looking at the sales, Machida was a bit surprised: "I didn't expect the results to be so good."

To know that it is still short of advertising, it can still sell around 400 copies in just 1 day, which is already amazing.

Machida seems to see the rise of a phenomenal novel.

"Let me see the sales of 'Metronome in Love'. Well, there are only less than 100 copies, right?"

Machida was a bit quiet when she saw the sales of Shiyu's novel. In her opinion, this is definitely not a good result. Let's wait and see, this is the first day.

On the other hand, Shouko was watching videos of shit posts on the internet, unaware that the followers of his blog increased by hundreds, but he didn't know at all.







"Let's fight...."

After writing the last word, Shouko exhaled a bit, looked at the finished manuscript on his cell phone, nodded in satisfaction, and hurried off, finally letting him finish the second volume.

-Definitely, I need a computer or a laptop, to be able to write.

Because although it is comfortable to write on the cell phone, lying in bed relaxed.

With this heat you don't even want to be in bed, the sleep that gives me every time, literally, I fall asleep and wake up like this constantly, I had a lot of sleep paralysis these days, but well the only thing that relieved me was the fan that gave me little air

I have the ability to write 6,000 to 7,000 words in a day, so in just over a week I can finish a volume and not take as long as the other Japanese.

Although what also slows them down is pressure and ideation.

I started eating an ice cream that my mother gave me because of the heat.

[What do I do now....].

Silence was felt in the room

[I finished the second volume, in this heat I don't feel like exercising, that's why I do them at night].

[Social media content is not as good as my world].

[So watching them all the time is boring].

[I don't have to do the homework, because Yamai is already doing it].

[I have nothing to do here].

[What do I do, I leave my house, but in this heat I don't feel like it so much, I go to the movies, I'm not a big fan, I go out to a party, I hate parties].

[Go shopping?....but I already have my purchases done for days].

[And I don't want to go out so much and people look at me, now I'm going to start putting on a mask and glasses, to go out a little more unnoticed].

[But leaving all that aside....].

[I'm so boring...my life is so boring...].

[I mean, it's a bit silly, because I do my homework, exercise and write my stories to get money and a stable economic life].

[It's a very healthy life, but... I don't know].

I looked on my cell phone and saw the chat of my friends, who only had 1, it was najimi who also stopped sending her messages every time, but shouko didn't notice or ignored it by herself.

[I'm so bad, is it bad to think only of himself and his own benefit?].

[It's bad that I didn't care about anyone but myself, I feel that if my parents in this world die now, I wouldn't feel anything, because in themselves, to me, they are just strangers, who give me a home and food and I see them as people who serve me and are useful].

[But my skin unconsciously, when in front of them, acts friendly and grateful].

[I feel very false, I am very closed with my feelings and I don't tell anyone and nobody knows].

[I don't have anyone to talk to about this and besides… I don't feel like talking to anyone about this].

[My mind is so contradictory, that sometimes it scares me that once again they can leave me alone].

[But the great fool does nothing to change it].

Shouko looked towards her room and began to hyperventilate little by little, she was afraid of her own being and was having an anxiety attack.

She tried to calm down, but she was having a hard time, so the only thing she could do was wait and let it all end but.

Buenas tardes!.

The door opened with force, it was najimi.

Najimi's appearance scared him, he didn't expect that.

Hello shouko, come let's go out to....

- What are you doing here dwarf?


Hey, more respect... I came here because you weren't answering my calls.

Shouko looked at her cell phone on the bed and noted the missed calls.

And who let you in?

I don't need permission, since... I'm already part of the family.

Najimi said this proudly as if she had won something very valuable.

Shouko stayed with her and noticed that her body wanted to start trembling, so he quickly spoke to her.

-Najimi close the door and come here.

Hey, what's up, I can tell you're weird.

-Just do it.

Uy ya-ya, ok, apparently the lady is in a bad mood.

Najimi did as he ordered, closing the door and sitting down next to Shouko.

Now tell me, what are you doing...?

She couldn't finish the words because she felt Shouko hug her.

This surprised her too much since, in the long time that she has known Shouko, she has never hugged him, rather it would be said that she herself hugged Shouko more times than Shouko herself.

Her face was going to start to turn red, but she felt her embrace with a little tremor, as if she was afraid of something.

This instantly alerted her.

Shouko, what happened, are you okay?

Najimi's tone was one of sincere concern and very serious, she was surprised to see Shouko in such a state, she always looked confident and above the others, also a bit mean and joking, but she never cared why she always saw the beauty.

-Let me hold you longer.

Shouko, being taller than Najimi, already looked like a bear hug.

The shaking gradually subsided, until she left this face of the earth and after she left, the hug now felt warm.

And that didn't go unnoticed, as Najimi noticed.

-Now, why did you come?

Don't try to change the subject, what happened shouko, are you okay, did something happen to you?

-Nothing's wrong with me, and don't worry so much midget, I just wanted to hug something and you arrived at the exact moment, nothing more.

Najimi still had in her mind the trembling of Shouko's body as she hugged her, she knew that this was not good, Najimi wanted to help her, she did not want the person she loved to have a bad time, but if Shouko did not want to talk, the intrusion can also bother him.


Silence returned to the room.

- And why did you come?

Ah, it was to go out, you have to have fun on these vacations.

-Did you finish your homework.

Ah....don't think about that, I'll do it later.

-That later sounds like the last minute.

Well yes, but that's not the issue, come on, let's go out, we're on vacation, we have to have fun.

-Have fun with you? If I go out with you, they will think that you are my daughter and that I take you out for a walk.

Hey how cruel, you envy my tenderness loli.

You are very envious.

-Envy of a dwarf like you, first I wish death.

than cruel.

Shouko was laughing lightly.

Najimi seeing Shouko laugh, he was happy, he didn't like to see Shouko in her previous state, it is better that she is happy laughing.

Well, where you gonna take me?

To an amusement park, they have opened one near here and I thought that...



-I absolutely refuse.


At that moment our protagonist, he remembered the bad memories he has of amusement parks, 1, it's because he worked in one for almost 2 years and he didn't like it at all.

Are you afraid?.

-Who is scared?.

Ohh, it was true, you're afraid of games, what... you're afraid of mechanical games.

-Of course not.

Hahahahahaha, if you have it, I have to write this.

Najimi was happy, he finally had something to tease Shouko with.

i hate amusement parks...

Killer_Shirocreators' thoughts
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