
My life has become a video game!

Liam was a normal guy. His everyday was dull and boring. He gets up, works, sleeps on repeat. But on one seemingly normal day, everything changed. But these changes affected not just him but the whole humanity. ------ This is my new novel for the WPC 276. So please vote with the power stones. I am not an experienced writer so have mercy. Ps.: My main language is not english so sorry about the grammar!

Bendzsi · Fantaisie
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1 Chs


Nothingness is such a strange concept. It is unimaginable for us humans. We can't even imagine a place where there is no light nor darkness. Not even mention a place where is no time or space, for us it is just impossible.

But somehow if you could travel to the outside of your universe. And get rid of its restraints and concepts. You would find yourself in the place called by us the nothingness.

But from that moments onwards, you are already dead and at the same time you are alive. You are everywhere but at the same time you are nowhere. You are real but at the same time you are unreal. It is strange and unimaginable, but for us your state is not important. More important is what around you.

It sound strange but the nothingness is not empty. If you look around you will notice the bubbles 'floating' all around you. On a closer look, these are not bubbles but universes with there own laws and concepts.

This place is every writer's dream with the infinite amount of worlds with an infinite amount stories within. But for this novel, we only have intrest in two worlds.

The first world is appeared as a bubble that was glowing brightly and it felt warm. If take a closer look you could see rows of zeros and ones running. It strangely resembled a computer code.

The second world was opposite of the first world. It was dark and cold. But it was still somewhat beautiful beacuse its inside was filled with galaxies made out of countless stars.

You might be wondering what is the connection between the two. And indeed your question is right. There should be an infinite number of worlds that looked the same. But these two worlds are special because they are about to collied with each other.

The two bubbles got closer and closer to each other. Until with a big flash of light the two colided. When two worlds collide there are infinite amount of possibilities. Maybe one world absores the other or they just push away each other.

But now the two worlds started to fight. It looked like they are about to destroy each other. But in the end instead of destroying themselves they decided to merge together. Makeing this event the starting point of our story.

#On The Earth#

In a big city with high rise buildings, the sun was close to the horizon. It was about to go down, giving his place on the sky to the moon for the night. The last sunbeams coming from the sun collided with the buildings casting a big shadows at the streets down below.

The streets were buzzling. They were full with people and cars comming from work and going home. Yes it was the end of the working hours so the streets were extra crowded and extra noise.

But the noises from the streets couldn't made into the office in the the high rise buildings where the poor souls who has to work overtime got trapped in.

In one of these kinds of offices the only thing that could be heard is hands hitting the keys on the keyboards and sometimes the creaks of the office chairs. There was a young man sitting on a normal office chair. Staring with his dead fish eyes at the screen infront of him and sometimes hitting some keys on the keyboard.

His name was Liam Taylor and 25 years old. He had a normal face with brown eyes, his hair was black. You could tell with his cloth still on that he wasn't fat nor thin so he was somewhere on the middle. He wasn't fitt either.

He wore a cheap suit and you could tell he wasn't the most caring person because his shirt was wrinkled and his shoes were dirty.

All in all Liam was a normal guy with out anything outstanding. And he lived his life like any normal people would do. He gots up, works, eats and then goes to sleep again.

Maybe the only thing special about him is his above average intelligence. But he couldn't do anything with it because if his intelligence is a blessing then he has a curse too.

And this curse was that he got bored with everything after awhile. In school he was too lazy to study but somehow he finished it with his intelligence. But he already started to grow bored with his life.

But he was still excited about working. And so he got the chance to work for a big company. He tought something is going to change when he starts to work. But it was a big let down. His life became more monotone than ever. He some times gets so bored with his life that he starts to think about commiting suicide. But he couldn't do it because of two reason.

First because he didn't want to disappoint his family. He has a little sister who is still studying in university. And his parents are retired and now living in the country.

Second reason is very simple. He didn't kill himself because he is a coward. No he is not afraid of death, he is afraid of the pain.


Liam looked away from the computer and blinked a few times to water his dryed out eyes. He looked at the wach on the wall. It was already half past four but the office was still half full because they have to finish a big project.

Liam turned back to his monitor to resume his work. But something interesting caught his eye. The thing that got his eyes was a blue square with a text on it, was floating infront of him. He read the text instinctly.

[The system downloading. Please wait until it finishes.]


[The system download finished.]

[Opening the system...]

[Hello player.]

[Please enter your nickname:__________]




Hello author here. Please vote with your power stones, thank you! And I hope you enjoyed the chapther! And at last thank you for reading!

Ps.: Sorry about the grammar!