
Im Amazed u even read this


Even though this does say morning this is, in reality, this is 4:30pm. I wake up from my alarm screaming in my ear GET UP. Which I will lazily as humanly possible, turn it off. eventually every 5 minutes I'm being yelled at GET UP by my phone. Around the 7th time of turning it off i ignore it and it shuts itself up only to hear the sound of my tablet play No Maybes. I would turn it off but i always leave my tablet on my desk which all the way across the room. My room is fairly small and the desk is only 3 feet away from my bed. But being extremly lazy I try as hard as possible to ignore everything. While my tablet shuts up im now hearing my phone going at it again and soon my tablet with it. So while im tossing and turning in my blanket burrito, probably suffocating too. I eventually through myself up and as quickly as my numb legs can make me move I turn everything off. And finally fall back into my bed and go back to sleep. Now that its around 5:15 im woken up by my mom yelling at me to get up. I ignore her expecting her to give up. But she decides she needs to go upstairs and slam my door open. I go into my covers as she walks toward my window and opens it which is one of the last things I want! And while she knows to always close my door she leaves it wide open. Thinking i could just ignore this, the bird outside my window decides to start screaming. Me literally about kill everything around me i slam my window closed and finally go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and what not. and no I dont eat "breakfast".


No this is not the normal afternoon where everyone the sun is out. No it's 12am. The suns down everyone is asleep and I now practically own the house. The only reason I love it when its night. So I'm just dying in my bed watching the same anime show i have seen a million times already eating nothing but junk food. Donuts, popcorn, brownies its a miracle i dont weigh that much. I keep this up and eventually switch to youtube at around 3am. I have seen everything on youtube alreday and somethings I wish I had never seen. So im watching stupid things and I have gone as far as watching James Charles say HEY SISTERS for 30 minutes straight. Not hating. I have also tried listening to Asmr which makes me really really really uncomfortable.


If you seriously still think i mean the literal night I mean my schedules night. In other words 6am. I am not eating dinner only drinking tea nonstop which is more than enough for me. I am staring at the 4 empty coffee mugs which i used for my tea Just sitting on my desk. and those mugs are going to stay there for about 2 more weeks before i am actually able to put them in the dishwasher. I dont do dishes, too much work. And if i have a dishwasher that does it for me why should i make my lazy self do the dishes. I know my scheduale and eating habits and well my life right now is really unhealthy. Now that it's about 7:30am my mom should be awake in 30 minutes. Which i finally am able to fall asleep.

Now just repeat this VERY unhealthy life for all of quarentine and that has been my life for what 9 months?

I am well aware about the spelling errors and the I being lowercase. But making i uppercase would have been a lot of work. Yes im lazy and need a life.

Kira_Yuki_56creators' thoughts