


Wonhee couldn't help but get mesmerized by Yejun's beautiful golden eyes.

The change in his eye color also changed his vibes.

[With red eyes, Yejun looks a bit intimidating. Handsome in a brooding way.]

But with golden eyes…

[Yejun looks pretty since his features softened up a bit.]

"Wonhee-ya, I wanna touch you," Yejun said, and then his gaze fell to her tummy. Then he looked at her hands. "But let's get you cleaned up first."


Wonhee stared at her hands and realized that it was covered with Yejun's, uhm, pent-up desires.

[It's sticky…]


Her intrusive thoughts urged her to lick the sticky liquid, so she brought her hands near her lips.


"Chu Wonhee, no!"

Wonhee was surprised when her hands stopped mid-air, and it wasn't according to her will.

It looked like Yejun used his power to stop her.