
Turning to Ashes

Amy Lee pointed at the princess's head.

The bit of flesh bitten off by Marco had now healed.

As if nothing had happened.

Was this the power of its regenerative attribute, I wondered.

Whatever it was, it only gave me the creeps.

I treasured being alive, but who in hell wants to live forever?

"So how do we destroy it?" Firecracker Tan asked.

"Good question. If we blow it up, would the pieces of flesh regenerate again?" I pondered.

Amy Lee thought for a moment and said, "Just burn it. Human civilization has been doing it for ages. Anything that's supposedly evil, we just burn to ashes."

"Great, I'll set up a fire out in the back," Firecracker Tan said and got to work.

By then, Bobby began to wake up.

When he opened his eyes, he was surprised that he was lying on the sofa.

"Fuck you, Sam. Why am I lying on the sofa? I was at the fridge, and my legs hurt. What the hell did you do to me?"