
My Life as a Magical Girl in the Yakuza

Seventeen year old Veteran Magical Girl, Shosuko Kuze is assigned to live in crime-riddled Ozawa City after her service in the Yokai Wars. However, mere months after her re-entry into society, tragedy strikes and Shosuko suddenly finds herself being hunted down by I-C's, the enforcers of the International Commission for Magical Girls. She's nearly incarcerated when an organization called the 'Kuze Clan' intervenes. Stranger still, as a Kuze herself, she's part of the organization by birthright. ---------------------------- Cover art by Thunder009 Special thanks to my beta reader and editor, dvsfiction

Koko_3344 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
105 Chs

Not-So-Safehouse II

"Do you understand now, Yuki? Why you don't need a sister like me?" Kasai can't bear to look Yuki in the eye.

Yuki lowers her head. "So… it was you who killed mom and dad."

"Yes. I don't expect to be forgiven. I don't expect to find redemption. But perhaps you can find some peace in knowing this at least, Yuki."

"..." Yuki says nothing. Her eyes are hidden behind the shadow of her bangs.

"I really am the lowest of the low, aren't I? Disappearing and then just dumping this all on you. What a pathetic excuse for a sister I am." Kasai unsheathes her sword before turning it on herself. "I've had enough of running away. It's time I face mom and dad myself in the afterlife. Can I at least have that liberty?" She turns around to address Tami.

"Do whatever you want. Our work here is done." Tami waves to Oe and she crosses over to her side of the room. She and the I-C's step into the elevator. As the doors close, her last words hang in the air.

"That's enough, Kasai!" Yuki suddenly speaks out. "Don't stain your hands even more!"

"It's too late for me, Yuki. I've already done something I can't take back." Kasai turns her blade back against herself. "The Kasai you knew is gone–"

"So you're just going to run away again?!" Yuki looks down at the floor. She's gripping her skirt as tightly as she can. "I… I hate that side of you! I hate that you're never there! I hate that you never think about others' feelings! You're the only family I have left! And here you are, hiding! You're always like this! You never ever think about how I feel!"

"Then what am I supposed to do?! Just act like nothing happened?! Is that what you want me to do?!"

"I don't know!" Yuki's voice breaks as hot tears start to pour out from her eyes. "I… I just don't know. I just… I miss mom. I miss dad. But I miss you most of all. Because you're real! You're still alive! You're the only person I have left! What happened to everything turning out alright?! What happened to your promise?!"

"You don't need someone like me! I– I'll just "

"And who the hell decided that?!"

Yuki runs up to Kasai and throws herself at her.

"Don't leave me alone, big sis!" Yuki sniffles pathetically but she doesn't care. "Do whatever you want, just don't leave me alone again! Just don't run away anymore!"

"Yuki..." Slowly, gently, Kasai wraps her arms around Yuki, trying to give her what little comfort her warmth can give. Something warm caresses her cheek. Tears. She looks up at the ceiling but still, they flow like a hot river. "I'm sorry… for everything

"I can't forgive what you've done, I don't have the right. But I can promise you that you don't have to bear that burden alone anymore."

"I…" Is it really okay? Is it really okay for a toy like her to be happy? Is it really okay to have this undeserved happiness? When she looks at Yuki's face, the answer becomes crystal clear: No. But she has no choice but to accept it, for her sake.

"I'm sorry…" Kasai's voice breaks as she says those simple words. "I'm so sorry, Yuki"

The two linger in each others' arms. All the barriers that separated their hearts fall away. It's as though there were scales in their eyes, blinding them. But finally, they can see.

Yuki smiles for once. "Let's go home, Kasai."

"Not yet. There's still a war I have to finish." Kasai looks out the window. Yuki does the same. The vague sound of a siren manages to reach the top floor of the building. In the distance, smoke plumes rake the sky. "The Kuze Clan won't rest until I'm dead."

"No." Yuki shakes her head, her smile wiped off of her face. She goes from Yuki, Kasai's sister, to Yuki, the ICMG agent. "It's just the Kuze Clan head that won't rest until you're dead."

"You're saying that all we have to do is sever the head?"

"We just need to placate her somehow." Yuki bites her thumbnail.

"Beat her into submission?"

"Well, you said it, not me."

"Ever the goody-two-shoes, I see." Kasai playfully elbows Yuki's side.

"Shut up." Yuki elbows Kasai back. "So, how do we play this?"

"Hm… Lightning strike seems to be the best option. Even if the head and the lieutenants are in one place, we should be able to level the playing field with the element of surprise."

"Sounds good. I'll drive."

"You have a car?"

"What do you think I've been doing with the allowances you give me?"