
My Life as a Magical Girl in the Yakuza

Seventeen year old Veteran Magical Girl, Shosuko Kuze is assigned to live in crime-riddled Ozawa City after her service in the Yokai Wars. However, mere months after her re-entry into society, tragedy strikes and Shosuko suddenly finds herself being hunted down by I-C's, the enforcers of the International Commission for Magical Girls. She's nearly incarcerated when an organization called the 'Kuze Clan' intervenes. Stranger still, as a Kuze herself, she's part of the organization by birthright. ---------------------------- Cover art by Thunder009 Special thanks to my beta reader and editor, dvsfiction

Koko_3344 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
105 Chs

Intermezzo II

"I'm getting on in years." Kiara stares out the window in her office. "I'm not healing as fast as I used to."

Shosuko, Daisuko, and Oka stand in a semicircle around Kiara.

"I'm in no condition to lead." With trembling hands, Kiara lifts her teacup to her lips and takes a sip.

"Mother–" Oka starts but Kiara holds up a hand.

"The Kuze Clan's rules of succession state that the seat of head belongs to the eldest Kuze. Failing that, the eldest child of the eldest Kuze. Failing that, the eldest child of the eldest child of the eldest Kuze and so on. Failing that, the eldest surviving Kuze. At last, after all this time, the seat of head falls into the lap of its rightful owner. Shosuko."

"Forgive us for not telling you sooner." Both Daisuko and Oka bow to Shosuko in apology. "We had to be sure you were ready."

A tailwind blows behind Shosuko, one that fans the flames of her rage.

Kiara takes a raspy breath. "But you must promise me something, Shosuko."

"Anything, auntie."

"Come closer…"

Shosuko complies and kneels next to Kiara's wheelchair. The former Kuze Clan head places her hand on Shosuko's chest. She's so fragile that Shosuko's afraid to move even an inch or breathe too hard, lest she accidentally break something.

"I can sense anger in you." Kiara's eyebrow twitches.

"She killed him, auntie. Kasai Ryusei, his blood is on her hands." Shosuko clenches her hand into a fist. "I saw it happen. And I couldn't do anything to stop her." She starts to shake, the anger she calmed earlier comes back in full force.

"That's rough." Oka gently places her hand on Shosuko's shoulder. "I-I'm not really good at this comforting thing… b-but if you ever want to go hunting for revenge, I'm h-helping."

"We'll get that Blackadder bitch." Daisuko shoots Shosuko a thumbs-up coupled with a wink. "I promise you that."

"Everyone…" Shosuko feels something move inside of her. A soft warmth amid the burning flame.

"As the new head. You have the whole of the Kuze Clan under your yoke. But you have to promise me something." Kiara pulls Shosuko closer.

"Anything, auntie."

"Promise me that you won't drag anyone else into your personal matters. Business is business. Don't let others suffer because they happened to be in the crossfire. Promise me you won't let your anger blind you." Kiara places her hand on Shosuko's cheek. "Promise me that you won't become your mother."

"I promise." Shosuko takes Kiara's hand in hers as she lies.

「Shosuko Kuze」- Kuze Clan Head.

"Ah…" Oe stares at the clouds, idly scratching her chin. The soft grass tickles her legs as she lies down in the middle of the field. "I just had the strangest feeling of deja vu. It was like deja vu but within deja vu."


"Do you guys ever get that feeling?"

"No." Kasai, Oe's first lieutenant, responds swiftly.

"NEGATIVE, GENERAL!" Kanano Masazumi, Oe's second lieutenant, yells out her answer with a stiff salute.

「Kanano Masazumi」- Middle Child of the Masazumi Triplets. She sports black hair and brilliant purple eyes that she wears in a long ponytail that goes all the way down to her ankles. She's slightly smaller than Kasai, which still makes her a little taller than average. Having only just gotten off school, she's still wearing her student uniform. A member of the public morals committee by day and diligent Blackadder lieutenant by night, she holds a strict dominion over the western third of Shiro Ward.

"Tsk. What a dumb question." Nanako Masazumi, Oe's third lieutenant, spits out her answer.

「Nanako Masazumi」- Eldest of the Masazumi Triplets. Just like her sister, she sports black hair and purple eyes. Only instead of a ponytail, she wears her hair fiercely unkempt and instead of brilliant, her eyes are razor sharp. Though even they seem dull compared to her rippling muscles, toned from years spent in the magical girl wrestling scene. She still wears her school uniform, though she only attends when she feels like it. Nanako holds a fierce dominion over the eastern third of Shiro ward.

"Not in particular… I think." Nakano Masazumi, Oe's fourth lieutenant, replies thoughtfully.

「Nakano Masazumi」- Youngest of the Masazumi Triplets. She too has black hair and purple eyes. She wears her hair in overly cutesy twin tails and hides her eyes behind a pair of round, reflective glasses. She has a cigarette tucked between her lips, contrasting her typical prim and proper honors' student appearance. Nakano has a tidy dominion over the northern third of Shiro ward.

"Pardon me, general." Nakano starts. "But… I was wondering… was it really you who ordered that hit on the Kuze head?"

"Of course not. Coordinating something like that is too much work for me to bother with." Oe waves the question aside. "Though I do have an idea as to who might have."

The red-haired girl stares at Oe, her katana sheathed at her side.

"Did you kill that girl's friend?"


"Did you order the hit on Kiara Kuze?"



"I have my reasons."

"I see…" Oe reaches out to the sun and grasps it in her hand. "Then, you're on your own on this one. The Blackadder gang will offer you no support."

"GENERAL OE! PERMISSION TO SPEAK?!" Kanano does not budge from her place.

"Go ahead, Kanano."


"I understand." Oe lets her hand fall to her side. "And you all, what do you think?"

"I stand with Kasai… I think." Nakano fidgets uncomfortably as she speaks. "I believe that we outnumber the Kuze Clan three-to-one. we can afford to start a war with them to protect Kasai… I guess."

"I'm going to level with you, chief." Nanako spits on the ground. "Any kind of leader that sells out their own is not one I'm ever going to follow."

"That's fair." Oe sits up and rests her elbows on her knees. "It seems that all four of my lieutenants are dissatisfied with me."

Nanako kneels down next to Oe and grabs her by the collar. "What happened to you, man?! At least fight back or something! What happened to the Oe that always fought impossible odds?! What happened to the Oe who conquered Shiro ward for the Blackadder gang?!"

"What's the point? You four have already betrayed me. There's nothing left I can do."

"God… DAMNIT!" Nanako raises her fist and brings it down onto the ground next to Oe. Cracks like spiderwebs spread in the soil. The pain in her eyes is equivalent to that of losing a dear friend.

"We had some good times together, didn't we, everyone?" Oe closes her eyes. "That's all that matters to me. I hereby resign from my position as head of the Blackadder gang. According to the rules of succession, the position is inherited by the highest ranking Blackadder lieutenant. Kasai. It's all up to you now."

「Oe Tenma」- Civilian.

「Kasai Ryusei」- Head of the Blackadder Gang.

Kasai turns to the other lieutenants– her lieutenants now. "My name is Kasai Ryusei, head of the Blackadder Gang. If anyone here objects to my rule, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Nanako painstakingly lets go of Oe's collar. She walks over to Kasai and kneels at her feet. "My life and all that I have is yours… chief."

Her two sisters follow suit.

"Rise." Kasai raises her hand. "Round up the troops. From today henceforth, the Kuze Clan is our enemy. I entrust the war to you three."