
My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG)

Frank Evans was an average teenager / young adult when he suddenly appeared in a dark, empty place with a screen calling him Gamer ---------------------------------- This is my first fanfiction so don't be surprised if I do something wrong First World: Highschool Of The Dead Second World: Tokyo Ghoul Update Mug: When I upload the chapter to the Spanish version

MoonDevourer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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104 Chs

Long Time Ago...(4/4)

With the passing of the months, the country called Japan was beginning to become a holy land, since with entities like Frank, Amaterasu, Gaia and Ignis, the particles and elementals. them had approached those beings of immense power.

Settling in Japan, making the mana in that place increase every day with the passage of time. Making that in a few months, the mana in Japan was 120% higher than in other countries and continents.

And that was only in a few months, although the number had been higher. Frank had spoken with the elementals to diversify into all countries as well. Since if Japan attracted all the elementals, the other lands could slowly lose their mana.

Although it will never be terminated by divine presence in those places, they will diminish by a great deal, making the land less lush than before, and causing herbs, plants and minerals among other things, to grow or appear more slowly than in Japan.

Which with its high mana density, had been a bit troublesome. Since the inhabitants had suffered from the disease [Mana Overflow]. As its name says, you get when you have a greater amount of mana or are in the presence of a huge amount of mana, making your body begin to mutate.

But thanks to Gaia, Amaterasu and Frank, that disease in common quotes could be treated from the beginning. Since the mana was directed towards the [mana veins] of the country, passing through Mount Fuji and Tokyo, among other important places in the country.

Thus controlling their production and increasing the quality of mana, which means that in the future, the magic circuits will be of higher quality, having an average of rank B magic circuits, talented A, and heirs of family S.

Making the future holy grail war more intense, as average people will have a B-rank magic circuits, which translated into the system multiplier. It would be 300 or 3 times greater than a normal person.

Leaving the events of the future, Frank was in his palace, more specifically in his throne room. Since he had received a few minutes ago the confirmation that Velber-02 had been sighted near the Sun and the Planet.

To which, when Frank heard that, he stayed in his throne room, awaiting his arrival. Since he wanted Velber-02 to be known as Sefar, to destroy Atlantis, or more specifically. May he ruin the 12 machine gods of that place.

So once they have been defeated, Frank will intervene to save her - "Although for that to work, Sefar will have to have merged with the Moon" - Remembering that little information, since the Sefar that would come to earth. She would be an Avatar created by the real one.

Being this one destroyed by the Excalibur, which was made from the depths of the earth, almost evaporating Sefar. Which she had an absurd defense, since any attack that was launched by the gods of the earth, they could not make a scratch.

"Well, I can get the Moon back after defeating his avatar." Nodding at his words, Frank pulled out a down token from his inventory. And using the [Lucky Hand] perk, I wish for something that could improve anything.

[You have obtained [Upgrade Ticket]


[Upgrade Ticket]

Description: This object allows you to improve anything, in which it is used.


Holding the [Upgrade Ticket] in his hand, Frank used it on his [Incarnation of Fire] ability, causing fire to surround him for a few seconds, then displaying the new information available.


[Incarnation of fire: Ifrit]

Description: Due to a high affinity with fire, which seems even the incarnation of the latter, the ability has evolved to an unprecedented level. Making you become the embodiment of fire.

[Incarnation of fire (passive): you have full control over all types of fires, as they come from you]

[Sovereign Ignio (passive): all beings who are aligned with fire will see you as their creator, instantly winning their loyalty and love]

[True form (active): show your true form, making the flames come towards you, strengthening you, increases the statistics by 100% except luck for every second that you are in the flames]

[Father of fire (active): you can create any being and concept from fire]

Cost: 500,000 Mp per second [True Form], 350,000 Mp [Father of Fire]


"Stats increase was multiplied by 10, and now I can create conceptual beings from fire -" - Seeing the changes that appeared in the skill, since before the skill had been slightly improved with the advantage [Divine Spirit], increasing 1% to 10%, and now with the [Upgrade Ticket]. It had changed to 100% and decreased the time to 1 second.

It also allowed him to create conceptual beings from fire like [Heat], making the last active advantage. It became more Op, although the cost of these two abilities was also multiplied by 10, which he considered to be good. Since this way, you can take stock of the skill.

"Now I can say, that I can be stronger than her" -Since Frank remembered, Sefar had the basic statistics of him in his first stage being double that of Rank A, the latter being 50 times more than a person .

So Sefar would come being in the first stage of her 100 times stronger than a person, than together with his abysmal defense. She could not be harmed by anyone, until the Excalibur was created.

Sefar in her second stage would be 1,000 times stronger than a person, in her third stage he is 10,000 times stronger than a person, in her fourth stage he is 100,000 times stronger than a person, in her fifth stage she is 1,000,000 stronger than a person person, in her sixth stage she would be 10,000,000 times stronger than a person, and in her seventh stage, this being the last, she would be 100,000,000 times stronger than a person.

Almost reaching the power of Amaterasu in her ninth stage (also known as nine tails), which at that stage would be 187,420,000 times stronger than a person, and that is because she is an entity alien to Earth. Since she is the Sun, she is part of the universe. Which allows her to have that enormous power.

And now Frank with his ability [Incarnation of Fire], allows him to be one or the strongest being in the universe, since he can continue to strengthen infinitely, while he is in the fire.

So with Ignis's [Primordial Fire Aura: (C)] skill, and his [Fire Zone] skill, which has the same function as the first skill with the extra, it increases skills by 100%. of fire.

Frank had become a broken existence, which was unrivaled after a few seconds of using the [Fire Incarnation: True Form] - "I think I broke the world a bit" - With a small drop of sweat on his forehead , Frank had noticed. That he had become even more terrifying than he thought.

"Well it's been a few thousand of years since I had the system, if I hadn't been broken yet at that time. It would be a disappointment "- Saying those words, Frank relaxed again, hoping that Sefar was close to the Sun.

Several months went by, until one day Frank was notified that the person them had been notified of. She would have been warned near the Sun. So once Frank heard that, he went straight into space, more specifically the Sun.


At a close distance to the Sun, where a normal person had been turned to ashes in an instant, he could find a person about 192 cm tall with a sword in his hand,

Standing in front of a female figure of white and purple color from the front, next to some gold-colored patterns on her skin, with large hands having the color purple in her fingers, with white hair and expressionless red eyes and 3 gems that looked like eyes, having two in her palms and one in the center of her chest.

Along with a white veil and black details that reaches her feet, with a fabric appearing on her head, looking like rabbit ears that reaches beyond her feet with its purple tips, and another fabric sticking out of the veil that looked like a bow in her back.

These two figures would be Frank, and Sefar which had an abysmal height of 16 million meters in length, which compared to the small stature of Frank. You could tell a difference at first glance.

"Yo! Nice to meet an entity like you, miss" - Lazily waving towards the huge figure in front of him, Frank noticed that Sefar's gaze fell on him. Showing her expressionless eyes, which if you can see well .They only showed a pure desire for destruction.

".." - Without saying anything, Velber-02, also known as Sefar, the true form of Altera. She waved her hand towards Frank, who waited patiently. Since the movement of her hands was slow.

"Well don't say anything, I'll make you scream later" -Shrugging he shoulders, Frank threw [Observe] on her, but not before repeating he words again- "Why does my previous comment seem like a sexual innuendo? " -With those thoughts, Frank look at her statistics.


[True Name: Sefar]

[Name: Velber-02]

[Level: 100,000,000]

[Race: White Titan (Ark of the Stars)]

[Hp: 1,000,000,000,000] (500,000,000,000 every 10 seconds)

[Sp: 1,000,000,000,000] (500,000,000,000 every 10 seconds)

[Mp: 1,000,000,000,000] (500,000,000,000 every 5 seconds)

[Strength: 100,000,000] [Attack: 1,000,000,000,000]

[Constitution: 100,000,000] [Defense: 1,000,000,000,000]

[Dexterity: 30,000]

[Intelligence: 100,000,000]

[Wisdom: 100,000,000]

[Charisma: 30,000]

[Luck: 10,000]


Whistling at the huge pile of stats, Frank did some math to see his multipliers- "Her multiply of [Hp], [Sp] and [Mp] is 10,000, just like her [Attack] and [Defense], while her regeneration is 5,000 thousand "- Surprised to see the huge multiplier, an idea occurred to Frank.

"And if I add that race to mine" -looking with an intense gaze towards Sefar, which slightly stopped his attack, although that 'slight' stop, was beyond an instant. Since a person could not notice it, even if he wanted to

"Well let's do this Ruby" - Frank said, noticing that the hand that could kill him in an instant was a few kilometers away.

"Let's show she her place Frank" - And with those words, Frank activated his ability [Incarnation of Fire], making the fire that surrounded the Sun approach him, together with Ruby's modifiers, he increased the ability by 900% giving a 1,000% total with the [Fire Zone].

He gave a total of 1,100% stat increase, every second. Causing Frank's stats to increase brutally.

Having in 1 second an approximate of 36,246 statistics in its parameters except luck.

In 2 seconds an approximate of 434,952 statistics in all its parameters except luck.

3 seconds an approximate of 5,219,424 statistics.

4 seconds 62,633,088 statistics.

5 seconds 751,597,056 statistics, surpassing in a barbarity the statistics of Sefar, which when feeling the danger of the small entity in front of her, recovered a little of her wits. Trying to escape.

Unfortunately her attempts were useless, when Frank's words reached her - "So your weakness is the users of holy swords, eh?" - Finishing saying his words, a fire of a reaper bright color enveloped Ignis - " Take this little attack "-.

And with those last words, a blinding light covered the infinite space, traveling beyond the speed of light. Making it split the same universe.

Since that time, the event was known as [The Light That Divides the Universe], increasing the popularity of Ifrit, to an unprecedented level. Being the only deity that he is and continues to be worshiped throughout the world.


[Extra Scene]

Several hours had passed since the light had covered and divided the same universe, making all beings realize, that there was an entity capable of destroying the infinite universe.

Approaching a small, girl-like figure in white and purple from the front of her and gold patterns on her body, with a white veil covering her entire back.

Looking closely at the figure that distorts the universe with just he presence, she approached the small figure that floated staring into the void, reliving the scene that happened shortly.

"So, do you want to be my servant?" - And with those words, the entities known as Velbert-02, Sefar. She became Frank's maid, alongside her older sister Velbert-01, and younger sister Velbert-03, as well as the entity named Velbert, also known as [The Wandering Star Of Predation].

"Now, how about you destroy this place called Atlantis, and fight this god called Ares to get a sword. So that later this sword called Excalibur will be born… "-With those words, Velber-02, carried out the orders of his new master.


[True Name: Sefar]

[Name: Velbert-02]

[Hp: 1 / 1,000,000,000,000]



Happy new year to all of you

I would appreciate very much if you left your comments and power stones.

Ko-Fi: ko-fi. com/ moondevourer83976