
My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG)

Frank Evans was an average teenager / young adult when he suddenly appeared in a dark, empty place with a screen calling him Gamer ---------------------------------- This is my first fanfiction so don't be surprised if I do something wrong First World: Highschool Of The Dead Second World: Tokyo Ghoul Update Mug: When I upload the chapter to the Spanish version

MoonDevourer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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104 Chs

[Sexual Skill Gem]

Opening my eyes after a few hours of having a night of passion, I turned my eyes on Rize, and after turning a few inches I saw that he was still asleep, so kissing him on the forehead, I got out of bed, once I got up I took my phone out of inventory, checking the time, I saw that it was 12, so counting the time, I noticed that we had 6 hours to do it, although we could do more, because Rize is getting used to this, and with his high constitution, he recovered quickly.

Shaking my head at my thoughts that were diverted, I put on my clothes through the inventory, once dressed I headed towards the dungeon, so saying the words, I appeared in the city even more destroyed than the first difficulty.

Letting out a sigh and stretching my limbs (although I didn't need to), I made a run to kill the zombies, because I wanted to complete my magic class, to increase my luck so that fate wouldn't control my actions so that the plot would go as planned.

So starting to run I started to use my Kagune skill and some other skills to keep leveling up.


Sitting on a stone that I remodeled with [Ki Manipulation] to look like a throne, I saw the [Bronze] quality chests on the table that I also remodeled in front me, the number of chests was low, only 2, but the number of items they give made up for it.

Directing my gaze on the tab in front of me, I started to check how much experience I gained and how many skill levels I climbed.

[You have gained 122,450 experience]

[You have gone up several levels]

[Kagune Rinkaku has risen to level 96]

[Wall of Fire has risen to level 52].

[Fire Wall: A wall made from fire elemental magic, protects you from physical and magical attacks,(Defense+Int*4)

Cost: 120 Mp per minute]

[Fireball has risen to level 28].

[Fireball: The ability that every pyromancer needs in his life, does (Int*5+Attack) fire damage to your enemies.

Cost; 120 Mp]

[Firebolt has risen to level 57]

[Fiery Hands has risen to level 50].

[Burning Hands: Wrapping your hands in your fire magic you do (Int*Sab*4) damage per second of fire.

Cost: 120 Mp per second]

[Great Fireball has risen to level 7].

[Flare of Flames has been raised to level 6].

[Heat absorption has been raised to level 4].

Nodding to those changes, now check the milestone notification, so closing the skill level notifications, check the milestones tab.

[For reaching 25 Intelligence you unlocked a perk].

Parallel Thinking: Every 25 intelligence you create a parallel thought. Total Amount:1]

The instant I finished reading this perk, I felt something in my brain unlock, so testing the skill for a few minutes, I nodded with satisfaction at the perk.

[For reaching 25 Wisdom you unlocked a perk]

[Fast Mana Regeneration: Increases the Mana Regeneration multiplier by 2].

Nodding at this new perk, I closed them to now check my stats in total, so saying the words I checked my status, with the [Parallel Thinking] perk, as I wanted to get used to using it.



[Frank Evans]

[Level: 165]

[Race:One-Eyed Ghoul]

[Class: Elementalist(Fire)] (65/100)[15,088/19,500].

[Hp:32,844](2659 per second)

[Sp:32,844](1564 per second)

[Mp:4008](106 per second)

[Fuerza: 185.5(222.6)] [Ataque:1855(2671)]

[Constitución: 195.5] [Defensa:2932]

[Dexterity: 0.5] [Speed:9 m/s]

[Intelligence: 26.5][Weight:92,750(166,950) Kg]

[Wisdom: 26.5]

[Luck: 0.5]

[Charisma: 0.5]


While my parallel thought was checking my status changes, my main thought pulled out the gem of sexual ability I had obtained, so checking the pink gem in my hand I asked Ruby a question, "How do I use it Ruby?" to which patiently answering, she gave me the answer.

[You just have to break it, as it is an in-game item, breaking it will show you the available skills, which will grow over time].

Nodding at Ruby's answer, I crushed the gem in my hand, and once it broke, the gem turned into a pink powder that swirled around me for a few seconds, until it entered the pores of my body, which lasted a few seconds.

"That felt weird," I said to Ruby, as a shiver ran down my back, remembering the discomfort of having something enter your body pores.

To which let out a laugh in response Ruby replied, [Well you should get used to it, depending on the objects or world you go to, they will be used through the pores], finishing saying that with a supportive tone, I could only run my hand through my hair

Turning my gaze on the eyelash that appeared in front of me that was different from the normal ones, because this one was a pink color with purple edges, letting out a small laugh at the color of the eyelash, I checked his abilities.


[Touch of Pleasure]

[Imbuing Elasticity]

[Fertility Control]

[Increase Sensitivity]

[Pain/Pleasure Converter]

[Flavor Change]


[Those would be the available skills, at the moment].

Nodding at Ruby's words, I used [Observe] on each of them, even though I had already planned to choose one, from the first moment I saw it, but having information on the skills isn't bad.


[Touch of Pleasure]

Description: An ability that you can use on any part of your body, once placed on a part of your body, it will cause pleasure to your partner, depending on the level of the ability.


Nodding at this skill, I moved on to the next one on the list, as it was the one I intended to unlock.


[Fertility Control] [Fertility Control

Description: A skill that allows you to control your fertility, decreasing or increasing your fertility, by a certain amount depending on the level of the skill.


Smiling at that, I decided that this was the first skill I would unlock, because with my habit of cumming inside my women, I'll end up getting one of them pregnant, and I'm not ready yet (I guess), so I moved on to the next one on the list.


[Imbuing Elasticity]

Description: This skill allows you to imbue elasticity into your partner's garden, depending on the level by a certain amount, which will help you a lot with small women or men, as you wish.


Laughing at the comment, I went on to the next skill on the displayed list.


[Increase Sensitivity]

Description: This ability allows you to increase your partner's sensitivity by a certain amount, depending on the level, to the point where a single touch from you could bring her to orgasm.


I let out a nervous laugh at that skill, because it could be used in different situations, like against enemies, and finish it when I reached the orgasm, but I didn't think more, because I didn't want to have a mental image of a man reaching the orgasm, so I continued with the next skill.


[Pain/Pleasure Converter]

Description: An ability that allows you to change Pain to Pleasure or vice versa by a certain amount depending on your level.


Interested in this skill because of its usefulness in battle I kept reading it, so after reading it, I moved on to the last skill on the list.


[Flavor Change]

Description: This ability allows you to change the flavor of your and your partner's fluids to any flavor for a certain amount of time depending on your level.


Nodding at the different skills, I continued with my main plan and chose [Fertility Control], as it would help me a lot in the early and long term, so choosing it, I noticed how a faint pink glow covered my body, which lasted for a few seconds, and the instant it ended the notification of the new skill appeared on my face.

[You have obtained the skill [Fertility Control]].

So nodding at that, I opened my status and went to the skills area, after looking for it for a few seconds, I found it, so observing if it changed anything, I opened it to see more detail.

[Fertility Control-Active(1/100): An ability that allows you to increase or decrease your fertility by 1%, which increases per level.

Cost: 20 Mp]

Nodding at the more detailed version, and the verification of my status thanks to my second thought process, I turned my gaze upon the 2 [Bronze] quality chests so approaching it with my [Ki Manipulation], I grabbed the first chest and opened it, hoping for something good inside.

[You have received Vial of potion x 254]

[You have received Iron Ingot x 33].

[You have received Lockpick x 152]

[You have received Throne]

[You have received BloodBorne(Virtual Reality)].

[You have received Coca-Cola]

Letting out a laugh at the items that touched me, I shook my head slightly while still laughing, after a few seconds, I kept the items that appeared outside in my inventory, so using [Ki Manipulation] again, I approached the other chest, so once in my hands, I opened it.

[You have received Gacha Token]

[You have received Mana Nucleus x 72].

[You have received Blood Heart x 62].

[You have received Crystal Heart(small)

[You have received Golden Clover x 13].

[You have received Stamina Potion(Medium) x 6].

Curious about the new objects that touched me, I cast [Observe] on it, once I cast observe on it I checked the tabs that appeared in my view, so I ordered my second processing to read one tab, I read another.


[Golden Clover]

Description: A clover that can increase luck by 30%, can be used in alchemy.


[Stamina Potion(Medium)].

Description: A potion that recovers 30% of the sp of the one who takes it.


Finishing reading the descriptions of the items at once thanks to the [Parallel Processing] perk, I nodded at their descriptions, so putting it away on the inventory, I placed my gaze on the Gacha Token, so using it, I noticed the wheel that appeared in my sight, which only I can see.

Several seconds later, the wheel stopped on an object, so waiting for the light to disappear, the object appeared in my sight, which was an injector filled with a liquid, so I cast [Observe] on it, hoping to see its details.


[Super Soldier Serum]

Description: An object from a world full of chaos and death, has been modified by the game to fit with this one, it increases the stats by x10.


Blinking several times at the item in my hand, a smile appeared on my face, which continued to grow, so putting the item away in my inventory, I let out a laugh that echoed around me.

After several seconds of laughing, I stopped and wiping a tear that came out of my eyes, I got up from my improvised throne, so I looked at it for a moment and said to myself "Why not?", so I decided to keep it in my inventory next to the other throne, which looked better.

Stretching my back and limbs(though I don't need to), so leaving the dungeon, I appear in our room, so turning my gaze on Rize, I saw that she was still asleep, so letting out a sigh of relief, I headed towards the makeshift 'alchemy table'.

Once sitting on the floor in front of the table, I took out several vials and mana cores, the amount of which was 90, I started making several mana potions(Lower), so after several minutes I had the potions in my inventory along with the notification to level up.

[Alchemy has been raised to level 6].

Once I checked the window appearing in front of me, I closed it, so getting up from the floor I turned my gaze on the sleeping Rize, so sitting on the bed on my side, I checked the inventory and the time.

So after seeing that it was 6:18 am, I took out the virtual reality capsule next to Bloodborne, so placing the capsule in the corner, which together with its oval shape was fine, I put my hand on the capsule where the shape of a hand appeared, to which after 1 second the capsule spoke.

<Welcome back Frank, do you have a game available?

To which, responding with a "Yes", she spoke again.

<Then place it in the next opening>.

To which after saying that, an opening opened up through which by putting the game into it, the AI spoke again.

<The game has been recognized, now you can play it>.

Once he finished saying that, he took out what looked like a disk, so putting it back into its place, I sat down in the machine, which once seated, several things appeared in my sight as my vital signs, energy, free space, which was a lot was thousands of Terabytes.

So telling the AI to go ahead so I could play, I saw Nanites come out of various places in the cabin. After coming out of that several places, the Nanites headed towards my body.

Several seconds later, my body was surrounded by a suit made of black nanites and silver lines. Looking at the suit more carefully, it looked like a suit from the movie Tron.

<Now close your eyes, Frank,>

To which, following what the AI says, I closed my eyes.

<Entering Bloodborne in 3... 2 … 1>


Once the AI said that, I noticed how drowsiness invaded my mind, so without resisting I fell asleep, to wake up with a blurred view and a man talking, to which after a few seconds I fell asleep again.