
My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG)

Frank Evans was an average teenager / young adult when he suddenly appeared in a dark, empty place with a screen calling him Gamer ---------------------------------- This is my first fanfiction so don't be surprised if I do something wrong First World: Highschool Of The Dead Second World: Tokyo Ghoul Update Mug: When I upload the chapter to the Spanish version

MoonDevourer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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104 Chs

[King of Aogiri](4)

Curiously observing the girls 'opponents, Frank decided to quickly end his confrontation with Tatara, so that he could enjoy the triplets' upgrades. Since Touka, Eto, and Rize's strength were too much, as they could easily defeat their opponents using only their brute strength and nothing else.

With those thoughts in mind, Frank turned his gaze to Tatara- "So let's start?" - Asking that question and putting his 9 [Kagune Rinkaku], I await the words of his opponent.

"Let's get started" -with those words spoken, Tatara used his [Kagune Bikaku] huge one and swiftly attacked towards Frank or as he knows him [Gold].

Dodging down Tatara's [Bikaku] attack thanks to the [Abnormal Reflexes] perk, as the tentacle was heading towards his face. Frank used his high speed by being [54.4] times faster than a human on his beak.

So instantly appearing in front of him while his [Bikaku] tentacle was extended, Frank stabbed with his [Rinkaku] 9 tentacles at his limbs, chest, abdomen and hips. Thus immobilizing Tatara, who was vomiting blood thanks to the enormous amount of damage that Frank caused.

And with the sound of meat being pierced and limbs being cut with Frank's [Kagune Rinkaku] piercing Tatara's limbs.

Frank curiously observed Tatara who had her mask full of blood, as well as the sources of blood that are her limbs - "Do you give up?" - Frank asked that question, hoping that with the state of her body, Tatara would give up to be able to observe the fights of the girls.

Vomiting blood as Frank removed his mask, thus showing the lower part of his face that had no meat and only showed red meat. Tatara looked at Frank with a defeated look - "It seems that I underestimate you a lot, [Gold]" with those words said, Tatara observed with morbid curiosity his severed limbs and the curious detail that no matter how much blood he shed, he would not die, since he could see an almost imperceptible green flash covering him.

Instantly understanding the property of the green aura that surrounded him, Tatara looked at Frank curiously - "Thanks for helping me, although I wonder what the reason is. Could you tell me? "-Seeing that Frank did not want him dead, Tatara asked him a question to see why he was still alive in this situation.

Understanding that Tatara was curious why he was still alive, Frank replied - "You are more useful to me alive than dead, besides that Arima's reign will not last forever" - widening his eyes in shock, seeing that Frank knew that Arima was the [One-Eyed King]. Tatara looked deeply at Frank.

"I don't sway that way." Coming out of her trance upon hearing Frank's words, Tatara frowned as he saw his gaze blur with interest.

"I don't have that interest either." of the [Aogiri] members seeing that their [Administrators] and [Executives], were being defeated as if they were mere [C] rank [Ghouls]. Which are the lowest ranked [Ghouls].

Surprised and shocked to see that [Gold] took out a throne out of nowhere, which had details in gold, silver and an unknown gem on the throne of 3 meters long and 5 meters long, Tatara could not find a way to justify those things that seemed made by magic.

"It seems I keep underestimating you [Gold], but more importantly. Who are you? "Whispering those words, Tatara watched Frank with a thoughtful look on his face. Since the things he did like the barrier and taking a throne out of nowhere, it wasn't something done by a [Kagune].

"I'm your new King." Startled when Frank heard his words, Tatara shook her head. Since his extreme speed which was faster than a [Human] and [Ghoul], he shouldn't be surprised that he had keen senses.

Seeing that he could do nothing without dying, Tatara watched as the [Administrators] and [Executives] of the [Aogiri Tree] were defeated by the company Frank brought in.


Once Frank defeated Tatara in seconds, we can watch as the purple-haired woman with a horned oni mask that covered the upper part of her face was facing [Jason].

Licking her lips with a sadistic smile on her face is the woman in the Oni mask, also known as Rize Kamishiro. She watched [Jason] as a predator who had slight chills when she saw Rize's sadistic smile, since they brought back bad memories of Frank, who tortured him much worse than his former torturer.

"What's wrong, the fox bit your tongue ~?" - Smiling mockingly seeing how [Jason] tensed at the words 'fox', Rize smiled more deeply when she saw that Frank, he left trauma to [Jason].

Gritting his teeth in hatred, [Jason] also known as Yamori Oomori. He looked with a murderous look at Rize who was making fun of him, his mind corrupted with hatred, fear and frustration at seeing that he had a great trauma because of [Gold], Yamori threw himself full of hatred with his [Kagune Rinkaku] with two tentacles full of thorns.

Tensing his leg muscles and using all of his strength, Yamori ran towards Rize without thinking about the consequences of running with only thoughts of anger and frustration.

Close to Rize and with his murderous gaze, Yamori used his two tentacles [Rinkaku] full of thorns and pierced in the direction of Rize's face and abdomen with a sadistic look, or it would have been if it were not for the 8 tentacles [Rinkaku] that it blocked its two tentacles [Rinkaku].

"Frank taught me a way to torture, do you want to try it?" - Whispering those words in Yamori's ear, Rize used her free tentacles and pierced Yamori's limbs in front of her.

Regaining sanity from his vengeful thoughts, Yamori watched Rize's smile grow. And hearing the words he said, the memory of her torture caused by the now named Frank flashed through his mind.

Remembering how he broke every bone in her body over and over again for an hour, Yamori's face twisted with fear. After all, whatever torture he told her must be worse than the one he happened to be.

"Seeing that there is no complaint, let's start" - despairing to see that he was going to be tortured again because of Frank, Yamori fought with all his might and using his [Kagune Rinkaku], unfortunately two tentacles of Rize's [Kagune Rinkaku] He prevented him from using it and with his limbs being pierced by 4 other tentacles and still leaving two free. Yamori fell into despair, losing his hope when he saw that he could not escape.

"If you manage not to faint I will leave you alone" - regaining hope when hearing those words and losing it instantly with his next words, Yamori watched as Rize's sadistic smile grew in intensity - "But first let's use the [Rc cell inhibitor] "- Pulling out a necklace similar to the one Frank used on her, Rize looked at it fondly for a few seconds before putting it on Yamori.

Feeling that his strength was weakening, Yamori only observed the woman in front of him - "So .. What is 1000 minus 7?" - starting with those words, Yamori had to undergo torture with a strength and constitution equal to the [ Humans] with a part of their advanced [Rinkaku Regeneration] thus prolonging their torture,


While Rize was torturing Yamori, on the other hand Eto was watching Miza's actions with an amused smile. Which could not give her a hit, since Eto used all of her strength to dodge or used her [Kakuja] semi-transformation of her to make her dodge, thus avoiding all of her blows.

"Are you going to give up now?" - Asking while looking at Miza, who had beads of sweat forming on her face, from the constant dodging she had to do for Eto's [Kagune Ukaku] or when she covered a part of her body with his [Kakuja].

Miza could only look with a grim gaze in the direction of Eto, as she thought she could put up a good fight. But she apparently either underestimated her strength or increased her strength in the short time she was with Frank.

"How did you get stronger?" - Miza asked, while she watched Eto who was sitting on top of a huge rock, in perfect condition without even being tired or having a miserable scratch.

Hearing Miza's words, Eto just looked at her amusedly - "If I tell you, will you give up?" - paying attention to Eto's words, Miza shook her head.

"Sorry, but like I said before. I already have a King to serve. "Firmly answering those words, Miza looked deeply at Eto with a determined look on her face.

"That's the answer I was hoping for, if you had accepted my previous question I would have killed you" -with his body in cold sweat as he heard Eto's words along with her cold gaze in her direction, Miza knew that Eto was serious.

Removing the cold gaze from her and looking again at Miza amused, Eto answered her previous question- "Since you did not let yourself be guided by having a greater power, I will answer you" -attentively towards Eto's words, Miza observed her companions. They were being easily defeated by the purple haired girl and the blue haired girl, while the white haired twins fought in sync to defeat the Bin brothers and Yumitsu.

Sighing seeing that they were being easily defeated, she kept hearing Eto's words- "The one who gave us our strength is our King, whom you know from [Gold] and unless you are trusted. He will be the only name you will know by for now until he is the new [One-Eyed King] -Spearing her eyes in shock upon hearing Eto's words, Miza couldn't believe that be true. Although that happened quickly, after all, there was no explanation for his increased strength overnight.

"It also has other advantages, such as eating normal food and others that I will say when you give up" again having a look of shock, which disappeared when hearing Eto's laugh, Miza became thoughtful. Since if that was true, the [Ghouls] and [Humans] could coexist, clearly if one person managed to prevent the two [Races] from hating each other.

And as if she had been enlightened, Miza instantly understood Eto's previous words and why [Gold] can change those parts of the [Ghouls] - "You were always smart Miza, that's why I want you to join my King" - going out From her 'enlightenment', Miza looked at Eto with a hopeful look. Since a long time ago she saw that [Ghouls] and [Humans] fight was no longer between them, in fact, it seemed like a third person was holding the fight endlessly, and so Tatara was talking to her. That seemed to be true.

"Then I'll ask you again" -hearing the words with a hopeful look, Miza waited for the next words from her- "Do you surrender to your new King?" - Smiling softly at Eto's words, Miza replied.

"If it is for an era of peace, then I surrender to the new King" - speaking her true thought, Miza peacefully surrendered to her new King.

"Then let me introduce you" - with those words said, Eto got up from the huge rock that she asked Frank to carve for her, Eto motioned for Miza to follow her.

Once she was no longer focused on her fight, Miza could clearly notice Tatara. Which was limbless, holes that were closing thanks to its high regeneration from a [Ghouls], which although not as fast as [Rinkaku Regeneration], was still stronger than the average [Human].

"Will Tatara be okay?" - With a worried look on her face, Miza looked at Tatara. She that she watched the fights of her companions with a calm look on her face, as if being without limbs and holes in parts of her body was the most normal thing in the world.

"Don't worry, if the King wanted him dead, he would already be" -responding nonchalantly, Eto approached Frank, and once close to him, she sat on his lap and snuggled into his chest.

"Let me introduce you to a new subject, his name is Miza Kusakari" - Lazily introducing Miza, Eto continued to rest on Frank's chest.

Ignoring Eto's position and her lazy presentation, Frank looked at Miza- "It's a pleasure to meet you, you can call me [Gold] for now" -.

And with the introductions done, Miza sat on a chair that Frank pulled out of nowhere. Surprising her, by what once her surprise passed, she also observed the battles of her companions and new companions of hers.


I want to make a pokemon fics, but I don't know where to start, can you tell me what manga / fandom I should read to start in alola?

I would appreciate very much if you left your comments and power stones.

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ko-fi. com/ moondevourer83976