
My Life And Me

A tale of a young girl who faces several traumatic experiences in the hands of her parents, following their constant fights and hate for themselves. Things become tougher when her parents separates, and her mom is married to her new found love. Will she be able to live with the new developments? Will fate play cunning tricks on her? Lastly, will she be able to find the closure and peace she desires?

AuthorMae · Urbain
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5 Chs

Chapter One

         Ava's mind was fully on an assignment she was to present at school the next day when she heard ceaseless screams. It was coming from downstairs. She knew at once that it was her mom and dad, that's how they were. They were the only ones who would have misunderstandings at late hours, not minding anything. A little curious about what was transpiring, she tiptoed to her mom's room and found her on the floor, being strangled by her father.

         In an attempt to save her mom, she pushed her dad off and quickly pulled her by the hands, and they ran outside for safety. In anger, her dad stepped out and pushed them out of the compound, locked the gate and left them out there, frustrated at such ungodly hour. They waited around for about an hour, hoping to see if her dad would call them back in, but to no avail. 

"So really, your dad has locked us out?"

"Obviously, mom. I'm tired of all this."

"There's nothing I haven't seen in this marriage,and it's all because of you. I should have just left when I could."

        Ava was about to speak when the words just couldn't find their way out anymore; she became dumbfounded. It was a struggle to process what her mom had just said, the fact that they were locked out and why she was blamed. Her eyes became teary, but as always, she had to hold it in and act like everything was okay.

"How about we go to aunt Simi's place for the night?"

"She should be fast asleep by now, but let's head there."

             They began to move to aunt Simi's place which was quite far from their house. The nocturnal creatures were sound awake and doing what they were best at-- making noises. Their noise could be heard from a long distance and it seemed like they lived right inside a person's ears.

The cold which filled the air sent shivers down their spines, and their teeths chattered.

    "Knock! Knock! Knock!" Ava hit the door a few times and then she heard;


    "Who's there at this time?"

"It's me, Ava."

"Ehhn! You who?"

    "Aunty, it's Ava. I'm with my mom."

   "Ava?" She asked as she hastily opened the door. She let them in and began to ask questions.


   "Why are you both out late? You're supposed to be home resting. What's wrong?"

          Ava's mom became confused about which question to answer so she just responds;

     "Please, can we just lay our heads? Tomorrow we will talk about this, OK?"

    "OK!" She nodded.

       Early hours in the morning, the birds were chipping and Ava's mom was already seated upright on the bed, lost in thoughts.

   "Mummy Ava? Mummy Ava?" Aunt Simi called out but Ava's mom didn't hear, until she felt a soft tap on her shoulder.

   "Yes? I'm here."

    "I've been calling you." She said.

     "Oh! Why?"

     "Tell me, what's wrong?"

      "Nothing, Simi."

      "You owe it to tell me what really happened."

       "Your brother, Ava's father, came back at 12Am last night. As his wife, I was worried, so I harmlessly asked why he got back late and before I knew it, he slapped me. It resulted to a fight and he sent us away."

       "Are you sure you asked him politely?"


        "Do I look like a baby to you? Of course I asked him politely."


        "No, I'm just  saying you shouldn't have asked him. He is a grown up and you know how men can be."

        "A married man? She asked. "Don't worry, forget it. Just forget it."

       "I'm only trying to be of help."

       "I see how that has worked out. I'm feeling better, thank you." She replied sarcastically.

       "Don't take this the wrong way but, please you need to leave. I don't want the neighbors to start their gossips."

       "It's alright. I was already taking my leave. Thank you!"

       On their arrival back home, they noticed that the gate was unlocked so they moved in. Ava's father on seeing them, asked Ava not to step a foot in his house, therefore, sending her away. He claimed that he was not her father, and so she should go in search of her father.


        Ava bursted into laughter because it was not making any sense. 

  " If you're not my father, then who is?" She asked a little upset at this point.

     She stood on the street for about thirty minutes, until her mom asked her in. This act of her mother's caused another rift between them, but it was no longer her business, as she just wanted to go in, freshen up and leave for school.

      Over at school, she just couldn't concentrate. It was from one mood swing to the other. Only her best friend, Lisa knew what was wrong. They both had similar problems at home.

      The assignment was supposed to be a presentation, but when it got to her turn, she knew not what to say. Everything she had practiced the previous night flew right out of her head. It was like a dream-- a bad dream.

       She knew she was done for the moment she began shedding tears in front of the whole class. The more she recalled the incidence, the more she felt regret as to why she had even been to school. She so much wished that the ground would open up and swallow her, but that doesn't happen in real life.

     Now, Ava sat by a corner at the field, staring frantically at the occupants of the field. To her embarrassment, the students in the junior classes had heard of what happened to her, and this made her feel worse. She just wished she was able to disappear-- life had no meaning anymore.

       Ava's mental health was occupied, and was quite exhausted. She already had a case of PTSD and now, who knew what else she may have developed.


      "Ava, why are you seated here all alone?"

It was Lisa.

   On seeing her, she revealed all her fears. As they hugged, she said; "Life is no fun. I'm fed up."

    "You know the good thing?"

     "What's that?"

     "Things will get better, eventually."

     "I've been hearing that all my life. It only gets worse."

    "Dont be negative, girl. There will always be trials and tribulations, but in the end, we'll overcome."

    There was a brief pause as Ava stared at Lisa, her words were not idle flattery. While she had been listening to that talk, Ava realized that even though they were in same shoes, Lisa was never for once negative. She always accepted everything with a graceful say.

    "Even if things don't get better, I've always got you for life." She continued. "I'll be here as a shoulder for you to lean on and as your driving force."

    "Thank you, babes. I love you so much."

    " I love you too, big head. Now smile for me, or do I have to call Adrien?"

Adrien was Ava's crush. She liked how low-key and intelligent he was. Yet, she had never made her feelings known to him because she didn't want to be seen as 'too forward.' One would say that the award for best in hiding feelings a lot of times goes to Ava, the wonderful and strong girl.

    "No! no! I'm smiling" Ava responded, laughing out loud.

Her mood had lightened up, all thanks to Lisa. 



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