
My legendary class is Husband Of Deathwill Sisters?!

His legendary class is The Husband Of Deathwill Sisters! While other players went through common quests to get their classes, Alex started by getting a legendary class: Husband Of Deathwill Sisters! He got three beautiful wives from the start and the legendary castle! What would his girlfriend and friends say about this once he reveals his class to them? And what about Deathwill Sisters? What is their plight, and why would they suddenly get a husband?

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Chapter 285: Vessels

There were always mysteries and unexpected variables, regardless of the worlds and systems. For example, Alex was one of them, for he wielded a sword like a professional from the start, and he also had a legendary class despite having [Guardian Mana], which shocked a few hungry demons.

Avander World also had its mysteries.

Elias Deathwill was one of them.

In a situation where most high-level residents forcefully participated in the Earthling Quests, unable to return to their world through the virtual capsule, Elias Deathwill had privileges from both worlds.

He was a player and resident, just like his daughter had become recently.

"King Elias has broken the one hundred and fifty level barrier as a player!"

"Congratulations, my liege!"

"Such fast progress has eclipsed all players! They are losers who can't even treasure their advantages!"