325 Nothing stops me from betting my life

Chapter 325: Nothing stops me from betting my life

It wasn't really Alex's style to stop a man in such a way.

It would be enough to extend his hand, barring the lion king's face. In this way, Alex would've avoided physical contact, drawing the vulgar man's attention to himself.

Alex also wasn't a person who wanted to make enemies with a haughty attitude. He would rather want people to look at him in a friendly way, having a good reputation worldwide.

He preferred to look at people in a good way, either neutral or close to friends.

He wasn't the antagonist, after all.

"Me," Alex still acted arrogantly, altering his principles. After taking a few steps forward, everyone's eyes fell on him.

They could see through his level, which was just a little above one hundred.

Yet, Alex's strength was enough to hurl away the lion king, whose body and power had been nurtured for years, being higher by nearly fifty levels.


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