
My Last Chance (The last miracle)

After her sudden death, Raeliana wakes up in the body of an unnamed seven-year-old slave who is found face to face with her tormentor. The new world is unknown, previous memories of her body will appear to her every night, with only something in common, suffering and pain. Her life will become a living hell when she discovers that people look at her with fear and disgust because her characteristics are the same as those of "beast" people who are tempted by blood. And she too, little by little begins to be tempted by it. The hatred of someone else becomes hers and continues and grows even more after every pain she suffers. Who is Raeliana? Just a nameless slave or a monster locked in a cage? Can she solve the mystery of this new world and find peace, or will it be her last chance in the pursuit of happiness?

Eternia_15 · Fantaisie
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112 Chs

The queen’s secret 2

I don't understand. Who in their right mind would go and brake an expensive item on the left wing? An antique and a gift from the third generation of Nirvana to our kingdom. We, common people, should not go touch one of those, we dream to be near such things. As if fate was laughing at us, in the end, that vase broke in front of our eyes by non-other than a filthy, clumsy, and a bottom of the bottom goody two shoes maid.

"Let's get this over with. The crime you have committed is high. As such, you will receive your punishment from those who will be affected by it, in other words, US. No crying and definitely not a resigning paper will help you now."

"I am…I am so, so sorry. I didn't mean to do it, I sware, I thought it was just a simple vase! Please, let's…let's talk about this."

"Your sorry won't fix anything. The did is done now, and you will take responsibility for it."

We are not going to take responsibility for her actions. We are doomed anyway if someone sees that. They know the names of all of those who were in charge of that side for today. And they will find us all, but her…oh, no, no! She will be six feet underground before that. It's better to put justice ourselves before they do it.

"Now say your last words! No one cares for you whatsoever, but we are going to give you that chance."

"Umm…miss! I think we should do this another time. I mean, uff… look at the weather outside, it is terrible. We should start moving now before it's too late."

"What!? What does that have to do with anything? And we are indoors, bad weather or not, it doesn't affect us at all."

"Please! I really mean it. Look back, outside to window."

Ugh! For god sake, how much time are we going to give her? This is ridiculous. It better be something that makes sense or I will be pissed. Cutting me off at the good part, hmph! I don't see anything, it's completely whitened by snow and…

"Hah?! Wh-what is that? Well, you could hardly see it, but that hair in the back. Did you see it too?"

"Right! That's what I meant by it's terrible. I was so close the first time that it got my attention. It moved so quickly that I thought nothing of it since it blended with the surrounding, but then I saw it again. And what's worse, it's carrying its victim."

Wait, let's think about this first. What are the chances for THAT to be here? Trespassing? If I heard it right, that has murdered someone, so its reasons for being here are not in our favor. That is inside palace property, so we are at right if something happens. Therefore, we have to live and let someone know immediately what that thing did here. Yes, we were not doing anything bad, to begin with, so even if we kill the maid here, it's only right to assume that we are also victims who tried to run away from a murderer. They will believe us. They will think she did it.


"What now? I am trying to think."

"It is in front of the door."

Damn it. It is too late to escape now.


What was a child doing outside in injured so badly? Not to mention the snow was piled up on him, which means that he has been there for a while. I can't explain the reason behind the heavy smell that showed me the way here. It could have been anyone and I would have not reacted the same as I did now.

"So, after all of that experience. Trapped inside a place of complete darkness for twelve days by an intruder who messed up my dream and blocked my one source of connection to contact Raphael, to only increase my smelling senses and change my voice as much as I want when I lose a little bit of my cool? Great, just great!"

Even if I can control them as I want now and increase the chances for me to go insane, these two and other abilities always came out randomly in unexpected scenarios, and only when I lost my mind to rage. However, I did not need this.

Their blood is filthy and it is annoying to have the smell of rotten food stuck in your lungs for a good amount of time. But this is different, it is purely… enjoyable. Still, even though it is quite tempting, I won't let you die on me, little guy.

"Hm? The door is locked."

I suppose they put too much thought into punishing the maid, and even though they are in the middle of…I don't know, somewhere, they are trying so hard to keep it a secret. But it seems that they have gone quiet. I can't hear anything from this side of the house. Well, whatever, one kick and we are in.

I tried to kick the door open lightly because I was afraid to drop the child in my arms otherwise, but that made a huge sound from the door smashed on the ground. I was shocked at first, and yet not surprised. However, the first thing I saw when I stepped in was… unsettling. They had turned everything upside down, tables, chairs, papers, and two chisel tools were all over the floor, but no one was around.

"This house gives me the chills. I hate this type of house."

Since I didn't see anyone leave the house, they probably went upstairs after destroying the first floor. I will leave the child here near the fire to warm him up a little and see if I can find the people who did this and get them out as he wanted.

"Here you go, kid! I suppose you can't hear me since you are still unconscious, but I am going to let your body rest here for now."

…Will he be fine here? …Hmm, right! I should put the door back in its place to prevent at least a little cold from coming inside. It would be no good if from one side he gets warm and from the other is cold.

"This will do the trick I guess."

Before I go upstairs, I think it will be better if I let my hair down first. That way, they will give up faster compared to using words for convincing them. And those who are angry don't need words from an intruder right? The situation needs something to scare them enough to make them leave or better, a punch in the head will be fine too! As long as I don't kill them, everything will do the job.

Strangely, everything seemed familiar to me. The long corridor on the second floor looks the same as when long ago there I couldn't see anything beyond my hands. The rutten body filled that same corridor with that suffocating smell that makes me dizzy. And these same two hands were covered with that filthy creature's blood. My anxiety grew stronger with each step. I could hear a familiar voice ringing in my ear. This is giving me flashbacks. All those screams are trapped inside my head, since then. Will I hear them again?

"*Huff*…*huff*…Ge-get yourself together now, me! I am not the same as back then."

Right! That hut where I first woke up in this world, blood all over my hands, different tools to torture us all, and the dead body of a human monster that become a victim of another monster. Is irritating, I don't need to experience that all over again, but they will scream when they see me, would they? They will fear me, right? After all, I am again a rapha with bloody hands. They will call me a monster again and again, would they? Pathetic. I have come this far, and yet, I still doubt myself.

If things are going down that road, I do not see anything wrong with that. Is just pointing out the obvious. Do that. Let them fear me!

"Well, isn't this turning into a fun little game of hide and seek between you all? Locking the doors to get more time to hide was a good idea, but you cannot hide from me….hm? I know that you saw me, so come out now since I am being nice!"

Trapped inside this house and the only way to run is to pass through me or jump from here and break their legs. There is no use to hide because if those chisel tools I saw were used to discipline the maid, it's easy to find them as it was with the child downstairs, and it's not like this floor has that many doors anyways. But where is the fun if I go and find them that easy?

"No one is brave enough to open their doors, huh? I thought you have something in you since your friend sound like she was scared to death, but it looks like those were just empty words. *Sigh*… Then, I will count to three. Those who come out now will live. However, when the counting is over, your souls will be mine. One!"

"Wa-wait! Do…do you promise, to let us go if we… if we let you have one of us? Right! Like a little gift for letting us go."

"One when I have four? You are not playing fair here. All of you have to come out or stay here together. So, think again. Two!"

Come on now, I know where the voice is coming so don't make this difficult. I am not going to do anything to you, but why not, I want to have some fun too once in a while. Don't make me mean what I said, I don't like being ignored. And if you had to do with how badly that child was injured, I might let you go with a missing leg or an arm. How dare they harm a little kid and let him in the cold like that? He wants them out, so what happens in the prosses doesn't matter if I finish the job.

"And three! Your time is over. Now, am I actually talking to myself here, or are you all still ignoring me? Well whatever, I won't find out if I don't open each of these doors first. How about we can talk face to face and sort things out, right?"

"No please, take her first!"

Hah? Did that door over there just open? I thought…wait the voice coming from…ugh! Right, they were separated, each in every room, duh. I thought they were inside one door since only one was responding, but now I have no idea if each of the rooms has someone inside. Anyways, the matter in hand.

"Are you all trying to bribe me with just one person? And you already beat her up though, so I am kind of offended that you gave her to me in this state."


Now they are quiet again. I expected this much since I am playing along with them right now. They think I am going to kill them so I am feeding their imagination as much as I can. But I have my limits too. Well, I should be proud of myself. I saved two people in one day. Hehe! It feels good, so now I have to convince her to follow me and leave this place. Her maid outfit doesn't look like it is meant for winter at all, did they make her wear this? I can see all the cuts and bruises on her hands and legs. They really didn't hold back, huh?

"Hey are you, all right? Don't be afraid, I will get you out of here alive. Can you walk on your own or should I carry you out? No, don't answer, I will carry you!"

I can't believe I have to repeat the same words again and again, but that makes anyone less scared so it is worth it. It should be easy for me, right? Well, I guess if I put my mind to it, it will work somehow. She doesn't seem that uncomfortable around me, which is strange, but maybe she is shocked by fear. That actually makes sense.

"Hold on to me or you are going to fall. You are bigger them me so I can't carry you that easy, do you understand me?"

"Y-yes. Thank you."

All right, I have to take care of that little kid too. Hmm! First, I will take her and then the child. They will be too scared to stay here for longer so the house will be empty after they hear me leave.

"You have grown up so much!"

"Did you say something?"

"No…no, I did not."

Weird! I thought I heard her say that I have grown up. I have a strange feeling about this. After all, it seems so many people know me, yet I don't know any non-of them. Is like they are messing with me. They don't miss a chance to remind me that I am not the real one.
