
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

Xeitera · Fantaisie
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72 Chs

You've Lost Your Mind

While her workers were being whipped as they worked, Levienne Clyde had just got back from Country Q. She had arrived at her facility, and she had retrieved her young vampire who was now older and more understanding of the world he lived in.

"They know what to do. Make sure to remind the doctors to have him sleep on a hospital bed instead of his capsule for the next few nights. I will return to see him myself once he's fully recovered. " Levi said. The assistant who was waiting outside nodded and hastily headed inside with the vampire. Levi took a deep breath before stepping back into her carriage.

Serena, who was sitting inside the carriage with Levi, had been promoted from a simple guard of the slave establishment to Levi's guard dog. Zara had also changed jobs, and had become Levi's new driver.

"Miss Clyde, your schedule is wide open today. Do you have any other places or people you would like to visit today?" Serena asked. Levi was just looking out the window with a focused look on her face.

"Yes, I'd like to visit an old friend. Zara! Take me to NeedlePoint Cemetery."

With a crack of a whip, the carriage moved at fast pace. Levi wanted to speak with Mr. Amari whom she hadn't seen in the last four years due to how busy and focused she had been with her projects. In that time, she had worked with Daimon Croft on testing with his little Raven and her young vampire. The two test subjects gave outstanding results. Like pure monsters, they refused to die. It was like they were immune to everything and anything that the two corrupt souls tried on them. They showed no emotion, and spoke no words. They were simply...nothing.


"Mr. Amari, I-" Levi looked down at the floor where Sae was on his knees, crying with his hands pulling on his hair. She felt her heart twist as devastating emotions started to overflow from her. Levi just started walking towards him. She grabbed his shoulders and shook him while calling out to him. She looked around, Mr. Amari wasn't in the room.

"Come on Sae! Snap out of it, it's just an illusion!!" Levi yelled. Sae's eyes were wide and red from crying.

'That silver-haired, death loving, arrogant little bastard! Why the hell did you come here you idiot?!?' Levi wondered. She knew Mr. Amari. Maybe not as well as she thinks she does, but enough to know why Sae was acting the way he is.

Levi was about to get up and find Mr. Amari when Sae weakly called out for her in a hoarse voice. Levi crouched back down, trying to get a good look of Sae's face. He looked as if he had been through hell, but that wasn't an inappropriate thing to say either. Levi immediately pulled Sae into her arms. Sae was panting, exhausted. He rested his head on Levi's shoulder as she gently ran her fingers through his soft black hair. She would punish the foolish undertaker who dared to hurt Sae.

"I saw them..." Levi stared at Sae, his eyes were closed.

"They were suffering...because of what I did. Both he and them called me a murderer...maybe I am one. I never really thought about it, but it bothers me. I don't want to be a murderer..." Sae spoke softly.

'What the hell...how much did you see? Ha, Mr. Amari really is something. But Sae, you would never say that. You would never let such stupid things like guilt and regret take over you like this. You've lost your mind, haven't you?' Levi thought. True, Sae wanted to live a life without regrets nor guilt that would haunt him. He desired freedom, from his younger self. The younger Sae was not stupid, but he wasn't wise either. He was lost and uneducated about the impacts his actions had on those he loved most.

Levi narrowed her eyes at the sound of a man's heels clicking loudly on the black and white tiles.

"Ah, long time no see, Miss Clyde! I do hope you wont be angry with me, but to be fair-"

Before letting his mom finish, Levi threw three small yet insanely sharp silver daggers at Mr. Amari's chest, making him stumble back a few steps. Her eyes were glowing, fixed on her prey as her desire for blood lust was at a dangerous level to where she'd actually go after him.

"Ah, I see. Well, Miss Clyde...what can you really do about it? Punish me for hurting something that's not yours?"

Levi glared at him. She wanted to shoot her hand through his chest, and be holding his heart as blood dripped on the waxed floors. She wanted to sink her fangs into his neck and drain him to nothing and satisfy her intense thirst. But at the same time, she didn't want to let go of Sae. Not even for a single second.

"Now, what wrong have I really done? Hmm? If anything, this will make him stronger. It forces him to face what he has avoided for so long! You both should be thanking me!" Mr. Amari spoke with great pride and his ego inflated with each word that came out of his mouth.

"Thank you? HA!! See you don't get it, do you? Unlike you, Sae has feelings. He knows what he can handle and what he can't. You can't just force people to face their demons when they know damn well that they're not ready!"

Mr. Amari's eyes no longer had a thrilling gleam, but were now only filling with curiosity. Had he gone too far this time?

Levi called for Serena and Zara, ordering them to take Sae to the Blackford Mansion without her. They both replied with a "Yes ma'am!" before heading off, the sounds of hooves clacking on the roads gradually fading.

Levi had her arms crossed as she glared at the confused man in front of her.

"I know how loyal you were, and maybe still are, to Azallyn. I also know that you hold a grudge against me for killing her. Revenge is something I know very well and I can understand that you are angry with me. But I cannot simply let this go, Amari."