
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

Xeitera · Fantaisie
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72 Chs

Spider Lily

Levi was fully transformed. Her claws and fangs at a dangerous length and her eyes glowing brightly. Mr. Amari cackled at this.

"My! What a...disgusting creature you are, Levienne Clyde. Ah, it really is quite a shame that you cannot be mature enough to let go of this little incident. But," he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a tiny silver cylinder. With a click of a button and a swing of his arm, that tiny cylinder extended into a large silver scythe.

"Your mother gave this to me ages ago. Hah." he licked the metal rod as if it were melting ice cream.

"Miss Clyde, will you please allow me to make you beautiful? Oh and uh...tell your mother I say hello!" the two charged at each other at full speed. Like a jousting match, where each person would try to break the other's balance for a perfect gateway to end their lives.

The room was in absolute chaos. The wooden tables only a mere pile of splinters, the caskets all destroyed and the tiles cracked beneath their feet.

She was doing rather well until her mother was standing in front of her, the black metal rod replacing one of her eyes. Blood soaked her torn gown, her hair disheveled. Levi had been trapped inside one of Mr. Amari's spirit-shattering illusions.

"Levienne...why have you done this to me?" Azallyn's voice was one of a ghost calling out for help. Raspy and quiet, that voice sent shivers down Levi's spine. She was being tormented by the very woman she had killed four years ago.

"Levienne...why did you abandon me?"

Levi scoffed, "Abandon my ass. You're the one who abandoned me, and everyone else."

There was a long pause. Azallyn looked down at the floor with eyes filled with sorrow mixed with other intense emotions no one could describe.

"Levienne...my beautiful Levienne...DIE!"

Azallyn pounced on Levi like a great lion after it's prey. With both of her cold, bony hands wrapped tightly around Levi's neck, she laughed while crying. She was absolutely insane.


Levi's face was turning purple as her head felt foggy and breathing became more and more of a challenge. She tried to pry off her mother's hands but they were glued in place like she wouldn't ever let go.

"...d-damn...you...let...go...of me!" Levi grabbed hold of her mother's head before saying farewell. With her thumbs out, she plunged one of her claws into Azallyn's other eye whereas her other claw went through her mouth and out the back of her head. The woman collapsed on the floor as black blood spilled out and soaked her hair. But Levi knew she wasn't dead. She already was.

'She'll wake up soon, but I have to find that silver-haired bastard...' Levi didn't have a plan. She only knew that she wanted her hands to be soaked with the wondrous blood of an arrogant undertaker. She massaged her neck as she began her search. Walking through the building was like walking through an endless abyss. Each room was completely different from the last. Each step was on a different floor and each scent differed.

Levi walked into a square room. The floor was made of black and silver marble tiles. The walls and ceiling were of the same tiles. There were no paintings or decorations of any sort on the walls. There was no furniture whatsoever. Only a sheet of yellowed paper lying on the floor with a scarlet spider lily next to it. Levi picked up the items and read the words written in what she assumed was blood.

"Levienne, blood bonds us all. Thicker than water, with color richer than any wine out in the world. Blood is beautiful. The same color which dyes the spider lily. You should surrender yourself. That way I can make you beautiful. You shall lie inside a beautiful

blood-colored casket, cushioned in thousands of blooming spider lilies!"

Levi could read the letter in the messenger's voice and she immediately shredded the paper in a million pieces.

"You'll die before me..." she muttered under her breath. She held her hand out in front of her, observing the drying blood which stained her pale hand. Disgusting. The foul blood of her deceased mother would not satisfy her in the least. She had already tasted the blood of the silver-haired undertaker, and indeed his blood was just as foul. Neither would satisfy her.

She stormed out of the room, the clicking of her heels echoed. But the next room was a maze. Literally. Thick thorn walls that reached the ceiling. Levi huffed while she tried to break through using her claws when all it did was cost a nail. She winced in pain while holding her hand as blood droplets fell to the floor. She stared at the claw on the floor with insanity and raging desire for blood in her emerald-colored eyes.

"All you need to do is surrender and I'll let you go!" a voice could be heard but no man could be seen. This frustrated Levi to her core. Even so, there was no way in hell that she'd surrender herself to a man like that when she was finally getting what she wanted.

She shot through the maze like a speeding bullet heading straight for it's target, but it was no use. Dead end after dead end, Levi was...stuck. Her neck was still red and in pain whilst her finger stung. She pulled at her hair in frustration, unable to express her anger in her ear-splitting screams like she usually would.

'Am I really this helpless? What the hell is wrong with me?? Why can't I get out? Why can't I be set free from all this bullshit?!?'