
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

Xeitera · Fantaisie
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72 Chs

Sold Off

Aziel woke to the loud ringing in his ears, causing him to whimper as he covered his ears, but it wasn't 5:00 yet, it was 4. There was chaos in Levi's office once again and Aziel wondered if she and Sae were getting in another one of their fights.

"She's a better alarm than the screaming." Aziel bolted towards the bars, crashing into them as usual but then confirming if it was really the mysterious man he'd been worried sick about,



After hearing Sae's voice again, Aziel jumped up and down with joy that the mysterious man had finally returned, but of course, Aziel's questions were lightning quick and Sae couldn't keep up after the first two.

"Are you okay?" and "Did you fight with Levi?" and a bit of "Are you sure you're alive? I heard she beat you up to a pulp and you died!"

The last one caused Sae to laugh so loud that everyone who didn't wake up by Levi breaking everything in her office, had an irresistable urge to break through the bars to strangle Sae.

"Beat me? Kill me? Ha! Oh you idiots sure are funny." Sae had to hold his stomach because he was laughing too hard at the thought of being beaten by Levi who always quivered even at the sight of him.

Aziel, just by listening to the silence after Sae had finished transforming into a high hyena, could tell something was disturbing him.

Sae hadn't slept the whole night. He'd the night patrolling the underground floor with the newest additions. Sae had only come to his cell an hour before Aziel woke up, and he'd been awake ever since then.

"I'm fine, Aziel." Sae lay on the floor but his words helped reassure Aziel, even though he was still skeptical. Still, now the two had to wonder what was going on with the raging bull in her office.

The female kidnappers were all watching silently as Levi threw over her brand new glass desk, throwing papers all over the room, the shelves fallen and the entire office looking as if a tornado had taken place.

"Miss Clyde, we have news for you, from your father."


Levi didn't look much better than her office, with her hair looking like a pink fluffy bird's nest, and her clothes all wrinkled and stained in wine.

"Your father would like to inform you that the young mistress of the Blackford family wants to change the terms of the contract. She demands that her sla-"

"THAT BITCH!!! DOES SHE KNOW HOW A DAMN CONTRACT WORKS. SHE CAN'T CHANGE THE FUCKING TERMS OF MY CONTRACT!!!" Levi's voice was booming and making the kidnapper's ears bleed. Levi was actually drunk from the four and a half bottles of wine she had drank during the night as she worked on the preparations for the auction and her new slaves.

...It had been a long night for X-6 and the others...(*_*)

"Miss Clyde, your mother has already agreed to-"


After the six exhausted women stepped out of Levi's office, Levi fell on her knees and covered her face with her hands as she sobbed. Seeing as her mother had butt in on something that wasn't her buisness, Levi would have to follow with it meaning that she'd have to find out what terms were changed, and explain it to Sae sooner or later.

'There's still another hour until the auction, we're already almost done. We just need to get everyone then we can sell them off.' Levi let out a deep sigh and picked up the papers on the floor, slowly calming down.

With that one hour left, the last step was simple. Serena only had to use the speaker to call for everyone in books 1-3. Luckily, each slave was taught all of their information, making the process for calling people a whole lot easier.

"Load the wagons! Book 1 slaves follow Serena. Book 2 slaves follow Zara. Book 3 slaves follow X-5." once X-6 gave the orders, everything went smoothly and with thirty minutes left, X one through six were each in the six wagons and Levi Clyde followed in her carriage as they headed into the town of CoveFord, without talking to Sae.

'Hmm. They've left.' Sae closed his eyes as he rested in his cell.


When they arrived, Levi made sure she looked perfect. She had quickly changed into an expensive and stylish red suit and the matching wide-rimmed hat paired with her black gloves and black stilettos. The auction was held at the stage in the center of the gloomy village. There were already hundreds of people surrounding the stage in front of them.

When Levi swiftly walked onto the stage, the crowd applauded her as she took a bow and thanked everyone for coming to such an unexpected event.

While Levi warmed up the crowd of people waiting to get themselves something worth their coins, X-6 and her crew along with Serena and Zara were getting the slaves ready, making them form a line. It was true that these men were less weak and afraid than when they first came to Levi Clyde's hell above ground, and it was all Levi's doing. What may have been a little unexpected, was that they were scared of being sold.

'Hmm. I thought they'd be a bit more enthusiastic. They're free from the slave establishment and can live in a home and serve their purpose...' but as she continued her thought, X-6 suddenly remembered what Sae had said outside Levi's office only a couple hours ago:

"But does that mean we are to be treated like dogs to those who condemn us as monsters who are to serve, to suffer, to suffocate by the abused power of a woman like Levi Clyde?"

X-6 insantly regretted what she had just thought. She had been so insensitive. Though there was some truth to what she said, they'd still be chained up. What reason could someone have to be enthusiastic about that?

X-6 snapped back to her senses when Levi called up for the first slave to be auctioned off. One by one, slave after slave, the crowd raised the bid. The auction lasted two hours until each and every last one of them were sold. But that was amazing in itself. Each slave had a master or mistress and not one was left behind.

The people of Coveford were interesting to say the least. The town was filled with greedy rich people who spent their days spending their money on the most expensive things. But there were also hundreds of beggars sleeping in the dark alleyways. Of course, no one gave them money as money was the most important thing to the human-like zombies of the village.

Despite that, the auction went well and Levi could finally take a breath.

"Good work, all of you." Levi congratulated and thanked the eight women for their hard work and entered her carriage, but completely froze once she sat down.

There was still one more slave she had to possibly sell today, and he was completely unaware of it.

...(At the slave establishment)

"Why did you disappear, Sae..." in the darkness where all the other slaves were still sleeping, Aziel had asked a question that annoyed the person the question was directed to. It wasn't that he was annoyed wth the boy, but Aziel's words used to be Sae's words, when his mother had suddenly abandoned him when he was younger than Aziel who was only seven.

But even so, not saying anything would worry the young boy even more. So though Sae wanted to go back to sleep, he quickly answered Aziel's questions:

"I became sick of working after talking with those two. I'd already finished my work and found no reason to stay." Sae had just woken up from his nap, and was in the corner of his cell, head buried in his knees.

Aziel took his answer into consideration but still found it to be missing something.

"Where'd you go? You were gone the rest of the day."

"Sleeping in my cell."

Sae answered without hesitation, but Aziel still had his suspicions. He believed him when he said he was sleeping, but he doubted Sae when he claimed he simply got bored of working.

'Did he talk with sis? But why would he keep that a secret?' Aziel put his finger over his lips as he thought about what might've happened and if it was connected to his sister's violence this morning.

It was now 7:30 in the morning, and Levi still wasn't back, but the other eight were. Aziel would keep asking the other guards but they all simply told him to wait.

Miss Clyde had went to visit the Blackford mansion to speak with the young mistress about their contract about Sayrid. The ride from CoveFord to the Blackford estate was a day's journey, meaning Levi wouldn't be back for a few days since her visits always lasted long.

(She had said nothing after the auction was done, but X-6 was always the one in charge, everyone believed that that was the best choice, seeing as she was already a leader.)

But even so, the thought of taking charge of a place like this disturbed X-6.

'Leader of a slave establishment of men and creatures of the night...is this really the life I have been given to live?' X-6 could feel her head spinning as she stood in Levi's office, seeing another brand new glass desk.

"X-6, do you know boss's dog?" the disturbed woman turned to see X-3 with a curious expression on her face.

"We all met him at the drop-off. Why?"

X-3 hesitated to speak with her leader. Something was off and X-6 could clearly see it.

"Something's not right here. Miss Clyde told us nothing when she suddenly disappeared in her carriage after the auction. But that means she went to the only place she could have gone to,"

The two focused their gaze on a picture on Levi's desk.

"The Blackford estate."


"X-3 do me a favor and bring number 007 here."

X-3 nodded and left the woman to think.

'The young mistress demands her slave...and perhaps Miss Clyde is troubled by that.'