
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

Xeitera · Fantaisie
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72 Chs


'Are you so selfish, so desperate for peace, that you would just end your life like that?'


Sae suddenly bolted up, coughing up water. When he calmed down and stopped coughing, he did his best to remember everything that had taken place in the last few hours.

'Ah...right. I drowned myself. But...then who was that?' Sae rubbed the back of his neck as he remembered being held. Though strange, it was familiar. There was only one other time where Sae was held in such a gentle embrace, the night of the accident on the dirt path with the broken carriage...

'If only I could see who she is...and why she interfered both times...'

Sae was actually slightly irritated that his attempt was unsuccessful, but not enough to find that peace again, for he feared that he would be saved again. But this wasn't suicide to Sae, it was only a desperate man who had gotten too greedy. Peace could be obtained, but it was always hard to maintain.

'damn, what the hell is wrong with me...I really tried to drown just for some temporary peace...' Sae pinched the skin between his brows, stunned by his rash actions. But there was that off feeling again, same as before he even went into the water. A feeling that someone else was close and he was being watched...

"You really went for a swim while I fought with her. Tch. Damn it, Sayrid."

"Well, I don't know whether to say congratulations, or I'm sorry for your loss."

"Oh shut up, you know damn well I don't care about her."

"Oh really? Then why did you have plans to collect her body afterwards and give her a beautiful resting place?"

Levi's eyes narrowed and she glared at the guilty man, pretending to be innocent with those puppy-dog eyes.

"Well, I see you found those papers, but you obviously didn't find the one you were looking for. Why look for the contract anyway?" Levi had her guesses, but she wanted Sae to say it out loud to her while they were alone. She needed to confirm, otherwise, the contract would be useless. Sae stayed quiet for a while then sighed, "I wanted to reread it."

Raising a brow, Levi asked him what he would accomplish by doing that, but Sae seemed to wear a sad expression. "I guess I wanted to reread the terms. That contract determines what future I have. Whether I do what I've been waiting to do for three years...or die. I know I'm not supposed to have any contact or even see my mistress's face, but that sounds so bizarre. It's fucking stupid that I'm supposed to serve someone I don't even see the face of."

"A face. That's what this is about?" Levi crossed her arms while Sae's aura darkened and she was well aware of what he was thinking about.

"You heard her, Azallyn killed them. I spent years thinking of who would want to kill them. As far as I was concerned, they were only assholes to me, everyone else loved them."

Sae lay down on his back with his eyes closed. The thought of his parents murdered always brought him mixed emotions as it was a very confusing time for Sae. But Levi, who had no problem murdering her mother, had no connection with Sae on this. But still, Levi was curious about Sae's parents. She didn't even really understand why her own mother had murdered Sae's parents and with her gone, they may never find out.

"Sayrid, I think you know that with all of this, things are going to be different. With the slave establishment destroyed, I had some of the female kidnappers take away the night creatures to one of my facilities. And with my mother dead, I'll become the new head of the council of E.N.D soon. But, more importantly, you need to be at the Blackford estate to meet the family. They've been waiting patiently."

Sae knew nothing about the Blackford family. All he knew was that they were a well-respected family and wealthy. Levi never told Sae anything about the family. The only times she mentioned the name was when she brought up the contract which she didn't even do very much. Over the three years, Sae had lost interest in asking questions in his head about the Blackfords. But with Levi talking about visiting them now to arrange everything, those questions and natural curiosity were building up again.

"Levi, you've met with my mistress many times,"

"I'm not going to tell you anything Sae. That's breaking her own rules which I swore I'd follow without exception, even when you are asking me such things."

Levi almost felt guilty when she saw how down Sae seemed to be. Even with his eyes closed as he lay on the floor like this, Levi could see right through him. Though their relationship was peculiar and full of dangers, they became close enough to understand each other's feelings when neither of them did their own.

"Look, I have to get to my team. I fled from the scene but I need to take care of a lot. But tonight, we go." Sae opened his eyes and looked straight at the sky, the clouds instantly making him regret his decision. Seeing this, Levi could only chuckle softly seeing the irritated Sae at the weather which he so wished he could control.

"Well, you have more than just a mistress to look forward to tonight." Levi crouched down to move Sae's bangs, uncovering her eyes which she still, couldn't get used to. Sae and Levi met each other's gaze, staring off into each other's dark, red-stained worlds.

"You know, I've been really nice with you lately, Levienne..." moving his face closer, a sly grin started forming on Sae's face. Never able to be comfortable or handle the situations Sae always put Levi in, she could feel her heart racing and her whole body starting to quiver from fear. Being a man and all that, Levi's quick and obvious reactions amused Sae. But he wasn't thinking of the same thing as Levi.

"Being a night creature, but having to be the head of E.N.D council...makes no sense, Levi." Sae pulled Levi close, but instead of both arms around her in a normal hug, one hand was on the back of her head, guiding her to his neck. Alarmed, Levi started struggling but it was no use. Though he hadn't been getting the nutrients his body needed, Sae was still incredibly strong. Levi's eyes widened at the sight of Sae's neck and not because she was thirsty for blood, but because Sae was stupid enough to show a night creature like her this.

"w-what the hell are you doing?!"

"I want to know."

"Did that water clog your brain?! I thought you had enough pride in yourself to value your life and you were willing to keep going but now you're just going to throw that away?!" Levi pushed Sae onto his back, pinning his wrists down to the ground and looking at him with razor sharp daggers in her eyes.


Levi couldn't believe her eyes nor her ears at the clueless moron before her. Sae looked as if he had done nothing wrong, but maybe that was true.

"Fine. It's not your pride, it's mine..."

"Damn you, Levienne Clyde."

Levi, who had started to tear up, froze when Sae pulled her close again, but for a normal-ish hug. Levi's face became visibly red, blushing intensely while Sae just closed his eyes. For a few minutes, the two lay on the grass, Sae holding Levi while she did her best to calm herself. But time was being lost and Levi realized that she couldn't stay with Sae like this forever.

Sitting up, she breathed in sharply,"The council definitely has their questions. I have to get to them soon. There were many casualties and...some lives were lost due to the bombing of the slave establishment which is another issue itself." Levi let out a deep sigh realizing how much work needed to be done in such short time.

'As long as the young mistress gets what she wants...and Sae's alright...things will be easier for me'