
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

Xeitera · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
72 Chs


'Levi's still there, alone. I'm now with the woman in black...but just who is she?'

Sae hadn't had good sleep since he woke up in that dark room, and it was likely that his life was in danger. Of course, dangerous events take place and there was no changing that whether he was with the young mistress or not. But Levi's words repeated in his head:

Tch. Just shut up and listen: I didn't want you to serve her, I wanted you to serve Mrs. Blackford but that bitch got in the way and signed my contract instead. I was fooled by her appearance, but it's all just a damn parlor trick!!! She deceives as easily as her hair flows. I was about to give you to her, but that was my mistake, I'm sorry."

How sorry was Levi? How much of the little words she said, were actually true? Sae knew Levi and that didn't sound like Levi. It sounded forced. Perhaps the only genuine words that came out were the words, "I'm sorry."

Sae's rising suspicions grew as he took another step, alone. To Sae, the whole thing seemed like a parlor trick, a setup. Nothing made sense and so much so that none of it ever would. Unless Levi was actually the real villain here and he was being saved by the young mistress, then Sae was completely lost.

'contract...vampire...mistress...' Sae could only think back to when he first heard these words.

All three years ago. Sae had only seen the young mistress he was to serve now, but was even that the truth? Seeing her change from white dove to black raven only caused Sae to think he had seen her somewhere before. Which would mean he had seen her before becoming a slave to possibly before his parents were murdered.

'I guess I should consider myself lucky-'


Like an arrow, Levi aimed straight for Sae to hug him so suddenly. Sae's brow lifted when he saw the amount of blood Levi was rubbing back onto Sae's exposed chest. Once he took a step back to inspect, he instantly found out where all the blood came from...

"What the hell's wrong with you, Levi?" Sae pinched the skin between his brows and took a deep breath but Levi felt that she would collapse within seconds if she wasn't holding onto Sae in the next three seconds. Conveniently, the dark woman appeared behind Levi in the next three seconds which was the last thing Levi wanted.

But, like an idiot, Sae spoke:

"Which one of you are lying to me." In an almost ominous tone, like he would destroy the person who lied, Sae's words made Levi start clawing at herself again. The disturbing sound of flesh tearing and blood spraying everywhere was nearly heartbreaking to any "normal" person. But to Sae and the young mistress, it was just Levi breaking down.

"DAMN IT SAE JUST SHUT UP!!!!" Levi's blood lust was out of control and if she didn't calm down, she would eventually try to kill Sae, and possibly succeed.

"You!" Levi turned around to face the dark woman, pointing her finger.

"Do you have any idea what you've put me through? Any idea what I lost?! You psychotic brat!"

Sae avoided looking at Levi but payed attention to her words. He observed the dark woman for just a sign. A trembling fist, a slight flinch if he was lucky, but she stood completely still. Like a stone statue. Having enough of her lack of reaction, Levi jumped the dark woman, making her fall on her back.

'something's not right...that was too easy.' Sae just watched from his safe distance but couldn't resist the urge to step closer. Even a powerful force by a fully transformed vampire could still be easily dodged by the woman who had shown little of her unknown but undoubtedly extraordinary abilities.

"Levienne Clyde..."

Levi stopped clawing at the woman's torso and turned to look at Sae who hung his head low. She got up and slowly stepped over to Sae with an insane look on her face. The corners of her lips were curved up but it wasn't nearly pleasant enough to be called a smile. But more of a weird mark on her face that showed she wanted to kill but was also worried about her precious slave whom she desired to cherish so much. Her eyes were so wide that it seemed like they'd never close ever again.

When she finally reached out her hand to touch his head, he suddenly snagged her wrist tightly and slowly lifted his head,"You...Are..."

Sae stopped and twisted Levi's wrist but she didn't even flinch. It wasn't her wrist that hurt, but it was her pride.

"Tch. I bet you're thinking of your stupid pride aren't you? That's all it is with you. Everyone else might disagree...but you really are no different to your mother. You are nothing but a Clyde."

"AGH!!!" Levi swung at Sae but missed. She jumped at Sae but he dodged. This went on to where Levi completely forgot about the dark woman who was bleeding out on the floor behind them as Sae just jumped around. Like a cat chasing after a ball of yarn, the sight was rather ridiculous.

But while the two children-like beasts were fighting, the dark woman slowly got up to her feet and looked at the sloppy outline she had made. Her figure untouched while the outside was surrounded by her blood.

"Miss Clyde,"

Sae instantly stopped when he finally heard her voice but Levi didn't and her hand had gone through Sae's stomach, her hand stained red on the other side. The dark woman's hair suddenly changed back to white and by the time no more darkness clouded her mind, red had stained her white gown.


Levi fell on her knees, and stared at the huge chunk of flesh and bones missing from her body which the masked woman in white was holding in her hand. Levi's blood had sprayed onto the woman's silver mask, adding red.

"You have no right to take from me, Azallyn's daughter."

Levi felt her pride dissipate into absolutely nothing. Was her life really one without meaning?

"Am I just to go on as that woman's daughter?! CAN I NOT LIVE FOR MYSELF?! AHH!" Levi swung for the woman's throat but hit her mask and managed to knock it off.

The mask made a clang as it came in contact with the floor and Levienne and Sayrid could only stare at the mask then at the back of the woman's head as she immediately turned away, avoiding eye contact.

Realizing what she had done and what might happen to her next, Levi ran for her precious, meaningless life while Sae was taken aback as he still could not see the woman's face.

"Are you alright?"


"Where am I...?"