
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

Xeitera · Fantaisie
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72 Chs

Not Like Levi

Sae followed his trail back to where he first started. In the middle of nowhere. He knew where to go in order to reach Country Q. but he had no idea where Country B. was. The only way he'd get back home was if the young mistress quit playing her games with him. But even figuring that out, there was no way to speak with her. Sae clicked his tongue, hands on his hips and brows furrowed.

"A single thought and I will find you, wherever you may be."

That daring voice, speaking rather bold words to the one she had tossed into another country with such ease and amusement. Sae calmed his expression at the sight of the young mistress in her regular white flowing gown. Her voice was calm, almost as if she was waiting to finally see Sae. No, more like she was waiting to see what Sae thought about after being to what seemed like another world compared to Coveford village and the empty wasteland that was Country X.

"Why let me find that place? There's no point in letting me go only to have predicted that I'd come back."

"Who said I predicted you would come back? I was hoping you would leave everything behind and live a new and more vibrant life in Country Q. As absurd as that may sound, I only wanted to give you a glimpse and a chance as to what you could have."

Sae scoffed, "So your little game was only to let me go free, without any trouble?" the young mistress nodded. Despite the unexpectedly kind offer, Sae still remembered what happened before he had wound up back here. Looking at her didn't help to see if she was alright, seeing as everything was covered. Sae's brows were twitching.

"Miss Clyde is in Coveford village right now, if you need-"

"I want to leave this place. Take me back to the lake." Sae's quick demands caused the young mistress to smile ever so slightly and soon enough, Sae was at the edge of a crystal clear lake. Sae was about to sit down before something pushed him from behind, causing a big splash as his body slapped the water's surface. When he came back up, he laid eyes on his beautiful stallion. His jet black mane and tail had grown out so much, just barely touching the grass. Even with so much time apart, the horse was still in fine condition which obviously meant someone was looking after him while Sae couldn't.

Sae got out of the lake before hugging the playful and lonely stallion which he still had not thought of a name for. Taking a step back, Sae admired the divine sight before him. The loyal and beautiful creature that he was, Sae could only think of one name.


The stallion then brushed its head against Sae's shoulder, asking for more pets. Sae chuckled, obeying the needy Rei.

"Miss Clyde has been coming here often, taking care of him. Yet she never touches him." the young mistress watched Sae and Rei playing around, a joy in Sae's eyes that seemed nearly impossible to see when there was a rustle in the bushes which grabbed all of their attention.

"Damn it, why couldn't he just find somewhere with an actual path-" the small-tempered woman had a basket in her hands when she stopped, standing motionless with a torn look on her face. Even from their distance, Sae could tell that Levi was neither glad or disappointed of his return. After their last few encounters had been more unpleasant than normal.

Rei turned around, stepping over to Levi when she, without any warning, charged for Sae, stabbing his shoulder with a stained knife. Without making a sound or any reaction at all, Sae stood with a soft smile on his face. Meanwhile, Levi was already panting with her hand tightly gripping onto the knife.

"Who else did you stab with this?"

"Amei Lia Blackford."

There was a pause. Levi already knew that the young mistress was present, but she would've liked to keep that a secret instead of speaking in a voice that showed how much she actually enjoyed having that insufferable woman's blood. The young mistress stepped over to the two in their weird "hug", pushing Levi away and the sound of the knife coming out of Sae's skin clear in her ears.

"Never a dull moment with you, Miss Clyde. But I do hope that you will be civil this time. I hear you have plans with the Blackfords and myself at midnight. That is only a short time away, may I know what you want?"

Levi laughed, "Leave them."

Two words left the young mistress in a dark place as her snow white outfit died into the spirit of a raven. Sae was expecting for them to fight the instant he saw her black hair but they only spoke with anger and insanity in their voices.

"I wanted Mrs. Blackford to leave as she is a 'valuable' member of the council but she's as useless as everyone else was. But if YOU leave with me, I get to see as you suffer inside while my plans unfold!" Levi's voice was unusually high-pitched, going well with her insanely wide eyes filled with blood lust.

"You killed all the members, except for Mrs. Blackford...that's not like you, Levi."