
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

Xeitera · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
72 Chs

Mission Impossible

The moon was shining brightly out in the rest of the world and the sky tattooed with it's gleaming constellations. The men had worked hard during the cold day and had collapsed into their cells, finally able to sleep.

But by then, there were already many questions about Sae's sudden disappearance. Everyone in the building knew that though Sae's personality and life choices were questionable at times, it was clear that he worked hard. Sae never stopped when he did a good job when he knew he could do better, and never once did he stop until better became best.

"Did you see Sae after he talked with Jason and that other guy?"

"Other guy??? I'M YOUR CELLMATE DIPSHIT!!! (T-T)

"I didn't know that...it's too dark..." (-_-)

"Hey did you hear the rumors about Sae? People say he got sold off! Ha! Can you believe that?"

"Sold off? I heard Miss Clyde beat his ass the entire day and he eventually passed out. Guy's probably dead."

Of course, the pitch black darkness made it impossible for them to see that Sae had been sleeping in his cell since he challenged the two morons in the electrocution room as they walked back to their own cells.

Sae was still asleep but Aziel was worried sick. After Sae had vanished during cleaning, no one saw him and rumors were quickly spreading. It was like a building of teenage girls who wasted their lives gossiping about the newest celebrity's issues.

To be fair, Sae was the most popular and admired in the building, and that was worried Aziel the most. Aziel ("the rat") hadn't been touched by any of the others, but he was still being protected. Sae ("the beautiful devil") was the one protecting Aziel, but Sae himself wasn't protected by anyone. Aziel felt guilt and shame overwhelm his whole body and his heart fall to the floor.

'I'm sorry Sae, I promise I'll do better!" Aziel's eyes suddenly burned with determination, but his exhaustion beat him to it and in the next minute, Aziel was sound asleep on the floor, dreaming of being Sae's knight in shining armor.

Another slow hour had passed until the hibernating bear finally woke up. Sae rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath. In the couple of years he had slept on the floor of a dark, cold cell, Sae never once felt that coldness on his skin. He wondered why it was tonight that he all of a sudden felt that cold chill.

'what time is it? Levi said she'd come to get me eventually, they must be making their rounds.' Sae waited another half hour until the cell door quietly opened and a woman whispered for Sae to follow her.

Sae and Levi walked in the darkness, aware that even if they only used a match, someone would wake up from the bright light. Neither one made a single noise, silently breathing, until Sae followed Levi into her office for a few minutes.

"Put these on and don't ask any questions. Just stay silent and wait until I speak to you. There is a group of six women who have brought me the..." Levi stopped as she realized her mistake.

Levi hadn't told Sae what made her so angry, almost fearful, about these new slaves. She had said that they weren't normal men, but that was it. She had failed to explain, but there was no time for that anymore, they were waiting.

Levi slapped herself to get herself together and the two quickly and quietly ran out, Levi leading the blindfolded man.

Sae could feel the freezing night air on his face and the howling winds flowing through his long dark hair. Their footsteps slowed down until they came to a stop. Sae could hear Levi's voice and another speaking quietly, but Sae was close enough to be able to hear every word.

"You must have worked incredibly hard for this job, thank you for executing it so well." Levi sounded as if she forced some of those words, but the woman she was talking to didn't seem to pick up on that.

"It's our pleasure to work for you, Miss Clyde. But I must say, these are no men. These are bloodthirsty hounds sent from hell. I didn't understand your mother's request for each species or the fact that they were a completely different species from human, but I assume you don't either?"

There was a long pause before Levi spoke. But Sae's mind was racing as the woman spoke of the new slaves.

'not men. hounds sent from Hell. different species from human...you gotta be shittin me...'

Sae had jumped to conclusions while the woman had already opened one truck to reveal ten vampires, ten werewolves, ten ghouls, and ten creatures that Levi had never seen before. Each one was different and Levi's eyes narrowed at the sight of the disgusting creatures.

Sae could hear the raspy breathing and the metal scent of blood pollute the air.

'Damn Clyde. You're gonna kill Jason and Alec...' Sae could only worry about Jason and Alec, knowing the two morons would get themselves killed within the first twenty seconds of "meeting" these guys. Yet for some reason, the thought almost calmed Sae.

"Miss Clyde, if I may, who is...he?" Sae stood silently as Levi instructed but Levi hadn't known why she brought Sae. Truth was, Levi had no need to bring Sae. There was nothing he could've helped with, yet Levi had asked him to accompany her to the drop-off.

Perhaps that's all it was, to accompany her.

'I find far too much comfort in a man, especially a man like Sae...'

"Miss Clyde? Are you alright?" Levi nodded her head and stepped into the truck, shocking the woman. When Levi stepped in, they were all chained up and looked like they wanted to kill her for taking away their freedom.

"You all disgust me." Levi spoke in a low voice with her dagger-like eyes stabbing at them repeatedly while the others struggled, growling at her.

Until morning, Levi and the group of female kidnappers moved the slaves into the building's secret underground levels. Sae had been standing off to the side the entire time, thinking.

Sae now understood Levi's anger and bewilderment.

No man nor woman had slaves of creatures of the night. But Levi Clyde, would be holding over two hundred of multiple different species, strengths, and weaknesses. The Clyde family was at the top, and everything they owned were in the papers, every move and word being analyzed.

But this, would put a bounty on each of their heads, and Levi Clyde would be the number one target.

'What is that woman playing at? Does she want to get Levi killed?' Sae's head was pounding and heartbeat racing as he imagined the building go down in flames.

'Three more days, huh? Tch.'

What seemed like a simple task, now seemed like mission impossible to Sae. It came to him that his last three days would be harder than his first. On Sae's first day, he had already won over everybody, becoming the celebrity of the establishment. But now, he had to be on guard at all times, but that wasn't it.

No, you see, Sae isn't scared that he'll lose his life to a man taking advantage of his extraordinary abilities. But he had all the reason to be afraid of what they would do to all the others.

It was at that moment that a group of women in dark green hoods cornered Sae who was quietly leaning against the wall to Levi's office while she spoke with the leader of the kidnappers.

"Are you Miss Clyde's dog?" the woman in the middle of the group of five took off her hood and revealed her face to Sae. When he lifted his head to meet her boringly dull eyes, he was instantly intrigued. The woman had a large scar going through her eye, like one of the night creatures had struggled, perhaps only trying to defend himself.

"Mm." Sae replied quickly, but the woman kept asking him questions.

"How old are you?"

"My age."

"When were you born?"

"On my birthday."

"Who are your parents?"


"How long have you been here?"

"A while."

The woman remained calm even though she had to resist the urge to send him flying across the hall. Though Sae's answers were useless, she was satisfied with the way he answered.

'He's a man of mystery now isn't he? Hmm. The young mistress will surely be pleased.' the woman signaled for the other four to take their hoods off as well, to show that they were not to be messed with.

"I am X-5, Jones." the woman who gave no first name but only a number and her surname, reached out her gloved hand which made Sae chuckle.

"What do you think of men, Jones?"

Sae's unexpected but unsurprising question caused X-5 to release a deep sigh.

"I do not carry the same hatred and disgust as my boss. I am simply doing my jo-"

"Oh come off it!" Sae's brows arched and his eyes narrowed as he grabbed the woman's wrist, causing the others to have the sudden instinct to attack him before their leader signaled them to back down.

"I didn't ask about your duties, nor did I ask of how your boss feels. I asked how YOU feel." the woman looked at Sae's alluring eyes, sparkling in the dimly lit hall, the light source being a single lamp on the floor.

"I don't have an answer to your question, sir."

"pfft! Sir?! The hell's up with you?" Sae let the woman go as soon as he heard her calling him "sir", as if he was her master.

"I'm a damn slave woman! Don't go treating me like royalty now especially when the first thing you said to me was if I was Levi's dog. Ah, but your answer is quite fascinating."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"You claim you don't have an answer, and I guess that's fine. Maybe you've never really met a man. Maybe you hate, but also care. Maybe you just think of us as a waste of oxygen. Sure, I get it. I mean, your boss is the most sexist person I'd ever met and even at her young age. But even so, the way you answer, with such hesitation and pain means you're hiding."

X-5 looked at Sae with disbelief at how good he was at reading people, even when she tried their damn hardest to hide any signs.

"All well. I can't really change your mind nor do I care to waste my time doing so." Sae started walking away but X-5 whirled around and called out to him, "Why do you not stand up for yourself? Your pride as a man who's being targeted for his gender?"

Sae came to a halt and slowly turned around to face her with his hand in his hip.

"My pride as a man? What exactly is a man's pride to you? Are you one who thinks all men are currupted, disgusting and disgraceful? Well maybe you're right about that, being a man is an excuse for both men and women. But does that mean we are to be treated like dogs to those who condemn us as monsters who are to serve, to suffer, to suffocate by the abused power of a woman like Levienne Clyde?"

When Sae saw the terrified look slowly showing itself on all their faces, he smiled.

"Well, I think I've said enough. Look, I can somewhat get why men and women are seperated. But I don't understand why being a man, is considered a sin to Levi, and others who share that absurdity. All well. I can't do much seeing as I'm at the very bottom, being a slave and a man, but I've stayed quiet for a long time. Thanks for letting me speak, Jones."

Sae turned and waved goodbye as he headed back to his cell while the five women were all flabbergasted as they were lectured, and by their boss's dog.

'He's right. It is absurd.' The five all shared the same thought as Sae's powerful words repeated over and over in their heads. But beyond the door which all of this had taken place, Levi and X-6 had been discussing how the news would be told to everyone else, especially to Levi's young, clueless brother.

"Miss Clyde, I think it unwise to tell them. The mission alone was uncalled for. Mrs. Clyde made an order without discussing with anybody, then to suddenly make a call telling her daughter that the package would be delievered that evening. It's all too random. What will they think?"

There was a loud crash when Levi threw her wine glass at the stone wall, the sounds of shattered glass echoing in the room.

"What the hell do I care about what they think? They're my fucking slaves not my beloved children!" Levi was breathing heavily as she bellowed at X-6 who was being unbelievably patient with the woman acting like a child who got the wrong pony for her birthday, which had happened before.

"But you're right, it is too random. That crazy woman, dropping off all those disgusting creatures at my doorstep like this. Agh!"

Levi threw her arms up and tugged on her hair in frustration. X-6 watched as her boss went on a cycle of temper tantrums. But when Levi was somewhat calm, she came to a conclusion.

"They're all in good shape. At this point, they're just working for extra training, which is rather useless. They're much stronger than when they first arrived. I want an auction held in the morning. Call everyone from books 1-3 at 5:15 sharp. I know that every name in that list is good enough to be a decent slave for somebody, we just need to get them out of here, we're getting crowded anyway." X-6 narrowed her eyes at Levi as she was making rash desicions like the woman who had given birth to her, the same woman who had gotten them into this mess in the first place.

"Miss Clyde, the process takes ti-"

"Then start now! Stay up all night! We need to get these idiots out of here and find their mistresses and masters, that's what they were trained for! Go!" Levi was at the end of her rope and X-6 simply bowed her head before leaving. When she stepped out of Levi's office, she saw the rest of the group standing like statues all with the same face.

"Miss Clyde wants to hold an auction tomorrow morning. Stay up all night, take no breaks until all preparations are complete and you're certain of it before checking with me."

"Yes ma'am."