
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

Xeitera · Fantaisie
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72 Chs

Losing Control

"Let him go. Let's settle this, Sayrid!" Daimon has his arms stretched out and a wicked smile on his face. Blood dripping from his mouth and excitement running through his body. Yet, the situation wasn't "exciting" at all. Sae had been chasing after Daimon all over the Croft building for the last few hours. Only an hour ago did the woman finally decide to chase after him to stop him from killing her boss.

At the moment, she had pinned him against the wall, putting her knee in between his legs and her hands pushing his wrists against the wall.

"There's no point in this." Sae wanted to scold her, seeing as she had said those same words when he didn't do anything. So far, she was basically saying that there want a point in doing anything, but choices must still be made with reason.

Of course, violence was an obvious and tempting choice, but that was only for revenge and anger. There was no rational thinking behind that, it was only giving Daimon what he wanted.

"Come on Sayrid, throw her off to the side! I know you can, why resist? Fight me like a man, fight for Raven!!!" Daimon boomed, his bold words only making him sound more and more stupid.

Sae was panting, tired from attacking Daimon so many times. Daimon wasn't injured severely, but he wasn't fast enough to dodge enough of Sae's blows. Strangely, Daimon seemed to be enjoying his own pain than Sae who was being restrained.

When Daimon started talking about Aziel, the woman immediately dragged Sae out of the building. She glides over the rooftops, taking Sae to the cherry blossom forest. She rested his back against the thick trunk, waiting for him to calm down.

"Why did you actually agree to watch?"

Sae scoffed, covering his eyes with a hand, "I wanted to save her. But I said I wouldn't do or say anything. But...I couldn't just sit there and do nothing when I saw her crying, without even making a sound..."

The woman saw a single tear streak down Sae's face. The moon illuminating that tear, was the most beautiful sight. The woman pulled Sae into her arms in a way that seemed that she didn't want to let go.

Sae widened his eyes in disbelief as he felt protected in her warm embrace. It was different than the other times. Because this time, they both lost control and nothing could've saved them from what they had already did. In a way, this was the only way to make it seem like everything would be okay.

"I'm expected to bring Aziel to Daimon. You say it, and I will let him go."

Sae chuckled, "Why? You don't disappoint, right? Tch. My word isn't what's important here. Besides, I'll come get them soon enough."

The woman pulled away, and Sae could see the sparks of anger flickering in her ruby red eyes. She was serious. All it took was Sae's word, and she wouldn't dare lay a finger on Aziel. But why? Why was Sae's word the one that counted?

"There's no point in me saying that I'm serious seeing as we both are, but I really won't tell you to do anything." the woman nodded her head. Both she and Sae were stubborn meaning nothing would benefit either of them if they continued disagreeing.


"Levi, when can I join you at work?" Aziel's adorable and soft voice woke up Levi from her daze. She had just stepped in, but hadn't said a single word which of course, caused Aziel to worry about her.

"Aziel, you can't join me at work, it's not safe for you and you'd slow me down. Besides, you staying here is the safest and best thing." These words made no sense at all, and even Levi was aware. She was lying to herself and to Aziel who could handle anything with that fighting spirit of his.

"Levi, is Daimon a bad guy?"

"What the hell? Why are you asking that?'

"You work with him, and talk about him, but you never sound happy or glad that you work with him. It usually sounds like you regret meeting him."

Levi ruffled his hair saying, "Stop worrying, you brat. Daimon isn't a threat, but he's not exactly...pleasant. Nothing in this kind of world is, and if you forget that, then you pay for it." Aziel leaned his head on Levi's shoulder while she ran her fingers through his messy hair.

Outside of their dark space, Coveford was in chaos once again. The female kidnappers would work day and night without rest to catch the night creatures. Even more would expose themselves and declare their pride in what they were, when they only made it harder to accept their species. Monsters of night, killing with no intention of killing. Levi had her workers work to their very limit. Her own doctors were failing to work from lack of sleep and food. No one was allowed to stop until Levi allowed them to, and they all knew it would be long before they would ever hear those beautiful, blessed words.

Havoc was no longer very rare for Coveford village. Unfortunately, it was all too common and it wasn't only the night creatures. Humans too, started freaking out. Whether it was anger that had been suppressed for too long, or sudden outbreaks of strong emotions, people were hurting themselves and being a threat to others. Levi had already spoken with the young mistress earlier that day, and all she was told was to wait for things to calm down. As absurd as they may have seemed, doubting the young mistress was even more so.

"Pay no attention to the trouble, let people vent. Even now, this is no severe issue. Even if they run away, there is no point in trying to chase after them yourself. Let the female kidnappers do their job, stay with Aziel more often and wait. I will inform you when it is time for you to make a move."

Levi repeated the young mistress's words, and only able to wonder what would happen if she didn't listen.