
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

Xeitera · Fantaisie
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72 Chs

Levi's Eyes (Part 2)

I remember the pain of living in that mansion. The hours I spent in my study room or by my mother's side when she executed someone. The long carriage rides when I occasionally followed my mother to the Blackford mansion for business reasons. I remember meeting the young mistress for the first time. She was no different back then. She wore the same white gown and same silver mask. Her hair, the way she flowed as if she were the howling wind in the form of an angelic-looking woman.

I hated her.

I hated her more than I hated my mother which I had though would have to be impossible. Yet, it was for a completely different reason. She was kind, and loving. Despite her saying she saw the world in grey, she never let me see the world that way. She allowed my childhood to be filled with color even in living such a dull and exhausting life.

So why?

Why did I receive more love from a woman no one really knew, than the woman who bore me?

For what seemed like an eternity, I had been falling in a bottomless pit of pure darkness filled of my own dark memories. But now I realize that none of those memories were truly dark, only full of truth which I had labeled as "unfair" without even evaluating its true meaning.

A woman who is born a vampire is already destined to live in the darkness, hiding within the shadows like the monsters they are. Hmm. Humans must think that anything even remotely different is a monster.

A vampire.

A ghoul.

A hunter.

One with no vision.

One with a missing limb.

One who sees things others cannot.

One who hears things others cannot.

Someone who has ability stronger than anyone, can instantly be labeled strange instead of special. How odd. Yet, I fail to believe I am any different. I am a woman who was born a vampire, same as my mother, yet I make them suffer for my own benefit and self pleasure. Though that "pleasure" is temporary and quite bitter, I have no regrets of what I've done and what I plan to do. Not even Aziel is a regret.

Just as another memory was about to show itself to me, my heavy eyelids lifted and I was staring at a bright light hanging over my head. I had been strapped down to a hospital bed in a room filled with screens. It was obvious I wasn't lying in my office of my facility, I was in Daimon's territory.

"Welcome to the land of the dead, Miss Clyde." Daimon had a wry grin on his pale face, holding a syringe in his right hand. I looked at Daimon with a bored expression, my body still feeling heavy and empty. Only now noticing, I had an oxygen mask strapped to my face.

"How long was I out?"

"Not long. I had sent Earnest to get you but you weren't in your office, you were in 016's capsule filled with blood. I had thought you were dying on the floor. I must say, you are quite impressive." Daimon chuckled while injecting me with painkillers to somewhat make me feel better after being in such horrible condition.

However, I was confused. I had no memory of crawling out of my office all the way to 016's capsule. Even more shocking, how was I inside with blood in the capsule? There must have been someone on the outside who carried me, putting me inside the capsule and filled the capsule with blood. Of course, they would also have to have known the password in order to work the controls in the first place.


I could feel Daimon staring at me, but my eyes were already closed and I couldn't help but lift the corners of my lips ever so slightly. I knew that Daimon had grown fond of Blanca. He knew how special she was to me.

In a short while, I could hear a door slide open and footsteps coming closer. Earnest walked in the room with a report of 007's latest test:

"She doesn't want to see him anymore, Daimon. She says she wants to let him live." Earnest sounded heartbroken. Noticing this, Daimon must have picked up on that since the next thing I heard was him telling his dear friend to go home.

"Are you sure? I mean, I can sti-" Daimon stopped Earnest, "This won't be pretty. Go home."

Earnest sighed before leaving the room, not wanting to disturb Daimon any longer. Daimon is a simple man. Even with my eyes closed I could tell Daimon wished Earnest had brought him a paper report instead so that he could have had the satisfaction of crumpling it up with gritted teeth but he only remained calm, which was incredibly boring.

"Miss Clyde, if I may...why haven't you tried rebuilding your slave establishment?" I slowly opened my eyes. Daimon's eyes were slightly narrowed as he kept his gaze on me while I could feel his fingers running through the ends of my hair.

I whispered weakly, "I don't want to...sell my precious slaves...I want to...keep them."

"Keep them?" Daimon lifted a brow while I replied with a simple and quiet "Mm."

"Centuries of wiping out those who disobeyed your mother. Yet, she failed to accomplish her ultimate goal of wiping out man and night creatures, a species that she and you are both a part of. Are you telling me you are finally going to do what you both claimed so foolishly to do?"

"As I've said. I am nothing like my mother, and I am no Clyde. I am a woman who does what she wants and gets what she deserves."

Daimon chuckled and his iconic wry grin reappeared on his face, "As I will, I hope that you will remember what you have said to me today."